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Wrestling cliches with little thought put into them


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Anyone that says "......... Doesn't need a belt" - well what's the fucking point then.


There is an extensive list of people who don't need a belt to be over or draw. Michaels in his last run or Andre for example, hell guys like Santino. Wrestling is like the circus, only one guy needs to get fired out of a cannon, brother. (I'm well aware that is somewhat of a clich

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Howay man butch, it's fucking wrestling, it has title belts, that's the point. Or why have any belts?

Your reason is Terry's reason for signing a contract, not Hulks, and I'm interested in Hulk, not a Terry.


As a pretend character, why would you sign up to WWE if your not aiming to be the best? Even fucking Virgil got that right, eventually, kind of.

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I remember the days when Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan would mention the winners purse as the reason why two guys are fighting. One I vividly remember is when Money Inc got counted out at Wrestlemania 8, Monsoon says something along the lines of "They'll get the losing side of the purse but I'm sure they couldn't care less as they are still the Tag Team Champions". They always used to bang on about champions and winners getting more money than the losers.

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People say someone doesn't need a belt in a non kayfabe fashion. Why are you confusing the two?


I know they do, but I don't like it basically. I think for me it's the basic epitome of the death of kayfabe, I don't like that, I still like there to be a pretend reason as to why I watch pretend fighting.


If some big daft garf just turns up and has a few scraps, I personally want to know the point. To say so and so doesn't need a belt is a bit wank. I want to believe they will eventually want to challenge, don't always have to win, but paint the illusion of a challenger.


By saying someone doesn't need it creates an image of them not bothering to try for it. Character is over to the point a belts not going to add anything, I just don't like that concept butch

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Yeah, in the world of kayfabe it's still about winning and losing, but I didn't think anyone's meant "Santino Marella doesn't need a belt" when discussing his gimmick and character.

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Aye aye, fair enough. It's more of a personal dislike rather than a cliche anyway after reading back. Still though I do think some people say things along the lines of 'jake didn't need the belt, he was over enough with the gimmick'. For me it's a case of stripping it back to the point of, he's a wrestler and tge gold was, should be the ultimate prize. I still like to think they should contend for it.


Am I completely mental and always misinterpreted people's points on the whole 'doesn't need the belt subject'?

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Aye aye, fair enough. It's more of a personal dislike rather than a cliche anyway after reading back. Still though I do think some people say things along the lines of 'jake didn't need the belt, he was over enough with the gimmick'. For me it's a case of stripping it back to the point of, he's a wrestler and tge gold was, should be the ultimate prize. I still like to think they should contend for it.


Am I completely mental and always misinterpreted people's points on the whole 'doesn't need the belt subject'?


I think it's more that you're intersecting kayfabe & non-kayfabe opinions. Smart fans & wrestlers say things like "Jake didn't need a belt to be over". But that doesn't mean Jake's character on TV ever said that.

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My memory may be a little hazy but was Jake ever even in the title picture?

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He did a Snake Pit with Hogan and DDTed him but got cheered too much or something.




Seriously though, it goes to show the star power they had way back when to not put the belt on Jake. Crack habit and having a transitional move like a DDT as a finisher aside, he'd have had 10+ runs with the belt during the PG SUX era.

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