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Like daz, I would love to see these three guys doing a "don't you know who we are" spiel, especially Roode, playing it completely straight and shouting "I was World champion for (however many) months, you must know who I am!" while Cole and Lawler witter on about how he's delusional.


Wouldn't happen, of course. They'd completely ignore anything they'd done in TNA, because it doesn't matter. In all likelihood WWE would decide there's no particular value in keeping him "Bobby Roode" anyway, and give him a new name and persona that was completely their creation.


Agree 100% with that, imagine those 3 vs The Shield.


Not for me. The Shield are a heel act, and to my mind all three of the TNA lads work far better as heels.

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to my mind all three of the TNA lads work far better as heels.

Absolutely. All the fun would die in a matter of a few weeks if they were to turn face. Dick heels at their very best. I also like the fact that Roode has stayed a little more serious. He's happy to twat about with Kaz and Daniels but he's remained the (slightly) more serious of the three so he's still a main event guy and not a comedy midcard act.


Roode with the Big Gold Belt on Smackdown with Kaz and Daniels as back-up would be sublime.

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Roode with the Big Gold Belt on Smackdown with Kaz and Daniels as back-up would be sublime.


Can we throw Aries in there as well? He can do goofy or deadpan, be annoying as an antagonist and in the ring add a touch of explosiveness to any multi-man tags the group have. He could be the unit's blasting cap, if you like.

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Roode with the Big Gold Belt on Smackdown with Kaz and Daniels as back-up would be sublime.


Can we throw Aries in there as well? He can do goofy or deadpan, be annoying as an antagonist and in the ring add a touch of explosiveness to any multi-man tags the group have. He could be the unit's blasting cap, if you like.



Hell yeah!


It's A Double - the greatest man that ever lived - he can be a part of this never-gonna-happen fantasy. :thumbsup:


He also fits into the "way too good for current TNA telly" category as well.

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Roode with the Big Gold Belt on Smackdown with Kaz and Daniels as back-up would be sublime.


Can we throw Aries in there as well? He can do goofy or deadpan, be annoying as an antagonist and in the ring add a touch of explosiveness to any multi-man tags the group have. He could be the unit's blasting cap, if you like.



Hell yeah!


It's A Double - the greatest man that ever lived - he can be a part of this never-gonna-happen fantasy. :thumbsup:


He also fits into the "way too good for current TNA telly" category as well.

In addition to that WWE didn't mind THQ using Aries for voiceover work in WWE 12 so I don't think it's completely out of the question.

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I'd say there's no chance Aries will ever work for WWE. If it was going to happen, it would have happened by now. He's pretty much Low Ki. Nobody really likes him and he isn't big enough or young enough for anyone significant to put up with his bullshit for more than 5 minutes. WWE has passed on him loads of times. Three people they will never be interested in is Kaz, Daniels and Aries. Kaz walked out on them, Daniels is in his late 60s now and Aries is a dick. The perfect time to hire Aries would have been when NXT first started. He'd have done really well on there.


I think the total lack of interest in AJ Styles sums up WWE's feelings towards hiring TNA wrestlers these days. Roode is the only person I could see coming to WWE, but he's not getting any younger. You have to ask what Roode would be currently doing now if he'd have went to WWE when his contract came up last February. He'd probably be on NXT now. He'd have looked great on there.

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Add me to the list of guys that would love to see a new Radicals type group. I'd like to see Styles be a part of it too, or just seeing him in WWE would be great.


here is

: Bound For Glory. Pretty good watch, they make me feel like I want a Chris Sabin vs Austin Aries match instead of having both of them in Ultimate X. Also the Manik/TJ Perkins stuff is so silly.


On Impact itself, wasnt bad, Dixie can fuck off, but the Bully Ray and AJ Styles stuff was really good, and of course Daniels and Kaz being dicks along with Roode is just fantastic.


I do hate how they all wrestle in bloody t shirts though. It was Mr. Anderson, then Samoa Joe last week and now Styles this week along with Mr. T-Shirt Sting. Come on guys, not that I want to see flesh but it just looks so low rent.

