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Guest DJM

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Clockwork OrangeSaw this as part of a College assignment. As a film it raises interesting points about social expressionism and themes like freedom. It's also clever in that whilst you originally find yourself hating the main character, later on you begin to feel sorry for him as the story progresses. Not to my personal taste, but as a film it's certainly thought provoking and interesting viewing.

Another example of a film ruined by not keeping to the books original ending.
What is the books ending then?
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I watched Sunshine on Sunday and found it to be an incredibly convulted mess of a movie that had lots of big ideas and themes it wanted to get across but had no idea how to actually pull it off. I'd recommend you avoid it.

Definitely one of those movies that loses ** in the final third.
Yeah I couldn't agree more. It's like Danny Boyle has no idea how to end a film. 28 Days Later seems to have a tacked on ending just like Sunshine. Also Trainspotting doesn't end particularly strong either. I really like Sunshine right up to the end where as you say 2 stars fell right off.
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I watched Sunshine on Sunday and found it to be an incredibly convulted mess of a movie that had lots of big ideas and themes it wanted to get across but had no idea how to actually pull it off. I'd recommend you avoid it.

Definitely one of those movies that loses ** in the final third.
I thought it was pretty mediocre for the first two thirds aswell to be honest.
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The Last King Of Scotland


I picked this up on DVD in Burma a while back, and got round to watching it last night.


I was expecting more of a biopic of Idi Amin's tenure as President, but instead it glosses over the details of his regime instead setting itself up as a tense thriller film instead with the plot revolving round McAvoy's character Nicholas Garrigan. Whilst this was slightly disapointing, the film was strong in enough aspects that I ended up almost forgiving it with such a outlandish plot in what could have been a real fact based film.


The sense of claustrophobia that Amin has over Garrigan is really well conveyed, and the film has some genuinely suspenseful moments. Plus McAvoy & Whitaker are simply stunning in their roles, far stronger than the film itself which is a huge shame. The film feels like a snappy thriller rather than a slow burning view of a mad man dicatator through the eyes of a Scotsman.


However, the performances from the leads mean this film is probably worth your time regardless.

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I recently saw that 'Flushed Away' and I have to admit that (although not a big fan of pixar type productions) it was a really enjoyable and funny movie. I loved the boat chase scene's as well as the freezing scenes too.I saw 30 days of night the other night, that movie really shit me up! I was a nervous wreck throughout and finally a movie that can actually scare me (all these gore-fests are just a bore now). The actor playing the lead vampire (type) guy was amazing actor and it was all well put together. I do think that the ending was poor but thats cos there wasn't a definitive ending (they just walked away!)Saw 4 , seemed to be a huge rehash of the first two. The twist was good but there was needless blood and guts for the sake of it. I did like how they showed why 'Saw' snapped and started 'testing' people though. There was no real reason to test the star of this one. Just because he wanted to save everyone and cared so much doesnt make him a bad guy. Just seemed like another reason to test someone. Man on the Moon... this has been out for ages but I got around to seeing it again recently. What a great movie! I think Jim Carey was amazing in the film and really put on a great show. Seeing Lawler and JR in it was a blast too. Really really well acted and doesn't get the credit it deserves.

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30 Days Of NightWow, this was fucking awesome. So much better than what I was expecting. It's atmospheric, creepy, seriously violent (it's rated 16 over here which stunned me considering some of the gore on display), and has characters you actually care about. Mostly good performances too, especially Danny Huston as the lead vampire. Go see it!

Mr. Seven in 'i like a movie' shocker!!'...actually i just seen it and i fully agree, movie was great fun. Definatly the best horror movie i've seen at the cinema since The Descent (the vampires in this were pretty similar to the dweller people in The Descent). And i agree with the rating argument, this was some brutal stuff, especially the decapitation of Billy. I'll definatly be picking this up on dvd.Rendition - saw this aswell, i really enjoyed it. The movie has flopped big-time in the US, which kinda proves people don't wanna see terrorist movies, they'd prefer to see Chuck marrying Larry. Anyway's i like this kinda movie, strong (but slow) thriller with a killer little twist towards the end and a serious message which applies to today's world. All the actors involved have small but effective roles. I liked. Edited by Ebb
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About Schmidt - man, what a depressing flick! basically Jack Nicholson's life has fallen apart (retired, wife dead, wife getting married) and he's stuck in a rut. He tries things to perk himself up, like going on a big road trip. The movie's is meant as a comedy but not in an exactly laugh out loud way, Schmidt just gets into awkward situations again and again. I can imagine alot of older people seeing this and being really upset by it (hehe). Anyway's, the whole movie builds towards an absolutely fantastic ending, which was equally sad and uplifting, powerful stuff.


Rescue Dawn - i've been meaning to see this for ages, Werner Herzog directed Vietnam flick. Christian Bale and Steve Zahn flee a prison camp and go on the run in the jungle, it's pretty wild but it didn't have the grittiness i was expecting, the scenes in the camp whilst harsh didn't give me that feeling of horror, maybe it's due to Bale's character being a bit of a madman and laughing at everything (Bale is great). The escape is kinda Apocalypto like. First vietnam movie in awhile that i've seen. Worth checking out.

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