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Guest DJM

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I really liked Hellboy 2 for the most part but the ending is bloody lazy.

Could you elaborate on your 'lazy'comment? I watched it last night, and although it took me a while to get into it (I was in a mood), I thought it was OK. I waited for the lazy ending but didn't quite understand what you meant. I thought it was obvious that was going to happen, but I wouldn't call it lazy.
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I really liked Hellboy 2 for the most part but the ending is bloody lazy.

Could you elaborate on your 'lazy'comment? I watched it last night, and although it took me a while to get into it (I was in a mood), I thought it was OK. I waited for the lazy ending but didn't quite understand what you meant. I thought it was obvious that was going to happen, but I wouldn't call it lazy.
Please put said comments about the ending in spoiler tags :(Going to see it at the cinema and if it's spoiled I might have to eat this laptop.
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I really liked Hellboy 2 for the most part but the ending is bloody lazy.

Could you elaborate on your 'lazy'comment? I watched it last night, and although it took me a while to get into it (I was in a mood), I thought it was OK. I waited for the lazy ending but didn't quite understand what you meant. I thought it was obvious that was going to happen, but I wouldn't call it lazy.
SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Well that's what I mean, it was FAR to obvious. Sort of like the lazy 'and he woke up from a dream' ending it was a cop out. I like the film and its very like the Hell Boy comic from what I have read but that's not entirely a compliment. It reeked of having seen it a million times before. Everything up until the ending I thought was quite good. The humour particularly was great and I couldn't love the tooth fairy scene any more. It was good fun disposable entertainment.The love interest between Abe and the princess wasn't nearly developed enough for me to believe he would destroy the world for her and yet it was so blatantly obvious what he was going to do and that she was going to kill her self to kill her brother. In a situation like that in a film I or any other member of the audience shouldn't be thinking 'well if your going to do it hurry up about will you', we should be emotionally involved with her sacrifice. So the reason I think it was lazy basically was because if your going to do a clich

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Recently watched Sicko, another Michael Moore documentary. I have to say that the subject itself is really fucked up as it focuses on the US Health System and how people are allowed to die simply because they can't afford life saving surgeries. Eye opening also in relation to the insurance companies.

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Wild Child


If you have nothing planned for a date with the missus and she suggest going to the cinema. Do your self a favour and steer her clear of this one. Other than the massively generic mixed message of act like a slapper but don't actually have sex because sex is bad story line, its just unfathomably uninteresting to watch. I don't sleep in films EVER but I actively thought about having a kip half way through this. When I came out I got a bit angry, not for my self but for the young girls this was targeted at. They seem to get the raw end of the stick when it comes to films time and again.


Sure when I was a kid we had bad movies aimed at boys but there were plenty of good ones and we weren't expected to just HAVE to like it because it was the only thing on offer. Look at Batman & Robin universally panned buy every kid and adult that's ever witness it. Girls on the other hand seem to the same ridiculously tired plot reiterated to them over and over again. Of course this has varying degree's of success but more often than not they at best mediocre. Its just not fair on them. I know I'm not the target audience but a good films a good film and they don't get many. I don't expect many of you to ever have the pleasure of watching this one but do your best to avoid.

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Get Smart


I watched this last night.. it was pretty decent. Had a few really funny moments. There are so many movies out there that are like this.. but I always enjoy a film with Steve Carrell in it.


Oh and.. there was a scene when Khali was with Carrell.. and seriously.. that guy is HUGE. Its even more apparent when he's around 'normal' people.

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Girls on the other hand seem to the same ridiculously tired plot reiterated to them over and over again. Of course this has varying degree's of success but more often than not they at best mediocre. Its just not fair on them.

Perhaps if women stopped fawning over pandering recycled shit like Mamma Mia and Bridget Jones then the studios would stop making it.
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I saw "The Distinguished Gentleman" last night, not the most widely talked about Eddie Murphy effort, but was definately part of his "Good" period. Ultimately its the same characte he always had in his prime: "Rogue with a heart" but solid and entertaining.

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Didnt even know that film existed. Hogan must be pissed!Can they use the WWE eagle belt without permission?Edit - Obviously Hogan admitted in court that he used steroids, but being front and centre of the poster must be a big kick in the balls.

Edited by Rob Lowe
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