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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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Clerks 2 is one of the worst films ever made.

I'd be interested in your Top 5 Worst Films Ever Made. I bet you'd put No Country in there just to piss me off ;)
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Clerks 2 is one of the worst films ever made.

I'd be interested in your Top 5 Worst Films Ever Made. I bet you'd put No Country in there just to piss me off ;)
I don't think he could narrow it down to five. He seems to just hate life and everything in general.
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Once Upon A Time In China - had this for years and never watched it...apparently this kick started the modern craze that led onto stuff like Crouching Tiger, Hero etc. It's a pretty weird film mashing up a period like setting, comedy and all that wirey shit kung fu stuff. I was expecting this to be a real serious piece of cinema but i was wrong. I found it a little hard to follow at times, but the action made up for anything, some great fight scenes in this...very innovative.


The dvd was a little naff though, HK Legends Collectors Edition, but the dvd seemed dubbed in Cantonese, i've had problems with other older Hong Kong films. At times it was in sync, other times it wasn't.


I gotta get me some more kung fu movies.

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Clerks 2 is one of the worst films ever made.

I'd be interested in your Top 5 Worst Films Ever Made. I bet you'd put No Country in there just to piss me off ;)
I don't think he could narrow it down to five. He seems to just hate life and everything in general.
Do you and that really unmemorable guy with the Johnny Depp avatar meet up and circle jerk whilst discussing which one of you is the most obsessed with me? Get a hobby kid.Loki, why would I out NCFOM in the list when it's one of the best films of the year? I want to write my top five worst but I think it should be a thread.
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Clerks 2 is one of the worst films ever made.

I'd be interested in your Top 5 Worst Films Ever Made. I bet you'd put No Country in there just to piss me off ;)
Lol. To be fair Clerks 2 is terrible. The Jackson 5 musical number and the "This is the first day of the rest of our lives" line at the end are so terrible the rest of the movie could be The Shawshank Redemption and it'd still suck a fuck.
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Jeepers Creepers - i remember alot of people talking about this when it came out, most people's way of seeing it was 'good until you see the killer', so i was expecting something ridiculous. I got something ridiculous, but i thought it was fucking cool all the same. It's just a fun, monster movie. I think it threw people by starting like a it's gonna be a chase/slasher like film, but then morphing into something over the top. Good fun :thumbsup:

I thought the second was really good. Can't wait for the third.
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In the past couple of days:The WarriorsI love this film, Slightly camp... okay very camp, good characters, a simple but clever story with a dark side. Made me want to play the game again :DNear DarkThis came out in 1987, the same time as The Lost Boys and it got lost in the shuffle, which is a shame because apart from the ending I find it to be a far superior film. That's not saying Lost Boys was poor, but if the Lost Boys is the more 'magical goonies style' movie Near Dark is the dark half brother that hides in the corner and frightens the cat. Think of the cast of Aliens (Hicks, Vasques, Bishop) as really fucking nasty vampires, throw the 'magic' out the window and you've got a down to earth gritty movie. My favorite Vampire film. Oh and the Bar Scene is one of the best scenes in any movie ever. Really.

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Clerks 2 is one of the worst films ever made.

I'd be interested in your Top 5 Worst Films Ever Made. I bet you'd put No Country in there just to piss me off ;)
The two Hostel films would deserve a mention methinks - especially number two, who would have though it was possible to make cutting off someones todger boring?My biggest problem with those two is that I think they might have turned me a bit racist. We currently have a group of eastern europeans working downstairs and they all rather dark and broody, I can't help thinking that they might be planning something.
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I watched Hancock last night...It made me laugh a fair few times, and I didn't hate it. It was nice to see Will Smith doing comedy again.. But it was instantly forgettable, and the plot was so flimsy and rubbish. Glad to have seen it, but also very glad I didn't see it at the cinema.

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I got Gotham Knight recently and i loved it. It's just a collection of ten minute animation shorts but they are all so well written and drawn you'd be hard press not to find a story you like. Don't worry about the first tale which is quite good but nothing new or special.Not to everyone's taste but i got Laurel and Hardy's Way Out West recently. It's a beautiful film that'll just make you laugh with some classic moments and dialouge. "Is it true my father's dead?" "I hope so we buried him."

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Clerks 2 is one of the worst films ever made.

I'd be interested in your Top 5 Worst Films Ever Made. I bet you'd put No Country in there just to piss me off ;)
I don't think he could narrow it down to five. He seems to just hate life and everything in general.
Do you and that really unmemorable guy with the Johnny Depp avatar meet up and circle jerk whilst discussing which one of you is the most obsessed with me? Get a hobby kid.
My hobby is circle jerking with him. It's not that i'm obsessed with you, you just seem to search the threads looking for things to hate.
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I got Gotham Knight recently and i loved it. It's just a collection of ten minute animation shorts but they are all so well written and drawn you'd be hard press not to find a story you like. Don't worry about the first tale which is quite good but nothing new or special.

I watched the classic Batman movie with Adam West last night. "...and that shark was pulling my leg, like the Joker!" Wonderful camp cheese.Also watched Spinal Tap which I hadn't seen for years and forgot most of the good stuff, so it was great to have a few giggles at it all, especially the way they interact throughout the film; Mallrats, still funny but odd seeing Jason Lee look so young and playing frustrated so well after getting used to the more laid back Earl Hickey; and Star Trek VI, by far the best of them all with the political tone, especially love the discomfort between the two camps when Gorkon and co come aboard the Enterprise.Next on my list is to rewatch the Back to the Future trilogy and I may build myself up for Nacho Libre - I'm not expecting much, so with low expectations I may actually enjoy it a little.
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