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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Passable Raw, looking forward to the Strowman Zayn last man standing match. The thing with the Club and the Dusty doll was a good angle, shame the Club have to be rehabbed at snail's pace until either Balor's back or there's an opportunity to draft them

Apart from that, I'm just looking forward to tonight's packed SmackDown mostly, and to a lesser extent 205 Live. Neville continues the good work, really enjoyed his promo and Gallagher and Daivari are having a "gentleman's duel", how can that not be good?


I don't know why scotsbuzzkill insinuates that I laugh at Neville and Sami Zayn. they're in serious angles and storylines. it's a variety show and the brand comedy on offer from the likes of Owens and Jericho is a lot better than it used to be. in a perfect world your comedy is further down the card than the main event but christ would you cut it out with the "I've figured out why wrestling is less popular than in 1998" essays?

Edited by sj5522
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Hasn't wrestling always been a little bit shit.


Whether it's talking zombies, midget luchadores, eggs hatching, black ooze, puppies, giants being unrecognizable in a mask, big daddys, twin magic, arms that never heal or wrestlers never hitting a move off top despite trying every week for decades.


It lives in its own little bubble like most TV.


I mean Jessica Fletcher is either the most unlucky woman on earth or a serial killer. I'm not joking if I saw her enter a room I'd kill someone to stop myself being murdered.


Delboy is a selfish dick


Every Nana in the country should fuck up their grandkids for entering a tv talent contest.


Now do I think WWE is amazing no but it's better than its been for a long time. The attitude era had high and low spots, the cartoon era had high and low spots and wos had high and low spots.


I think Smackdown is the best best wrestling in telly at the minute.

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I'm not talking about eras having high or low spots. The thing is with all those eras, wrestling was still wrestling. They didn't try and change what wrestling was, it was either bad or good depending on the gimmicks and wrestlers and storylines, the actual wrestling portion of it never changed.



What WWE has done now is they haven't just stripped away the focus being on characters and storylines but the actual inring wrestling is just people no selling moves and jumping through the middle ropes and kicking out of finishers. It's like changing the fundamentals of wrestling. Heels don't get heat. Babyfaces don't do anything to make you like them. Everyone looks like regular people on the street. They've changed everything.

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I'm not talking about eras having high or low spots. The thing is with all those eras, wrestling was still wrestling. They didn't try and change what wrestling was, it was either bad or good depending on the gimmicks and wrestlers and storylines, the actual wrestling portion of it never changed.



What WWE has done now is they haven't just stripped away the focus being on characters and storylines but the actual inring wrestling is just people no selling moves and jumping through the middle ropes and kicking out of finishers. It's like changing the fundamentals of wrestling. Heels don't get heat. Babyfaces don't do anything to make you like them. Everyone looks like regular people on the street. They've changed everything.

There must be some kind of mistake, this post is only two paragraphs long

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We literally had genetic roid freaks all over the product for decades, once you've processed that post-Benoit change in superstar-look it shouldn't be an issue, I love a bit of Big Poppa Pump and such but it really doesn't take that much in your head to appreciate that Neville is ripped as fuck, Daniel Bryan would still snap your arm in half if he had to, etc. compared to people you meet everyday. The people that work in the local call center have not overtaken the wrestling business. Taste is taste and if you need your guys to look like Luger or whoever fine, there's the network. But don't act like it's some symptomatic problem of the business, there's other things you can point to first such as stale format that are far more irksome and problematic than the talent being comprised of kinda relate-able people who just happen to be incredible athletes - that last bit is the big part of the appeal now..that they're a bit more relate-able and "everyday" (supposedly), that's a big part of the characters of Bryan, Zayn, Bayley, Sasha and more. that gets people invested, that's a fact. 

Most of us still watching week by week WANT to get behind whoever, you just seem like you want to have a whinge at people who don't have SICK GAINS~!

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What WWE has done now is they haven't just stripped away the focus being on characters and storylines but the actual inring wrestling is just people no selling moves and jumping through the middle ropes and kicking out of finishers. It's like changing the fundamentals of wrestling. Heels don't get heat. Babyfaces don't do anything to make you like them. Everyone looks like regular people on the street. They've changed everything.

I agree that the no selling is annoying especially in floppy flop matches but I don't really care for that style of wrestling anyway.


I really don't believe that they look like ordinary folks they are all really well built and most over 6ft. This when we have the highest rate of obesity in history.


The heels don't get heat thing is interesting because the Uso's, Alexa Bliss, Carmella, Corbin and Miz are all classic heels.


Same can be said of Rusev.


With regards to the moves haven't people been coming off their feet and through the ropes for 30 or 40 years now?

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We get it, it's not for you. So why do you care?


I no longer like Eastenders. Haven't watched for years. I don't spend anytime wondering why other people still do.


Just do something else.

This is a great point. About 5 years ago I was so invested in my Corrie. they had two truly great comedy characters going in the sharp as fuck Blanche and loveable goofy window cleaner Graham, they also had the guy John who was constantly followed around by incidents in his life shiting everything up and it became very entertaining to see which god awful unbelievable palava he'd find himself in next time. The actor who played Blanche died and the other two characters either left the street or died, but I don't write shitey essays about how it's all less engaging now and being insulted at being asked to invest in whatever Sally's up to now...although I definitely could.

Edited by sj5522
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I think it's true to say that with the massive archive available on the network and the variety of content that encompasses all styles and tastes, if you're complaining about something wrestling-related you've not looked hard enough to find what you actually like.


Or you're a miserable sod who doesn't like it at all..'

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One last thing, Raw has always been a "kid's show", apart from that period in the late 90s and early 00s when their target was 14 year olds. As an adult, if it's not tickling you no more, aye I'd just go do something else as most of us can still sit back and enjoy the current product with ease, despite some/many gripes depending on the episode

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