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Foley is Crud


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Sorry Herbie I don't have proof. I worked it out myself that Mick Foley hiding wings in his bumbag and them showing a replay of his cheating on the big screen was planned, as opposed to him actually trying to win.


If he didn't cheat then we wouldn't know there even was a wing bowl, but now we do.

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Some people still claim Montreal was a work FFS; so if it ever comes out it was after 20 years, they can say "I told you so". Seems very stubborn & stupid.

It is crazy that anyone could still think it was a work, I remember explaining on here back at the time, there is actually no way it could ever be a work because of one interesting fact that I can't believe many other people haven't noticed, especially even last year I am pretty sure the American commentator that used to the 1PW shows made a DVD with a lot of ex-wwe guys and indy guys debating if it was a work, I am sure Cabana, Corino and Raven were on it.


When Owen died, his wife was in the process of trying to sue WWE, and Bret sided with her and was banging on about how bad he was treated, his inclusion in the case was thought to add additional weight against Vince and WWE.


WWE / Vince used the montreal incident to basically have Bret tarnished and nullified in the eyes of the courts as "bitter at how his employment ended" and his "evidence" was rulled as baised due to the historic relationship with WWE


So in the lawsuit against the death of his brother and supporting her wife, all Bret had to say when they objected and accused him of being bitter or having a vendetta, was to declare it was all just a fake storyline and it would have kept Bret's evidence and credibility intact, if there was any kind of possibility it could have been a work, Bret would have to have lied in court during the trial of his dead brother to keep a wrestling storyline a secret. Er Yeah!

Edited by Mark Sloan
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I'd say this tweet before he went to the thing proves it was a work.


Mick Foley @realmickfoley  ·  Jan 29

Getting ready to rock @WIPWingBowl tomorrow! I will follow the wrestler's creed: win if I can, lose if I must, but always cheat!

It was a cheap stunt to get publicity for this daft contest. I'm no Foley fan, but fucking hell.

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I'd say this tweet before he went to the thing proves it was a work.


Mick Foley @realmickfoley  ·  Jan 29

Getting ready to rock @WIPWingBowl tomorrow! I will follow the wrestler's creed: win if I can, lose if I must, but always cheat!

It was a cheap stunt to get publicity for this daft contest. I'm no Foley fan, but fucking hell.



Thank you - looks like a work in that case. But always best to check, because wrestling fans cry work at everything for fear of being outsmarted.




Some people still claim Montreal was a work FFS; so if it ever comes out it was after 20 years, they can say "I told you so". Seems very stubborn & stupid.

It is crazy that anyone could still think it was a work, 



Embarrassing, more like.

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No fear of being out smarted. Just stating the obvious. You appear to be the only one getting your knickers in a twist over nothing Herbs.


Why are you exaggerating my reaction to all this?



Widdy85: Do you morons realise this is totally like, a work loike, ja? DUH!! Smarten up.

Me: Where's your proof?

DiceClay: Here's a tweet.

Me: Cool - seems legit - thanks.

Widdy85: OMG, why are you freaking out!!!??

Edited by herbie747
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So it's just easier to say he cheated & got caught intentionally without proof, because you don't want to be seen to be getting worked? So best cover yourself just in case?


I'm not saying it was or wasn't a work - but wrestling fans are too quick to claim everything is a work for fear of getting caught out. Some people still claim Montreal was a work FFS; so if it ever comes out it was after 20 years, they can say "I told you so". Seems very stubborn & stupid.


The Foley chicken wings probably was done on purpose, but only because I can't think of any motivation he'd have for doing it. But if anyone actually has any proof, just spit it out instead of giving us the smug "you know it was a work, right?"

This would be the post I'm referring to.

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Thing is though, what Mick doesn't get is that we've all sussed out that he's probably always been like this. In his books he came off like a somewhat lovable friendly perennial loser who made it to the top through hard work and taking risks, who might've been a bit tight sometimes but was generally a good guy. However, more and more of his recent life decisions and public actions have made it clear that he was probably always a petulant man child with a deep hatred for spending money.


I'm not sure, really... I don't think Mick Foley is necessarily an arsehole or anything - but he set himself up for this fall when his book earned him a reputation as a down-to-earth, personable guy and he enthusiastically grabbed it with both hands and ran with it. Even those who are fed up with Mick are going to be a lot more disappointed if Foley takes advantage of fans or acts petulant than they would if, say, Kevin Nash did the same thing. I think, ultimately, he's a normal guy who has artificially pushed himself as the "nicest guy in wrestling". Combine that with the fact he lives in constant pain which is going to affect his mood and personality, and he's never going to live up to the ideal we had of him in 2001.


On that note though, who actually is the nicest guy in wrestling? Isn't it supposed to be Bobby Eaton?

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Mick Foley has disgraced himself beyond belief since his original retirement 15 years ago. He was a hero to me once, now I honestly couldn't care less if he died.

A lot of this thread is very funny but fucking hell, this comment.

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