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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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Jay Ross. He doesn't wrestle anymore as he gave up the business to continue his real job as a computer expert, which he earns a lot more from than he ever did from wrestling; even in WCW.

Edited by Natural Born Thrilla
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Who was blitzkreig? And does he still wrestle now?

His name was Jay Ross. He wrestled out of California, worked Mexico and WCW a bit, then retired to become a computer technician. He handed the gimmick to the skinny wretch known as Jack Evans, who was his biggest fan. Evans wrestled as Blitzkrieg II about once and almost killed himself, so decided to not bother again.
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Glacier's real name was Ray Lloyd iirc. After that gimmick finished I think he played a character in WCW similar to the WWF's Coach (the guy who managed Mr Perfect at SummerSlam 1991).

Ray Lloyd briefly appeared as 'Coach' Buzz Stern, and the gimmick was sort of a bully boy high school football coach, and his pupil was 'Luscious' Luther Biggs, the typical fat out of shape student. They appeared on a few vignettes, Biggs wrestled a couple of matches, and then they both disappeared.
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Was a WCW PPV *ever* shown live in the UK?What WWE PPV's did Setanta show?Thank you.

WCW PPVs were NEVER shown live in the UK unless you count the transmissions on satellite channel DSF in the mid 90s, which were of course in german and weren't live in the slightest! I vividly recall the announcers on DSF changing from german to english once to greet those watching in the UK! Hopefully others remember this, and I'm not going mad! So simply put, no.EDIT - I admit defeat. :p It appears Royal Rumble 2004 was shown on Setanta. Edited by The Crystal Maze
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