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Guest DJM

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Stephen Sommers movies are essentially him loudly banging his dick against pots and pans for two hours. That said, I love Joseph-Gordon Levitt, so I'll rent GI Joe at some point.


I'm also a huge fan, and he chews scenery like no tomorrow in this. Clearly he had a blast. Apparently when he was shown concept art of his character he signed on purely because of how much fun he knew it would be. Also I think he's mates with Channing Tatum, but yeah, he's so fucking great in it that I might actually go see it again just for him.

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I watched "Right at your Door" today. (IMDB here)

never heard of it until a few days ago while listening to back episodes of Bloody good horror podcast

The film is about Brad (Rory Cochrane), an out of work musician, and his wife Lexi (Mary McCormack}.


Brad soon discovers (via radio) a chemical explosion, or dirty bomb has taken place in the Los Angeles area.


What follows in the movie is a look into the theoretical local and federal response to such a chemical attack/dirty bomb scenario and how the average person would react to such a scenario..


I really enjoyed the movie, Strong acting from both the leads and it had enough tension to hold you to the end. The use of the real Emergency broadcast signal and the multiple things linked to things the government said after 9/11 about dirty bombs (such as using duct tape!) are in the movie.


It was shot on a low budget but the cinematography is really great. I would highly recommend it.

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I enjoyed Right at your door and I believe it has been pimped once or twice in this thread already. The quiet scenes with the two leads when they're not completely hysterical are particularly good, because the male lead sometimes becomes a bit overbearing to the point where you might lose sympathy for him. But yeah, I'd echo the recommendation.

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Stephen Sommers movies are essentially him loudly banging his dick against pots and pans for two hours. That said, I love Joseph-Gordon Levitt, so I'll rent GI Joe at some point.


I'm also a huge fan, and he chews scenery like no tomorrow in this. Clearly he had a blast. Apparently when he was shown concept art of his character he signed on purely because of how much fun he knew it would be. Also I think he's mates with Channing Tatum, but yeah, he's so fucking great in it that I might actually go see it again just for him.


I have such a man-crush on Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Anything he is in becomes a thousand times better.

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I watched GI JOE the other night, and despite it being way too long and having lots of unintentional humour, I had a lot of fun. I personally don't feel the need to take a film to task that's as gloriously silly as this. Joseph-Gordon Levitt was ridiculous fun and if they are planning on recasting The Joker for the next Batman movie, I'd put him up there as a frontrunner.


Is that the same Joesph-Gordon Levitt from Third Rock from the Sun? I must watch this film if it is.


He's also in Ten Things I Hate About You (which is fun), and Brick (which is great).

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I watched GI JOE the other night, and despite it being way too long and having lots of unintentional humour, I had a lot of fun. I personally don't feel the need to take a film to task that's as gloriously silly as this. Joseph-Gordon Levitt was ridiculous fun and if they are planning on recasting The Joker for the next Batman movie, I'd put him up there as a frontrunner.


Is that the same Joesph-Gordon Levitt from Third Rock from the Sun? I must watch this film if it is.


He's also in Ten Things I Hate About You (which is fun), and Brick (which is great).


Ten Things I Hate ABout You is a guilty pleasure of mine... probably the only teen romcom I can actually enjoy. Thoug Tommy from Third Rock being the Joker... that'd take some adjusting to if it ever happened.


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Tommy from Third Rock being the Joker... that'd take some adjusting to if it ever happened.

The Joker: "Give me back my knife!"

Batman (holding knife above his head): "Touch it, you can have it."


I watched The Escapist on Sky the other night thinking it might have been the film that came out last year, instead it was the one with Jonny Lee Miller from 2001. The premise sounded rather good, with Miller being imprisoned on purpose in order to get revenge on the man who murdered his wife, Andy Serkis. It could've been so much more than it was. With the exception of Andy Serkis, the acting was a tad awful. It also suffered from "What the fuck happened to what's-his-face?!" syndrome, with one definite loose end and some possible others. If you're looking for a good revenge story, this isn't it.

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:yinyang: Well i just got back now and fuck me what a film. It's simply fantastic film with an excellent plot that combines great drama with some cracking dark humour. Brad Pitt is on superb form(yes i'm one of those people who rate him highly as an actor) Eli Roth is nowhere near as bad an actor as i thought he'd be in this but i think the praise has to go mainly to Christoph Waltz who is fucking fantastic as Hans Lander AKA "The Jew Hunter". Whether you're a fan of Quentin's movies or not i highly recommend you see it but i should point out that about 60% of the film is in either German or French not that that bothered me but i know what some people are like.
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If anyone is considering watching The Thirteenth Floor, don't. What a bewildering pile of crap that was about a thousand times worse than the worst Quantum Leap episodes. Whoever told Vincent D'Onofrio that he was putting in a good performance here must be out of their fucking mind. The great Dennis Haysbert is completely wasted in a role that is a crap redo of Edward James Olmos's in Blade Runner and Craig Bierko should not be leading ANY film. Still, it does have Gretchen Mol :love:


3 'jacks' out of 10.

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Just watched See No Evil (starring Kane)


it wasn`t that bad. Seriously. I was expecting a whole load of shite (going by other peoples comments) but it seemed to move along, sure theres about 20 minutes of nothing, but the set pieces were ok, the plot moved along (i`ve seen so many crap horror films where the plot either justs stops or isnt involved at all) and the gore wasn`t bad at all.


Linking the Kane aspect from WWE to Film was probably the biggest mistake they could have made. i feel if they hadn`t pushed the `Kane is a wrestler dont you know?` through the WWE and the DVD itself, it may have stood a little better. The film is only on for like 75 minutes which is exactly about right for this style of picture. Theres problems with it, kane`s not that great a monster, the scary parts arent that scary and theres a few aspects that seem to make no sense, the dog pee bit was so not necessary and the wank scene was way, WAY too much! but its not that far away from being good


The final death is quite well shown, even if a little comedy aspect was thrown in and the dog pee bit was not necessary but as said, it wasn`t that bad.


Is it worth a watch, sure. Is it worth watching twice? nope

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