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Guest DJM

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Yeah cheers for that. Its always worth being able to look up reviews.Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas - Criterion edition. I'm sure many have seen this and no doubt love it as do I so its more the actual DVD that I think is worth talking about. What I would like to say is that the first 60 minutes are amazing. Really engrossing and very funny with countless quotable lines. For some reason once Dr Gonzo leaves on the plane at around 60 mins in I always seem to detach from the film slightly when compared to how engrossed I am to start with. That is not to say that the latter half is not great, because it is also funny and inventive but I really feel like its running out of steam. I

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I just HAD to wait for this to download so as I could watch it. It's ... well, lets say un-nerving. The characters are all a bit unhinged. Well, not ALL of them. Most of them though. Even ones who don't see unhinged when you first meet them begin to unravel. There's one character in particular though who has a scene that is just god awful to watch. The last line of the scene was just pure horror. I'm not going to watch it again. Not because it's a bad movie, but there's just too much of it that I don't want to watch again. I DO recommend it though. Looking at it, it's fucking terrific. Anything that can get the emotions running like Happiness did for me deserves some credit. Just be prepared for a pretty harrowing ride at times.

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Yeah I thought that too! Hasnt even been shown on Sky yet?


The same thing happened with Terminator 3. It found its way on FIVE out of the blue (I think it was a year after it was released aswell!




Death Sentence


My girl ended up chosing this one over 1408 (surprisingly!). It was OK. Not as bad as some of the reviews its been getting.. but not that great either.


Most of it was an exact rewrite of Taxi Driver... especially the last 15 minutes or so! I dont know if thats what was intended.. but some of the scenes looked like an identical copy.


Kevin Bacon was pretty good.. but I dont think I'd ever be able to see him in the same way since he starred in The Woodsman!


40 Year Old Virgin


I watched this again yesterday (probably for the 3rd time).. and even though I know all the jokes.. its still just hilarious!! Seth Rogen is fastly becoming my favourite actor at the moment.

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The Queen: My first thought was that not getting an actress to play Diana was a very bold decision on the part of the director. Footage of the real people (Diana, Bill Clinton, mourners at Kensignton Palace) dispersed with actors gives it an edge of authenticity and realism that a lot of biopics lack. I know Mirren got a lot of praise, and deservedly so, but Michael Sheen is good as Tony Blair. If I did have one complaint though, it was that the film tries to make Blair too much of a good guy. Like he's the knight in shining armour that single handely saves the royal family out of the goddness of his heart. When in real life he had strong political motives for helping them, and his speeches about the "people's princess" were mostly from the pen of Alistar Campbell trying to exploit the public hysteria.I enjoyed it, and as always Prince Philip (James Cromwell) gets the best lines.Oh, and all you Diana fans on the UKKF (yeah, right) will pleased to know there's a big movie biopic of her life being planned for 2008. Lindsay Lohan wants the part. Seriously.

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Without giving me any spoilers, what do people think of Whats Eating Gilbert Grape? I've seen practically every film Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio have done but have never seen this. I've got it on DVD and I'm going to watch it tonight, can't wait!

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Without giving me any spoilers, what do people think of Whats Eating Gilbert Grape? I've seen practically every film Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio have done but have never seen this. I've got it on DVD and I'm going to watch it tonight, can't wait!

Great performances from Depp and Leo, but this aside the film is nothing special. Despite what people say.Also I watched This Is England again with my gf on sat night, on second viewing it's just as good although the final scene does loose some of its shock value. However, this is still one of my favourite films of the year.Also caught Annie Hall whilst drifting in and out of sleep yesterday afternoon, what I saw of it was funny. Edited by ukedge87
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Anyone seen 1408 yet?I'm thinking of going to see it, but don't want to if the storyline is "man goes mental in a hotel room". Is there anything more to it?

Oh yes, there's more to it. It's a goodie.

Death SentenceMy girl ended up chosing this one over 1408 (surprisingly!). It was OK. Not as bad as some of the reviews its been getting.. but not that great either.Most of it was an exact rewrite of Taxi Driver... especially the last 15 minutes or so! I dont know if thats what was intended.. but some of the scenes looked like an identical copy.Kevin Bacon was pretty good.. but I dont think I'd ever be able to see him in the same way since he starred in The Woodsman!

I agree with the Taxi Driver comparisons, however I found out that Death Sentence was based on a novel of the same name, whch was released a year before Taxi Driver. Still, I thought it was a decent film, and Kevin Bacon was pretty damn sick in it.
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Death Proof - weird f'n movie, i knew it was gonna be a throwback to the grindhouse/exploitation flicks, they aint something i know much about but i'd been looking forward to this for ages. It's hard to say i enjoyed it, all i can say is, not much happened, other than the two main car sequences not much happens. Having said that the chase was cool. I don't see how Tarantino could have expected this to be a hit at the box office, i'd say 95% of people who goto see this will f'n hate it.


I dread the audience reaction when it's released over here later this month. Still, it's an interesting project, i'd have loved to have seen it in it's full Grindhouse glory though.


It aint for everyone.

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Anyone seen 1408 yet?I'm thinking of going to see it, but don't want to if the storyline is "man goes mental in a hotel room". Is there anything more to it?

It's ok. Good set-up, great performance from John Cusack but it goes off the rails a little at the end.
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I've read the short story of 1408 but have yet to see the movie. I'm cautiously looking forward to seeing it. As for the movie going off the rails at the end; the art of bulding up suspense and spinning a gripping yarn only to deliver a massively anti-climactic or nonsensical ending is something that King unfortunately tends to excel at in my experience. "Cell" and "The Langoliers" are just two of his stories that suffer quite badly from this. I still read pretty much everything he puts out though. Heh.

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Run Fatboy RunWent and saw this tonight not knowing what to expect cos although i loved Simon Pegg in Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, the reviews had been quite mixed for this film. But i really enjoyed it. Plenty of laugh out loud moments and up there with the best comedies of the year.8/10

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