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FLips' Sega MegaDrive Thread


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Last week's review managed to completely pass me by, which is annoying because I try to keep an eye out for any posts in this thread!

I've never played any Shinobi games beyond a very quick go on those Megadrive Classic compilations, whereby I would get immediately frustrated by the difficulty then go look for something else to play!

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On 2/20/2024 at 1:05 PM, FLips said:

The Revenge of Shinobi has the unique achievement of having multiple versions across multiple decades, with at least four versions on the Mega Drive alone and then compilations and releases right up to the current generation.
This is because Sega for some reason just could not stop using copyrighted characters as bosses. Sometimes they were allowed to and sometimes they weren't and had to change it. Here's a nice breakdown of the major releases if you don't have time to read the included articles.

I'm just impressed that any company keeps good enough digital archives for 20 years that they can still modify the original game in 2009.  It's the same with Nintendo, being able to put original Gameboy games onto the Switch.  

The last time I worked for EA, there was a project ongoing to dig through all the huge archive of released games and get them working on a single browser-based emulator.  People literally digging through boxes stored under a mountain somewhere looking for hard drives and tapes and suchlike.  And there were a lot of gaps where games had simply been lost in all but their final cartridge or cassette tape format.  Or completely lost!

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I've never actually played a Shinobi game, I don't know how I've managed that given the number of Mega Drive collections that I own. 

As far as suggestions for you - I'd definitely recommend Wiz 'n' Liz, especially if you have the option to play it multiplayer. It's an absolute blast. 

I know you've (kind of) reviewed a football game, but Sensible Soccer is so much fun that I can't not suggest it. I haven't played it for years, but I used to love Cosmic Spacehead; I'd be curious to read how that has aged and I'd also be interested in reading your take on one of the stronger Phantasy Star games or on Shining Force. 

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