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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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In December 1991, a new version of the title was established by Super World Sports, Tenryu's company that was affiliated with the WWF.

Tenryu also ran WAR, didn't he? Why did both companies close?
I guess because they ran out of money.
SWS was set up and financed by a multi-millionaire (owner of an optician's chain of all things), with Tenyru running the wrestling side. When the financier pulled the plug, the wrestlers split off and set up various indy groups, the most notable of which was WAR, run (and I believe also owned) by Tenyru.
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Samoan Swat Team in '96 ECW. Was it Samu and Rosey as the tag team? Under the names Sammy The Silk and Big Matty Smalls? How did LA Smooth fit into the whole team?

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Samoan Swat Team in '96 ECW. Was it Samu and Rosey as the tag team? Under the names Sammy The Silk and Big Matty Smalls? How did LA Smooth fit into the whole team?

Yes it was definitely those two as the tag team, but I dunno anything about LA Smooth.
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Does Paul Heyman have any contractual ties left with the WWE?!Or, is he just choosing not to work anywhere else at the moment? ...I'd have thought he'd have been a dead cert for, at least, an on-air role in TNA.

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Earlier this year I seem to remember seeing a new tag team on Smackdown, with a big blonde wrestler who looked a bit like Lance Cade (but wasn't). They're not listed on any official roster lists, and I've never seen them since. Am I going crazy, who were they?

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Loki, that wouldn't be Aaron 'The Idol' Stevens and KC James as Michelle McCool 'teachers pets' would it?!

On August 4, 2006, Stevens made his SmackDown debut when he was introduced (along with KC James) by Michelle McCool as one of her favorite "Teachers Pets." The two went on to defeat Funaki and Scotty 2 Hotty with the help of McCool.The following week Stevens and James defeated WWE Tag Team Champions Paul London and Brian Kendrick in a non-title match. On the August 18, 2006 show, Stevens and James ambushed the Tag Team Champions. Stevens and James got their WWE Tag Team Championship shot against the tandem at No Mercy on October 8, but failed to win the titles. On March 1, both Stevens and James's profile were removed from the WWE website, and they were demoted to OVW.

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Them's the chappies. I remember Idol Stevens from my TEW e-fed, he was in my dev territory [/geek]. But I didn't realise it was the same guy as was in this team.They seem aight, pity they got sent down again.

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Does Paul Heyman have any contractual ties left with the WWE?!Or, is he just choosing not to work anywhere else at the moment? ...I'd have thought he'd have been a dead cert for, at least, an on-air role in TNA.

He's still under contract to WWE. I think they actually renewed his contract and are paying him to sit at home because even though he's not popular at Titan Towers and they have no use for him, they don't want to light a fire under him then send him off to another company where he'll be able to do good things.Going to TNA though...it's amazing enough that Corny and Russo can co-exist. Can you imagine throwing Heyman into that mix? :confused:
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Wasn't Heyman reportedly interested in pursing a project in MMA back along aswell? That's probably another reason.

MMA? Hell no. I think in one of the recent Jim Ross Q&As he mentioned he was writing scripts for tv. But that may just be a nice way of saying that hes home doing nothing.
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