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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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I saw Saw and saw Saw 2 yesterday.I just wanted to use the word 'saw' 4 times in a sentence.But seriously, they were both outstanding films. Far better than your usual hollywood horror flick. By any chance, was Saw a remake of a Japanese film? It's just that anything good Hollywood churns out seems to be nicked lately...

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I saw Saw and saw Saw 2 yesterday.I just wanted to use the word 'saw' 4 times in a sentence.But seriously,

Ha. That reminds me of the Family Guy episode where Peter's dad retires and his boss starts off his speech by blowing one of those party whistle things and then with no emotion whatsoever saying "but seriously."Anyway, I shall probably watch that Wrong Turn movie, I liked the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake so I'll probably like this.Also, got my Lost DVDs recently, Season 1 boxset and Season 2 Part 1, I've watched both several times already :blush:.
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Filthy, Rich & CatflapI love this show. UK Gold have aired it recently, but they made many edits for a number of reasons. In some cases, entire scenes were cut, which is why it's worth having the DVD.Filthy, Rich & Catflap is about showbiz has-been, Richie Rich (Rik Mayall). I suppose one of the reasons that I'm so fond of this comedy series is because I'm a fucking huge fan of his. Anyone who likes Mayall's other work will definitely enjoy this as he plays a very lively, over-the-top character, which he excels at. Edward Catflap (Adrian Edmondson) is Richie's minder. However, he inflicts more violence on him than anyone else. As always, the comedy duo of Rik and Ade are a lot of fun to watch. I think Nigel Planer deserves much more credit than he often receives for playing Ralph Filthy. He's great as a seedy talent agent.Filthy, Rich & Catflap is interesting because it occasionally satires the entertainment industry and takes aim social and political issues. By no means is meant to be taken too seriously, though. It mostly comprises of an abundance of explicit toilet humour and slapstick violence and is totally enjoyable. It's not as good as The Young Ones or Bottom, but acts a nice transition between the two and is certainly funny in its own right.Snakes On A Plane

On board a flight over the Pacific Ocean, an assassin, bent on killing a passenger who's a witness in protective custody, lets loose a crate full of deadly snakes.

Snakes On A Plane really is a throwback to old-school movies. Everything from the thin plot to the exaggerated situation and 80s-esque dialogue is in place.Once we're introduced to the snakes, the film becomes quite entertaining. At times, it's surprisingly tense and has more thrills that I had anticipated. It's also funnier than I expected, whether you're laughing at actual comedic moments or directly at the film. For some reason, Samuel L Jackson pushing an old lady out of the way and saying, "move it, Grandma!" stands out as a highlight to me. :D As for the negatives, Snakes On A Plane does drag towards the middle. Jackson's big line is out of place and should have been put to better use. Also, I realize that it's meant to be corny, but there a few instances of when it's just too corny. The ultra-gay ending, in particular, exemplifies this.Overall, Snakes On A Plane is pretty good in a cheesy way. It's the type of movie that Arnold Schwarzenegger should make a cameo in. I think those calling it the best movie of the year are getting a bit carried away, though, because V For Vendetta, Lucky Number Slevin and Cars are better in their own right. Edited by Van_Dammer
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Overall, Snakes On A Plane is pretty good in a cheesy way. It's the type of movie that Arnold Schwarzenegger should make a cameo in. I think those calling it the best movie of the year are getting a bit carried away, though, because V For Vendetta, Lucky Number Slevin and Cars are better in their own right.

But Cars is nowhere near being one of the best films of the year.
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Overall, Snakes On A Plane is pretty good in a cheesy way. It's the type of movie that Arnold Schwarzenegger should make a cameo in. I think those calling it the best movie of the year are getting a bit carried away, though, because V For Vendetta, Lucky Number Slevin and Cars are better in their own right.

But Cars is nowhere near being one of the best films of the year.
It's better than Snakes On A Plane. Edited by Van_Dammer
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I was ill last week so I rented a few films from Filmflex. I saw:Just Friends (very funny - probably my momentary favourite)Miss Congeniality 2Just Like HeavenEverything Is IlluminatedFlightplanAnd I got Cock & Bull Story from Silverscreen today but not watched it yet.

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But the decapitation where the axe went through the mouth rather than the neck was pretty cool, no? One of a couple of small highlights in what is indeed an average movie.

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