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The Wrestling Transfer Thread


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*Rules: pick a manager and provide who they should have went for at the time they were managing. Any era.


Back in 1991, when Slick had The Warlord's services, I always felt he should have made a play for The Barbarian and try and get the band back together. With the retirement of Bobby Heenan, there was a lot of talent on the table. John Tolos signed Mr Perfect, which was shocking in retrospect. That was like Romario playing in the Brazil league when he was still great because they provided all the pussy and Cuban cigars he could ever want. Perfect could have had a better manager than that. Jimmy Hart was in his faze of bringing fat lads in, so he was surrounded by the Nasties and Earthquake and Typhoon at the time. He even got rid of Dino Bravo, because he was in good shape (probably). Jimmy could have had a winner there if he wasn't into his men squashing snakes and sitting on people.


In 1993, Sensation Sherri should have tugged at the heart strings of her old charge Randy Savage, when Michaels was treating her like shit. Instead she stupidly turned to fat Indian Tatanka. As much as booking gets slaughtered to day, if this was 2013, they would never have missed the trick of Sherri and Randy reuniting to feud with Shawn and Luna. Shawn vs Randy at WrestleMania IX would have been belting.


I always felt IRS was a Fellaini style signing for Ted Dibiase in the Corporation. The money was there for someone better, but he brought his mate in for a bit of familiarity. I mean, Hogan cut a promo in WCW (which many forget) saying Ted was bankrolling the nWo. So in storyline Ted had the money to pay Hogan, Hall, Nash, The Giant and a bloke to get plastic surgery to look like Sting. So he could have brought in more than IRS and Tatanka. I imagine a message board dedicated to the Million Dollar Corporation with stuff like "DiBiase linked with Vader in a swap deal for Nikolai Volkov" and stuff like that. Never got why they brought Irwin back. Bam Bam needed someone better than IRS to help him dominate the Headshrinkers and Shawn and Diesel. Even Mable would have done.


Jim Cornette should have tried to get Lex Luger into Camp Cornette. Luger proved for years he was a shifty character, so he would have totally jumped at the opportunity to stick one on Bret Hart or Diesel. You could have had a foursome of Davey Boy, Owen, Vader and Lex Luger. Some group that.


I remember going to bed after Royal Rumble 92 thinking that it would be great if Sid joined Flair/Hennig and Heenan. Even though on the night he got a massive cheer, i still knew or thought it would be him who ended up the baddie. Then when they done the ludicrous dubbing job with Monsoons commentary and the fans on Superstars, it was confirmed he would be turning. Sid as their enforcer would have been great. Instead that little turd Wippleman got the managers job. Think him and Sid were buddies as he managed him very early in his career.

Sid was great that night playing up to the cheers. Made Hogan look a bit of a chump, not often that happened. Hogan was totally in the wrong that night, i really wanted Sid to win that match.

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Whole "Coach" situation was rather weird IMO. He was thrown into a pretty big spot and nobody had a clue who he was. He barely lasted a few weeks, didn't he?


He was a pretty big name in the 50s and 60s (John Tolos) though.

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Papa Shango should have been linked to Wippleman and a made over Kim chee. Fuck inking up the warrior, he should have returned in 95 to sort out Taker, as a super powered Shango with better voodoo.


The million dollar corp sucked balls really. Obviously went places with the NWO but the wrestlers in the WWF version just lacked main eventers. I always thought a couple of big names would have been better, rather than several wastes of time. Diesel and Razor were the lads to bring in, along with Austin later on.


Mr.fuji bringing in Hakushi would have been cool. Him in a stable with Zuna, bulldog and Owen, having Zuna as champ, Hakushi as IC champ and Davey and Owen as Tags, yeah. I know 95 was a funny one as Zuna tagged with Owen, the one off with bulldog and then the eventual spilt. But the 4 of them would have been cool and may have saved the Hakushi gimmick.


Was Rob Fuller actually ever any good? I've never seen his stuff from the terrotory days but he was dreadful in WCW and the WWF


Bit more on topic, I liked it when DiBiase basically rebooted the Million Dollar Corporation with just Kid and Sid, shame it never went anywhere as I remember as an 11 year old thinking the Corporation was going to be good now the nobodies had gone and he had those two with him

  • Paid Members
Was Rob Fuller actually ever any good? I've never seen his stuff from the terrotory days but he was dreadful in WCW and the WWF


Bit more on topic, I liked it when DiBiase basically rebooted the Million Dollar Corporation with just Kid and Sid, shame it never went anywhere as I remember as an 11 year old thinking the Corporation was going to be good now the nobodies had gone and he had those two with him


I never warmed to the corp. it should have been tge natural successor to the heenan family but it never was.


Speaking of the heenan family, how I wish that the brain busters flair and possibly perfect formed a wwf horsemen. Obviously it would have meant flair joining a year or 2 previous. But the idea of those 4 with heenan as the mouth piece... Yes please


I remember thinking that Booker T might have joined Teddy Long's little black panther group back in 2003. Booker could have got down with the brown and added some star power to what was a bit of a lacklustre stable. I back the Mack and all that, but the likes of Christopher Nowinski, Jazz and good ol' Rodney could have used the rub by having a big name run with them. Would have given Booker something different to do as well. Raw was pretty shite around that time so it wouldn't have done much harm.

*Rules: pick a manager and provide who they should have went for at the time they were managing. Any era.




I mean, Hogan cut a promo in WCW (which many forget) saying Ted was bankrolling the nWo.



Wasn't it the storyline that Bischoff was behind the nWo all along, and only got caught out cos he bullshitted about Piper? Suppose it could be the case that once the they got going, they were able to buy him out, but keep him on, at least till he buggered off and started managing the Stieners.


That'd be my pick actually, Dibiase in 98 should have added more babyface wrestlers at the end of his run, Was he still around at the time Flair disbanded the horsemen? I can see him managing say, Benoit and Malenko. Perhaps he could have been a kind of rehabilitation for nWo deadbeats after they get chucked out of the factions.

  • Paid Members
Wasn't it the storyline that Bischoff was behind the nWo all along, and only got caught out cos he bullshitted about Piper? Suppose it could be the case that once the they got going, they were able to buy him out, but keep him on, at least till he buggered off and started managing the Stieners.

Not initially. The storyline was they were Outsiders for a few months with DiBiase bankrolling them. And when they suddenly started showing up all the time as if they ran the place and getting stipulations like World title shots and tag title shots even though they never worked there, it was explained that Bischoff jumped on board and was helping them from within. Bischoff said in his first heel interview that he got on board as he lay in a hospital bed after Nash gave him a power bomb through the table. They explained it like Bischoff was always a scum bag and then the nWo showed up Bischoff jumped on it to gain even more power than he had.


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