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AJ had his best year in the ring for years. He was sensational in 2012. This year he's looked like he's just got back from an Inspiral Carpets gig. If you were going to list the amount of shit that happened in a good year for TNA, you'd be on all night and wasting your time because there's always a load of shit in TNA. I think 2012 was the first year where more good than bad happened. The promotion actually had momentum for a few months, which was quite the achievement. Now there is just no momentum, sadly. And the new acts are very inspired.

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In the early-to-late 00's, TNA was practically constantly epic.


That's debatable. There was tons of shit booking ruining otherwise good matches.


I seem to recall Low Ki vs. Chris Sabin featuring some rubbish with a blow-up doll.


Foley's turn as World Champion was also incredibly self-gratifying but complete crap for anyone else watching it.


No idea why just those 2 stuck out but there's tons more, enough to fill a dozen threads.

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TNA peaked with Bobby Roode talking to the ducks. That was the most excited I've been about the product, hoping for Roode to win the title at BFG. No matter how good he turned out to be as a heel, that was still a missed opportunity for me.

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TNA peaked with Bobby Roode talking to the ducks. That was the most excited I've been about the product, hoping for Roode to win the title at BFG. No matter how good he turned out to be as a heel, that was still a missed opportunity for me.


I couldn't agree more, that was the first time in a very long time that I was completely sold on a wrestler I liked, and was into his push, it reminded me how good wrestling can be when you're really into it. I think it was also the first time they had that BFG tournament, it was just good TV for most of 2011. I actually enjoyed TNA more than RAW, it still looked like shit compared to RAW, but I was far more entertained by TNA. BFG that year was going great with a fantastic match between Sting and Hogan, I thought well Roode and Angle are going to put on a classic and have this go down as one of TNA's best PPV's. Instead we got a shitty rushed match and Roode lost, only for his best mate to win it on a TV episode of Impact the next week.


I haven't been so pissed at the end of a PPV since Stone Cold beat Jake the snake at King Of The Ring. I lost interest in TNA after that, the only time I've watched it since then was when they did the UK tour with Hogan. Like you say Roode went on to play a good heel, but I just wasn't interested. I think in wrestling you have to go with the momentum, it might not last, but it's better than just killing it before it's time, it's not something you can re-create easily.


From the sounds of it, TNA seems to have just been going downhill since then, to the point that it's been sold off. It's a shame because in Samoa Joe in 2005 and Roode I think TNA had something special, that doesn't come around often.

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Wasn't a great episode, but there was some little things I liked. Roode and Sabin kicking Velvet Sky from the Thanksgiving table was some good heeling. Zema Ion as the Bro-Man's DJ was more entertaining to me than it really should have been. Glad to see Rockstar Spud. Joe not giving Angle a beer, the D-Lo bobblehead and Tenay keeping Brooke's shorts were pretty funny in the funeral, although as said above, wasn't as good as the funeral for Team 3-D with Jarrett, Abyss, Team Canada etc.

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- The stars of TNA Wrestling are heading back to high school.


The promotion announced four live event dates for January, and two shows are slated to emanate from high schools (in Arkansas and Tennessee). Adding to the uniqueness, tickets to the Tennessee event are being sold through a cupcake shop

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