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Kaz Hayashi

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I’m about to get back in to radio on a semi professional basis. It’s with a station who have been broadcasting online for a while and who’ve just acquired FM also.

Short term plan is to run a couple of live evening shows, and broadcast live from a couple of events.

Long term plan is to build run a station by mid/end of next year. Plans underway with that but it’s a while off.

Anyway, the station I’m joining (which I’ll plug at a later date) are a full on mix bag, all music genres, specialist shows, events, hobbyist and sports.

I have a fairly solid concept of what I want to run. It incorporates quite a few sub culture crossovers, all of which things I have knowledge and a passion for. I’m looking forward to it and will share info later.

Have/do any of you work in radio, professionally or as a hobby?

Do you still bother with listening to radio, especially in the realm of podcasts & Spotify. Is it something you bother with at all?

If you could create a show to your exact preference, what would it cover? Music genres, specialist interests, etc?


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23 minutes ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

Have/do any of you work in radio, professionally or as a hobby?

Ish. After a long career in television, I've recently transitioned into a role scheduling for a multinational public service radio broadcaster. I'm loving it so far, but my experience beyond podcast production is minimal, so I'm intrigued to see what comes up in this thread as I definitely hope to get involved with the more practical side of things in the future, either at work at in my own time. 

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Radio you say? 

Ive worked in radio since 2015. It’s great that you’re  looking to get involved again. I think Radio is the greatest communication out there when it comes to telling stories. TV shows the images but there’s nothing more emotive than conjuring up images in a listeners mind when listening to some real emotive audio. Telling stories on radio is the most creative and intuitive thing out there. I just hope that people keep trying to get involved because it’s not easy.

I did a course in 2015,  cost a bomb. It was a really intensive, practical course based at Radio City in Liverpool over three months focusing on media law and reporting, working with the news team if you were any good. I came out with a recognised qualification in journalism. I went from selling sheds to reading the news on three local stations in Greater Manchester before moving on to reporting and reading back at Radio City last year and now I’ve just finished my second week as North West reporter for Heart and LBC. It’s possible. Just a massive shame the hatchet job that Ofcom have allowed to happen to local commercial radio. 

Best of luck mate and keep going. 

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7 hours ago, Stinky Dad said:

Radio you say? 

Just a massive shame the hatchet job that Ofcom have allowed to happen to local commercial radio. 

Best of luck mate and keep going. 

Yeah I’m looking forward to getting properly in to it. I dabbled in it years ago, and recently co-hosted a wrestling show.

I’m now back involved with with music. I’ve got a degree in creative enterprise (basically music & business) and I’ve got a few projects going on that are very music focused and radio seemed an obvious channel get use.

It’ll sound boring as fuck to most but planning future episodes and linking in with potential guests has sorted by head right out. Was in a bit of a slump, fancied changing a few things and this opportunity came along. So yeah, I’m just itching to get going now.

What’s the ‘Ofcom Hatchet Job’ you mentioned?

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This tells you a bit. 

Basically by reducing the hours that you have to broadcast locally means more network shows hosted by overpaid celebs. For example, a commercial station in Liverpool now only needs to have a locally broadcast show for 4 hours every day. The rest can come from anywhere else in England. 

News, weather and traffic and travel has to stay local so it's strengthened those working in those areas but for presenters and producers many working in local radio are having to find new careers.


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I Think Marcher Sound or whatever it's called now, heart or capital or smooth or something, only has a couple of hours a day of shows not off the network. It used to be wall to wall local content. 

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It’s a shame that. I can’t help but think there might be a resurgence again, there is at least in people wanting to get in to radio.

At the station I’m going to be working with, there were 12 DJS a year ago. There’s currently 32 with 10 currently being trained up. Live DJs from 4.00am until 1.00am every day, and a prerecord in between. 

I’m really not sure about listenership though.Shows are so diverse that you need people to tune in because of the show they prefer, not because of the actual station as such. 

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2 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

I dunno about a resurgence. I don't think Community Radio can replace the old ILR stations. Not even close, to be honest.

Probably, to be fair.

I like the boost in DJs as I mentioned above. I’ve also got a list of sponsors who want to advertise on the show (which explains the growth in DJs as it means coin in pockets) but yeah, listenership is the thing I have no idea about, and where your point is likely correct Butch.

None of the community radio stations I’ve linked in with in the past pay for BARB audience figures. So I’ve never had any idea how many listeners they received. Hopefully this next one will do.

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