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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Do modern day WWE factions/stables have a limit of three people? 


Other than the Authority, who was the last stable to have a sustained period of more than three members? Wyatt's, Shield. Legacy, S.E.S, New Day, all three (ironically!) of the current teams in the divas revolution are all primarily three person teams. I'm guessing at Nexus as the last stable with more than three men in.

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I know it's mentioned a lot but Bret vs Bulldog at Summerslam 1992 really is the shizzle isn't it?

I watched it s few weeks ago and came to the conclusion (I posted it here somewhere). I think by modern day standards it is, but of the time and the context (Bulldog having a marquee match on home soil) it would have been a different feel.

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I know it's mentioned a lot but Bret vs Bulldog at Summerslam 1992 really is the shizzle isn't it?

I watched it s few weeks ago and came to the conclusion (I posted it here somewhere). I think by modern day standards it is, but of the time and the context (Bulldog having a marquee match on home soil) it would have been a different feel.

I think Shizzle means good pal. Unless im completely out of touch, which according to my son i am.

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I know it's mentioned a lot but Bret vs Bulldog at Summerslam 1992 really is the shizzle isn't it?

I watched it s few weeks ago and came to the conclusion (I posted it here somewhere). I think by modern day standards it is, but of the time and the context (Bulldog having a marquee match on home soil) it would have been a different feel.
I think Shizzle means good pal. Unless im completely out of touch, which according to my son i am.

Yeah, it really is excellent, the crowd is ridiculously into it, I think that makes such a difference.


Don't worry, my kids say I'm out of touch as well. Like Skinner, I know they're wrong.

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I know it's mentioned a lot but Bret vs Bulldog at Summerslam 1992 really is the shizzle isn't it?

I watched it s few weeks ago and came to the conclusion (I posted it here somewhere). I think by modern day standards it is, but of the time and the context (Bulldog having a marquee match on home soil) it would have been a different feel.

I think Shizzle means good pal. Unless im completely out of touch, which according to my son i am.



I'll be in the minority here but... I prefer Bret v Bulldog from IYH 5.

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I know it's mentioned a lot but Bret vs Bulldog at Summerslam 1992 really is the shizzle isn't it?

I watched it s few weeks ago and came to the conclusion (I posted it here somewhere). I think by modern day standards it is, but of the time and the context (Bulldog having a marquee match on home soil) it would have been a different feel.
I think Shizzle means good pal. Unless im completely out of touch, which according to my son i am.

I've got to stop reading stuff late at night. I read it as "shizzle" rather than "the shizzle".


But yeah, I thought it was the former. I think I watched it over 20 years too late.

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I don't mind Barrett but if I didn't have prior knowledge and you showed me clips of him next to clips of Bram, and I had to guess which one of those two worked for TNA I'd probably say Barrett

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Bram is good fun to watch cut a promo. TNA is obviously relatively in ruins atm but they have some good heels; EC3, Eric Young, Bram, James Storm until whenever he fucks off, mostly godawful babyfaces though

Bad Wrestling voices in no order....
Ms Elizabeth
Linda mcmahon


Don't forget Paige. Bottom of the barrel

Edited by sj5522
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Paige i think can be related to by young female fans, alot of people speak like that, as silly as it is.

What we need is a white young bloke from England coming to the WWE speaking that ludicrous Brixton fake Jamican accent and bumping in to Regal in the corridor to exchange pleasantries.

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If Paige had something resembling character value and came to the ring with a bottle of smirnoff ice, she'd be tolerable. As it is, it's just like, of all the people from different walks of life who could be here and make you care about them, yet she gets a microphone handed to her every week on Raw

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