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Foley is Crud


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AJ did a fucking pipe bomb and it didn't do shite for the womens division. 


AJ was the worst, though. An absolute goon. She was a shit wrestler who shags a good wrestler telling other shit wrestlers who shag good wrestlers "talent isn't sexually transmitted" as though she was scoring points on them.


The Divas Revolution is giving the divas equality with the midcard male wrestlers. The downside to that is that the midcard booking -- let's give them more match time so they can do some workrate -- doesn't make stars of anyone, it just fills time on the show. The biggest reactions any of the women get are in the Lana/Summer Rae feud, and they don't even have matches. Dolph Ziggler's time out to do the film and Cena's time off for the injury have added way more to their SummerSlam matches than weekly attendance would have. It's the same reason Lesnar's such a big deal. Being there every show and getting loads of weekly TV time isn't always the best way to get something ever.

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AJ did a fucking pipe bomb and it didn't do shite for the womens division. 


AJ was the worst, though. An absolute goon. She was a shit wrestler who shags a good wrestler telling other shit wrestlers who shag good wrestlers "talent isn't sexually transmitted" as though she was scoring points on them.


Fucking hell Pictos, you realise you're moaning about a television character who was spouting nothing but scripted words right? Come on, you're better than this. 

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you realise you're moaning about a television character who was spouting nothing but scripted words right?


I can't tell if you're a genuine moron or if you've left yourself logged in and a friend or relative has decided to post what is, essentially, "lol dont u gays no its fake" -- either way, have a word with yourself. Is this the first time you've ever heard anyone say something bad about a performance or a piece of writing?


You can double up the idiocy and have "you're moaning about a television character who was spouting nothing but scripted words" and "you're moaning about a television character who was throwing nothing but scripted punches" as the tag team champions of complete failure to grasp the concept of discussing wrestling.

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I hear Sweden is nice. Plenty of coffee houses where you wouldn't be discussing wrestlers private lives and mixing it up with storytelling to find flaws and generally be a bit creepy. And you can talk tough to the waiters. 


EDIT: Ugh God, you're off writing one of your long, boring ass posts aren't you? You've always been the sort to not get the point and just cry all night so I'll leave you with this.



She was a shit wrestler who shags a good wrestler telling other shit wrestlers who shag good wrestlers "talent isn't sexually transmitted" as though she was scoring points on them.




Night x

Edited by TheShowOff
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AJ did a fucking pipe bomb and it didn't do shite for the womens division. 


AJ was the worst, though. An absolute goon. She was a shit wrestler who shags a good wrestler telling other shit wrestlers who shag good wrestlers "talent isn't sexually transmitted" as though she was scoring points on them.


Fucking hell Pictos, you realise you're moaning about a television character who was spouting nothing but scripted words right? 


That's one of the dumbest posts I've ever read on here. We're all on here discussing a fake scripted sport - your reply could be applied to any post on this entire forum. Should we all just stop criticising everything ever? Because you could apply your logic to any and every walk of life too.



Fucking hell Pictos, you realise you're moaning about some overpaid guy who kicks a bit of leather around a field right? 


Your very existence:

Fucking hell Pictos, you realise that you're just an evolved ape on an insignificant planet in an unremarkable solar system for an irrelevant amount of time, right? Get over yourself & stop discussing stuff ever.

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Am I missing something? I thought Pitcos' point was that AJ's Pipebomb was a bad example because she was "shooting" on people for things that she's guilty of herself. It's a completely valid point. What's creepy about it?


Anyroad, I agree with both Pitcos and DCW. The women can say whatever they want but they'll still be wrestling each other in the same meaningless matches with no proper storyline direction or real character development. If they REALLY wanted them to get over then they'd do what they did with Trish and Lita and associate them with them the guys in actual storylines. The Bellas are pretty shit, but they got over last year thanks to their involvement in the Bryan vs the Authority storyline. WWE quickly stopped giving a shit though, and so did the fans.


Also I thought Foley's blog was a bit patronising. Why is it disrespectful to chant for someone else during a Diva's match but not during, say, Curtis Axel or Zack Ryder's matches?

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Am I missing something? I thought Pitcos' point was that AJ's Pipebomb was a bad example because she was "shooting" on people for things that she's guilty of herself. It's a completely valid point. What's creepy about it?


Criticising someone's sacred cows is what's creepy about it, probably. At least you got the point of it, though. If CM Punk did a promo criticising John Cena for being covered in jean shorts and his own merchandise, it would be completely self-defeating if CM Punk was saying it while wearing a CM Punk t-shirt, CM Punk cap, CM Punk wristbands, CM Punk dog tags, CM Punk scarf, and jean shorts. "You're not as good as me because you do this negative thing [that I do as well]" is a terrible way to kickstart a divas revolution or to distinguish yourself as an individual, which is why that particular "shoot" line was ill-advised and should've been cut.


AJ Lee's weak "pipebomb" failing to ignite anything in the divas division does not mean that the concept couldn't work. It just means that AJ Lee doing a self-unaware rip-off of the CM Punk promo was a terrible way to execute it.


The problem doing it now with the current crop is, what is there to say? Stephanie already did the intro speech that basically said the division needs improvement to catch up with other sports, so there's no raging against the machine to be done. In between the squealing, pissed-up chav act, Paige already has a go at the Bellas for being fame-chasers rather than wrestlers. It's already positioned as the real wrestlers against the model girls who think they're better than them (or was, now it's pretty much just trading losses). Charlotte, Naomi, Becky and Tamina don't seem to have loads to say that they haven't already said. Sasha Banks could maybe do something, but what stones are left to be unturned for someone "shooting" about the women's wrestling? They just need characters and stories. There might be mileage in someone doing a promo to get rid of the Divas branding, but that kind of pandering doesn't fix any of the real issues.

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Add a Sting mask and a DX cowboy hat and that's not a million miles from the genuine Pitcos.


I agree with the King on this - the hypocrisy of the 'shoot comments' undermine them.

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:laugh:  Yes, how audacious of me to mention wrestlers' private lives when discussing a wrestling promo that mentioned wrestlers' private lives... How backwards are you, exactly?


Morning Pictos.


Ugh, the story line was AJ ripping on (mainly the Bella's) for Total Divas... you know, a WWE show strongly highlighting the Bella's relationships with John Cena and Daniel Bryan. Storyline wise, it all fit. You get that right? You trying to say she is the worst because she privately was dating CM Punk (something never referenced on TV) and using that as a metric of hypocrisy is asinine. Despite spelling it out for you, you still won't understand that and you'll still come back like a dribbling Terminator, that's just you. 


Saying I have sacred cows is weird considering I probably haven't mentioned AJ once in the years I've here (or any other Diva for that matter). That's some desperate low hanging fruit grabbing on par with Herbies long, off point, rambling and typically miserable post. 

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