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The 80's sword & sorcery type video boxes were brilliant as the artwork always promised something that the special effects of the day could never deliver.



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I'm 100% with Chest on this, great topic. I love painted movie covers so much, I went through a period where I'd buy loads of videos from boot sales & stuff just for the covers, mostly films i'd never even heard of. I'll post some later, I'm on my phone at work at the moment.


It's a lost art and so often they made the film look 10 times better than it was.






2 of the more notorious Video nasty films that were pretty much mass marketed via their VHS artwork. The Driller Killer one is not the original artwork, but from a 1985 video release.

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You should, Sev, I watched it recently. It's bloody hilarious. Paul Sorvino is especially great.


Here's another box cover for a Larry Cohen film. His stuff always tended to great box covers and posters:-



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As far as The Stuff goes, the child version of myself liked it, although I can now barely remember what happens and believe it may have aged poorly.

  • Paid Members
As far as The Stuff goes, the child version of myself liked it, although I can now barely remember what happens and believe it may have aged poorly.


It's aged a bit, as expected, but it's still quality and it's still spot on about advertising, too.

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I'd love that Hell Comes To Frogtown one as a poster.


Got to have Maniac Cop here:-



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