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Pitch a wrestling video game


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I would follow the idea of "become a legend" on the Pro Evo games.


Have a few different "Leagues" so to speak. Japan, U.S. Mexico, UK and Europe.


Have a number of promotions per area "League" some of which are obviously more prestigious and famous. For example U.S would have WWE as the Real/Barca type of level.


Much like Pro you could chose to create your own character, similar stat based distribution (Tech, Power, Flying etc etc.)


You would then pick which area you want to start in and would then compete in a Trial Match. Following that match you would get offered two/three contracts with different lower level companies within the geographical area. Pick which one you fancy and off you go.


From there you would take part in different matches etc and begin climbing the ranks of your promotion. Each match would increase your over all level and also level up your specified stats. The more you lean towards a certain style the more you would improve in that area (wrestle a high flying style and your aerial, speed etc would increase)


Much like Pro Evo you would have a agent who you can use to scout out potential moves to different companies that you wanted to work for. For example you could be in ROH and want to head to WWE, the agent would make the contact and see if there was interest. Every time you got a offer you would have to compete in a tryout match etc. an agent could also be used to sell merch etc.


You would get a salary and could chose to put that into merch, trainers, new agent.


There's more to cover but I'm on my phone.


Fire Pro G then?

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That WWE games article is aptly titled. Those look absolutely fucking amazing, and I truly hope someone makes them.


Another idea, though nowhere near as great: a mobile app wrestling game based around the Barcode Battler system (if anyone remembers). You could either choose to play as a pre-made wrestler on the roster (of whichever company you choose), or you choose to make your own wrestler, which would be a whole section in itself - you have to train, which means you scan barcodes and QR codes wherever you find them, and like the Barcode Battler, it uses those codes to generate stats or costumes or how you relate to other wrestlers (like in EWR), e.g. a loaf of Allinson's wholemeal gives you stamina of +5, an iPod Touch gives you a hipster beard, an Umbro shinpad gives you a Heartbreaker/Hammer Jammer, a copy of Powerslam makes you irrationally hate John Cena, etc. You can scan as many as you like, but you can only use ONE code per stat, and once you decide to leave training and play career mode, you have to stick with them - the only way you can improve them thenceforth is by accruing points in career mode, overcoming whatever challenges you face.


Career mode - You start out in a local independent, and you have to fight your way to the top via various challenges. You have a cross-roads point, where you're given ONE chance to scan a code, and that code will decide how you get to the top, a bit like the randomised storylines you got in Legends Of Wrestling II. Once it's decided, whether you go through the tag leagues, or a big feud with an evil stable run by the champion or whatever, you can't change - you must go on. The majority of your opponents on these paths will be decided by code scans, until you get to set storyline characters and the champ(s), which will be preset. Once you fulfill these missions, you move up to better, bigger promotions, and go through the same procedure but with variations and new characters and higher difficulties, etc., until you get all the way to WWE and Wrestlemania.

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I'd create a WWE version of Mario Kart. Only it'd be an interactive game. You have to drive along tracks inspired by back roads of the Southern States while drinking eight cans of lager, smoking three joints and listening to Jim Duggan's tales of rats he's bummed while dressed as Uncle Sam.


For the bonus level, you have to pick up Jimmy Snuka and some suspiciously heavy road kill and drive it to Titan Towers before the Police catch up with you.

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A hybrid Mario Kart/GTA based on WWE would be amazing. Like Mario Kart except like in GTA you get to listen to different radio stations for each superstar as you race. If you're Triple H, you get Motorhead, if you're Stone Cold you get Backstreet Boys and so on.


Did I imagine it, or have they already tried to do "Street Fighter, but with wrestlers"? I don't mean the WrestleMania Arcade Game / In Your House games where they had beat-em-up style button combinations and projectiles, but an actual 2D fighter with no actual semblance of it still being wrestling except that the fighters are Cena and friends?

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Actually, now that I think of it, I've been trying to track down that app game WWE had out last year, the one that was basically Angry Birds, but you had to chuck Cena or Rey or whomever at Triple H (I think). I know it was withdrawn, but does anyone know if there's anywhere else I can find and download it?

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Did I imagine it, or have they already tried to do "Street Fighter, but with wrestlers"? I don't mean the WrestleMania Arcade Game / In Your House games where they had beat-em-up style button combinations and projectiles, but an actual 2D fighter with no actual semblance of it still being wrestling except that the fighters are Cena and friends?


WWE Immortals? I mean, you might have imagined something similar. It's not like they've tried to shove it down our throats on TV and PPV or anything ;)

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