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Your favourite wrestling style?

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I'm a mixed bag kind of guy these days. Give me a show with a bit of variety and I'm happy. Too much of one thing make it dull for me.

A good six match show should have some combination of flyers, technical, big meaty people hitting hard, hardcore, a decent tag, comedy match, story driven match. Even mixing the competitors for a mismatch can be fun. 

At the moment I'd say the bigger wrestler with a load of power moves is my favourite thing. In the past I've prefferd high flying, hardcore and technical at times.

Biggest put off for me at the moment is probably overly long matches as I just don't have the time for them. So squashes and sub 10 minute matches are far more enjoyable. 


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5 hours ago, simonworden said:

I'm a mixed bag kind of guy these days. Give me a show with a bit of variety and I'm happy. Too much of one thing make it dull for me.

A good six match show should have some combination of flyers, technical, big meaty people hitting hard, hardcore, a decent tag, comedy match, story driven match. Even mixing the competitors for a mismatch can be fun. 

At the moment I'd say the bigger wrestler with a load of power moves is my favourite thing. In the past I've prefferd high flying, hardcore and technical at times.

Biggest put off for me at the moment is probably overly long matches as I just don't have the time for them. So squashes and sub 10 minute matches are far more enjoyable. 


Yeah I'm not a fan of overly long matches, sometimes it has a purpose but I get bored when watching matches that just seem long for the sake of being long. I remember at an RPW show the first half main event was Sabre jr Vs Scurll. It lasted about 45 minutes and you could see loads of people heading to the toilet because it just got really boring. 


I agree about a good mix. I went to a Lucha show years ago at the Albert Hall, I'm sure others here went. Only 4 matches but they mixed it up, a minis match, a mixed tag, then Fenix Vs Penta finishing with a 6 man heavyweight. All matches were different and made it an easy watch.

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10 hours ago, garynysmon said:

Feel like I’m in a minority these days but definitely squash matches. I usually have a good attention span and love delving into subjects, but when it comes to wrestling I’m the polar opposite.


I watched AEW Dark pretty much every week, the art of a good squash match is just so lost these days. I always used to like to see what 'one move' the enhancement talent would get in, I always think 'This is your one spot on a major wrestling company so this is your best move'.


Some talent were great at 'doing the job' and it really showed how there was an art to it. WWE would hugely benefit from having a weekly squash match show where green talent could get some ring time and new recruits could learn to bump and sell.

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4 minutes ago, theringmaster said:

I watched AEW Dark pretty much every week, the art of a good squash match is just so lost these days. I always used to like to see what 'one move' the enhancement talent would get in, I always think 'This is your one spot on a major wrestling company so this is your best move'.


I still miss M'Badu and Madi Wrenkowski.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Mr_Danger said:

Kurt Angle style before he was a pill junkie. The perfect blend of technical and big time American wrestling. 

Thats hard to argue with. 

I will say Steiners from their peak had an amazing mix to.  

Edited by quote the raven
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