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Guest DJM

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True Lies - watched this yesterday for the first time in years, an absolute gem of an action/spy/comedy. This really is one of Arnie's best movies, great supporting cast too including an absolute comedic gold performance from Bill Paxton as the sly car salesman who pretends hes a spy. The movie completely goes off topic for like half hour to concentrate on on an affair thing involving Jamie Lee Curtis, which is the funniest part of the film. The actual action is completely OTT but it's fucking great. This is great stuff.

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Blue Velvet


Such a masterpiece of a movie - Lynch has got the whole thing down to a tee. This film is probably, or so I'm told since I haven't seen all his works, the most accesible of his legendary flicks (such as Eraserhead, Mullholland Drive, Inland Empire).


With an amazing cast, a brillant plot and some fucked up twists this is a film that if your into films you should pretty much make sure that you see it.

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In the past two days I have watched Children Of Men, Brick and Little Miss Sunshine. All 3 were fucking brilliant.

Brick was lame :(
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Troy - i love an epic, fuck knows why i think its the scale of them or something, the battles and all that shit. This was a pretty standard affair based on one of the most famous battles ever (or slaughters whichever way you wanna look at it), i guess i just like the fact that these kinda movies put the stories into pictures if you know what i mean. The Achillies/Hector fight was the best bit, that was a brutal and powerful scene. If you like this kinda stuff you've probably already seen it, if you haven't bang it on son.


The Host - meh, this was a let-down for me. Not so much the fact that it was a bad film, it just wasn't what i was expecting...i thought it would be a full on monster, gore, limbs flying everywhere crazy flick. When in reality its a drama about a kidnapped girl and a family trying to find her (only the thing guarding/hiding the girl is a big fuck off fish-monster). I guess the movie is a victim of poor advertising cause trailers, quotes and whatever make out that your in for a wild one. As with most Korean film the movie adds a strange humor to a very serious story. I've read since watching that the director is a guy who likes to mix genres and fuck with them, and that's definatly the case here. Good, just threw me off a little cause i was expecting a horror movie.

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Very very cool action movie, its about a guy thats a hitman and wake up and is banged up, he finds out some guy put some "crazy chinese shit" in his body and if his pulse goes under a specfic point his going to die. So he tries to find this guy that put it into him and while doing so he got to have his pulse up all the time. The story of the movies goes insanely fast.



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Last week, I also watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning


Ugh, I hated this film so much, about 5 mins in they just gave up explaining (that's being kind) Leatherface and just did another shitty TCM remake. The funniest part was them trying to remake the dinner sequence which is fucking incredible in the original film and they failed in virtually every way. Then they did a chase sequence at the end in almost the exact same way that the did in the first remake. Pile of unoriginal crap, it only bugs me so, because I adore the original TCM and believe it to be one of the greatest horror films of all time. Even though there's only a few year between this and the remake R. Lee Ermy seemed to look ten years older, that didn't help the prequel part much.

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300 - saw it today at the cinema...i dunno, it was lacking something for me. Visually as expected it was pretty fucking impressive, the battles were great and all that shit but it just lacked something in a story sense, its all a little bit flat. The Spartans goto war almost immediately and the whole film is based around a few different days of battle. There's very little shown of the Persians and a little subplot involving Leonidas' wife seems to have no relevance other than too stretch out the length of the movie. But as i said everyone seems to be loving it due to the fact that it looks unique. It's definatly a movie you need to see on the big screen.

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