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I'd live to see WWE bring in Roode, Daniels and Kazarian as a 3-man crew. They'd be fantastic, have loads of opponents, freshen up the tag division, and completely gut TNA of its wrestling engine.


Bloody hell Loki lad, I was counting on you at least to not join in on the TNA gang rape!


I still don't understand the mentality that one national company is somehow a good thing. If you like Kurt Angle or Bobby Roode, tune into Challenge on Sunday night. You can even watch it on the bedroom telly!

Yeah, it's looking pretty grim at the moment but it's not something I take particular glee in. My hope is that Viacom buy Panda out and pretty sharpish. Bound for Glory is looking underwhelming to say the least, which is an atrocious build-up to the biggest show of the year.

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TNA has had a revolving door for years and years. If they would had treated this lot as well as they treated Sting, Hogan and Angle, they would be difference makers. But at this stage, it sadly doesn't matter if they are there are not business wise. They've fired Christopher Daniels and Austin Aries before, taken Bobby Roode off TV several times and Frankie Kazarian has been put under a mask for a year without people knowing it was him. If they all left TNA, nobody would turn over. Nobody seems to ever make a difference to TNA's viewership. So if they all left the shows would be worse, but business wouldn't be hurt at all. The house shows and attendance cant get any worse and the buyrates and merch sales are nonexistent. In fact, its a testament in a way to how much people like those four mentioned that we all want them to go and become millionaires. All four of them deserve to be watched my millions of people around the world. Its a crying shame that someone like Bobby Roode isn't in the Curtis Axl position. He'd have excelled in it. Kaz and Daniels would be perfect for WWE, with how much WWE like that type of comedy heel act. Those four are pretty self made. Kaz and Daniels were propping up AJ in that dreadful feud in 2011 before they created their own gimmick and got over huge. Bobby Roode's a super hard worker, who is always in great shape, always looks tanned and is always on form. No matter how many times they stop his push or drop him down the card, you cant hold him down. And Aries was nothing in mid 2011. He was another X Division wrestler who was thinking of retiring and he made people take notice. If you had everyone on the roster like this four, you'd fuck the writing staff off. You wouldn't need them. TNA are super lucky to have them. Shame they didn't establish them instead of having them do every storyline for years.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Honestly, it wouldn't matter a jot to me if TNA lost all their top guys or even folded their tent. Everyone talks about "there was one less place to go and earn a decent living" of when WCW was bought out, and I think lots of people feel the same about if TNA closed its doors. However, TNA isn't somewhere else to go for top calibre wrestlers to make decent money. It's a place where a couple of guys they perceive to have value make it, but most of the roster earn less as "stars" than WWE's nobodies do and are just happy they don't have to work the stressful indy long weekends to earn their pittance. Personally speaking, if the argument is simply "one less wrestling show on TV" then that makes no difference to me either, since I barely even watch the other and never watch TNA, because even though they have a guys that I enjoy seeing wrestle, every time I dip my toe back in the water and try and give Impact a go again, I find it a chore to watch. To my mind the talent pool in the States is diluted by having some real talents working for the second rate promotion whereas some decent spots in WWE are occupied by some real dullards - the "Curtis Axel position" as Ian succinctly put it. For all the great matches and occasional decent angle that TNA have put on over the years, right now my reaction to TNA going down would be less "that's a shame" and more "WWE might get a bit better now."

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Ian's right, espacially on the Christopher Daniels front. I found him dull as dishwater until he decided to reinvent himself and I now find him and Kaz to be the most entertaining act on the roster. I doubt the booking team is much to do with that.

Yeah, the TV ratings have stayed flat for a few years now but there is no chance this thin roster could survive such a loss. Even I would stop watching if those four were to leave, they would be fucked.

That's a fair opinion air_raid, but apart from recently getting into NXT (thanks for the recommendation) I find watching an episode of WWE Raw to be a chore while I can live with 2 hours of impact without having to catch up on anything else. Mind you, I've always backed the underdog and admit that probably plays a large role in why I watch it.

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