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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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True.I'm just going to crawl back into my hole now.

You do realise that the fact you didn't "get" some obscure reference isn't a slight on your character? Chin up, big man.
But I'm not with the c00l crew~ now. :(I suppose I'll live.Anyway, some 4 word reviews for you;Die Hard 4 : It Kicked Major AssTransformers : Better Than Die HardBenny And Joon : Quirky, Cute, Nothing AmazingThe Lost Boys : Entertaining 80's Kidult FilmYeh I'm done.
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The Parole Officer


Caught this on C4 last night, and I always enjoy watching it. Sure Coogan plays a bad Partridge, some of the jokes are stinkers and the plot is bonkers, BUT there are some cracking one liners, and a golden feel good feeling. The final 30 minutes is a lot of fun and fans of Brit-com will probably be amused by this inoffensive flick.


Rocky II


After 'going the distance' with Creed and losing Rocky retires with a grim degree of satisifaction. However when his life starts to fall apart at the time when he needs to support his pregnant wife the prospects of a happy ever after ending look slim. So when Apollo publicly taunts Rocky in the mass media, its the final straw.


This film picks up right after the first one ends, with Rocky's bloodied body being taken to hospital after the match of a life time. He is told the vision in his left eye is impaired and recomended never to box again. The film chooses not to go down the easy 'rematch' route for the first hour. And its the best hour of the film, as we see Rocky struggle with living outside of his means, having to go back to manual labour to make ends meet and being seen as a failure by the 'hood. Its Rocky's darkest hour and everything goes from worse to worse. And it's gripping. Really gripping. This means that by the time the fight scene rears up, Rocky is fighting for everything and the viewer feels every punch and is literally cheering from the arm chair.


Sadly, Stallone's performance doesn't quite match that of his in the original (he almost seems too comfortable in the character already), not to say that it isn't a strong performance, it's just not awe-inspiring. Also it sees the start of the Rocky films where all it takes is a training montage to win the finale.


Manages to have enough drama not to be the formulaic style of Rocky 3 & 4, and so is probably worth a watch.

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Toki Wo Kakeru Shōjo




Toki Wo Kakeru Shōjo, or 'The Girl Who Leapt Through Time' to us Westerners, is a Japanese Animated Movie about a young student named Makoto who, after almost being killed in an freak accident involving dodgy bicycle breaks and a train, discovers that she has the ability to quite literally leap backwards in time. At first Makoto uses her newfound power for selfish and trivial purposes but she soon learns that messing with the past can have dire consequences so she sets about trying to make the future a better place for the people closest to her.


When I downloaded this movie (it hasn't been released on DVD outside of Japan yet so it's not illegal) a few days ago I didn't have any expectations, I hadn't heard of the title or the studio who created it before but I gave it the benefit of the doubt firstly because I'm a sucker for a good time travel movie and secondly because I liked the look of the animation. After about five minutes I realized that this was something really special and after ten minutes I was glued to the screen. Clocking in at a mere ninety minutes the movie doesn't drag on, the gags (mostly consisting of Makoto crashing into things post-timejump) are plentiful yet falls perfectly short of overshadowing the overall plot which is actually quite serious, although it never gets too serious, if you know what I mean.


Despite being a story about time travel the movie refuses to alienate the casual viewer by delving too deep into the hows and whys of time travel, if you're expecting something like Twelve Monkeys you'll be disappointed. If you're sick of crappy Hollywood CGI-fests and you feel like watching something a bit different you could do a lot worse than checking out Toki Wo Kakeru Shōjo, it's easily the best film I've seen this year and the fact that it's free means that you've no excuse not to check it out.


Rated 8.3/10 (based on 466 votes) on IMDB.


Get the Torrent here.

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Letters From Iwo Jima


Great movie. Makes me want to see Flags of Our Fathers. I liked the battle scenes which, while not as spectacular as some, was pretty frantic and put you right in there. Most of the characters were pretty good and my only gripe was that it might have been a bit too long. Still, good stuff.


88 Minutes


Pretty absurd at times, although it's also pretty good at times too. The wooden acting of one of the people at the climax is pretty bad to watch. Infact, the entire climax doesn't make for good viewing anyways. The main good thing was in the 'whodunit?' parts of the movie.

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When I downloaded this movie (it hasn't been released on DVD outside of Japan yet so it's not illegal)

:DDownloading anything copywrited without paying or without express permission is still illegal! Released here or not!
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When I downloaded this movie (it hasn't been released on DVD outside of Japan yet so it's not illegal)

Downloading anything copywrited without paying or without express permission is still illegal! Released here or not!
Technically yes, but I doubt the Men In Black would come and kick your door down for downloading a show of film that wasn't available to purchase in your home country (and probably won't ever be released there) anyway.
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Jaws 3 - the shark thing in Cornwall has got me all excited so i decided to go back to something i aint seen since i was about 5. Me and my mate watched this with a few brews and despite this being one of them films than is universally dissed, i aint enjoyed a movie as much in a long time. We just laughed and shouted all the way through it, it aint scary or anything but we just went along for the ride. Lou Gossett Jr's character is classic, the effects are nowhere near as bad as people might tell you (except for the submarine scenes) and its pretty nasty (considering the fucker is rated 12!).


3.3 on imdb this has, fucking nonsense...great fun.

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On a related note, I was in need of a chuckle the other day, so I re-watched Jaws: The Revenge. It's just so insanely bad that I can't help but enjoy it. The fact that anyone, even for a second, considered using this plot, let alone actually made it into a film, is incredible. There needs to be more films in which sharks go looking for revenge, set traps and roar. Genius.

Edited by Stevies Left Nad
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I haven't posted in this thread for a while and i've seen quite a bit and can't be arsed doing lots of write ups so it's smileys all the way.Psycho :thumbsup: Au Hasard Balthazar :sleeping: Millers Crossing :thumbsup: Hud :thumbsup::thumbsup: Garden State :sleeping::bored::sneaky::crazy: I'll add fucking terrible. Although really i should be reviewing this while pulling a Zack Braff feel sorry for me face, with people either going really fast or moving in slow motion behind while FUCKING TERRIBLE MUSIC is playing. Natalie Portman at her most annoying and thats fucking saying somethingMoucette :bored: Obsession :thumbsup: Young And the Innocent :) Noose ;) Imaginary Heroes :) + :crazy:So nearly very good if only it wasn't for the cliches and sign posts The Spirit Of The Beehive :bored: Napoleon Dynamite :thumbsup: First heard about this about a year before it came out and thought it could be fun, then i saw the trailer which made it look rubbish. Watched it and is really great, very 80's(in a good way)and has lots of laughs and heart.The Scarlett Thread :) Could have done with an ending but the twist was goodThe Following :) Chrisopher Nolans debut. Clever but not a lot of thrills. Seemed odd that the guy had a Batman symbol on his door :duh:

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Garden State :sleeping::bored::sneaky::crazy: I'll add fucking terrible. Although really i should be reviewing this while pulling a Zack Braff feel sorry for me face, with people either going really fast or moving in slow motion behind while FUCKING TERRIBLE MUSIC is playing. Natalie Portman at her most annoying and thats fucking saying something

I loathe Natalie Portman, and disliked the music also... but I actually didn't think the film was too bad..
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