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Raw Discussion 12th March 2012


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Enjoyed both Cenas rap and Rock's concert (the concert especially, apart from the flubbed Queen bit but he saved that with the end). Taker/HBK was a bit bland and I was buzzing about the return of the funkasaurus, although he seemed a little nervous, which he probably was after being pulled off tv before.


Pretty decent raw, gonna be a pretty decent mania. I'm content.

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Enjoyed Cena at the start of the show. I was a bit stunned by the boobies line, I must admit. The content of Cena's raps can be very hit and miss and his delivery of the lines is so slow at times that you can barely call it rapping at all. However, as a method of delivering a promo I really like it because it's short and sweet, funny (in parts) and memorable. There's a reason he got over huge doing that gimmick in the first place and it's a shame that he dropped that aspect of his character altogether.


Ziggler and Sheamus had an acceptable match, but I'm bored to death of both these guys right now. I'm a bit gutted to be saying that about Sheamus, because like many others on here, I am a fan of the guy and want to see him doing something more interesting than playing the smiley babyface. His match with Bryan at Mania will be decent, but there's pretty much no heat between the two of them yet.


Otunga's physique is fantastic- the guy looks like a superstar. He's grown on me massively over the past few months and is improving in the ring all the time. Loved the little vignette for his gimmick that they played later in the show too.


The GM stuff is good fun, I'm looking forward to that match at Mania, although I'm a bit gutted that Mark Henry's big push fizzled out before he could get his big WrestleMania moment. Should have been him as the monster heel Champion versus Sheamus for the belt at Mania.


Zack Ryder is being made to look like a fucking knob. I'm not sure where they are going with his character, but surely nobody can be expected to get behind him when he's coming across like such a sad bastard. Is he in the dog house for something or have the creative team just realised that for all the buzz around his YouTube show, he was actually a bit shit all along? I get the feeling he's being punished for something.


I was chuffed to see the Funkasaurus back, I was starting to worry that the gimmick had been canned. I did think that maybe they would kick off a little angle for him this time round, but no, just another squash. I enjoyed it nonetheless. The Funkettes (or whatever they call them) are well fit too.


The HBK/Taker segment was a bit boring really. The match should be great and I've no problem whatsoever with HBK's involvement, but I kind of feel like the story is what it is and there isn't much they can really add to it at this point. Teasing the idea that HBK might help HHH to end the streak is the right, albeit completely obvious, way to go with it.


April 21st?? Taker made a right balls of that. He looks tubby too, though that may just be the rubbish outfit. Hard to tell.


Miz jobbed out again. Poor bastard. Then we got the Jericho promo. Sure, it looks pretty obivous that they have woken up to the fact that nobody is arsed about the WWE title match at all so far, so decided to re-boot it with a new twist, but I actually think it was a decent move. Punk has been a terrible, unlikeable babyface for months. At least this 'Daddy was a pisshead' approach might give fans a reason to feel something for him now.


Orton vs Kane is such a shit feud for WrestleMania. Not interested at all.


I liked The Rock Concert for the most part, it wasn't as horrible as some are making it out to be. I agree that his incessant pandering is irritating, but I'm all for crowd interaction. His material's just not as funny as it used to be though. It's fantastic to see The Rock back in wrestling, I'm not about to take that for granted, but I'm Team Cena all the way.

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at present I am considering not buying Mania for the first time since I've been a fan


running down the matches this is my take on things


Rock and Cena havent had any physicality and sound like two mates bantering with insults, there doesnt feel like there is enough animosity between them


They fucking hate each other. The Rock cost Cena the title at Wrestlemania last year so Cena is well pissed off and Cena is bitching about The Rock turning his back on WWE. The feud has been running for well over a year and they are not fighting so when they go at it, it is electric and all the fans, Team Cena or Team Bring it can go fucking nuts because the WWE has put in over a years worth of work that will see the massive pay off at Wrestlemania the biggest event in the wrestling business. No fighting now will be more than worth the wait.


The Hunter / Taker thing has a ref stealing their thunder and one of the participants doesnt really want to be in it


Continuity never really happens in WWE things are dropped and forgotten, angles just dumped. Undertaker vs Michaels first hell in a cell. Michaels faces Undertaker two years in a row in two brilliant matches and is a whisker away from getting the job done. Second time round he has to provoke a match out of Taker costing him the belt and thus getting his t match. The following year Triple H faces The Undertaker. He gets the job done or as good as before getting choked out. Triple H wins the battle, Undertaker wins the war.


We then get this years installment taking in all the events since 96, Michaels also gets his chance to end the streak again, Undertaker is worried about his legacy being left battered by Triple H it is in a Hell In A Cell at Wrestlemania with 4 years of build (more if you include the taker Michaels cell) and has the odds stacked against The Undertaker or so it would seem, This match will be awesome.


How is Michaels going to steal their thunder when he is just making it a hell of a lot more interesting?

The GMs thing is full of people fighting cos they're being told to

Punk / Jericho feels ridiculously forced and uninteresting, no reason for me to care


I get this one. But in saying that they are being massivley over shadowed by two massive main events already.

Sheamus / Bryan has no real animosity and that would be fine if they're building it about the belt but I dont get that either.

all in all there feels like there is very little passion or heat in any of the "feuds" and I dont care who wins or not in any of them so I have nothing to get invested in


Bryan is on fire and Sheamus is on a roll regardless of build this should be an excellent wrestling match.


there are 2 or 3 Raws left to save things but its gonna need to change gears quickly for me.


What would you like them to change and how?


And the Funkasaurus is fucking gold something different.

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After the Brodus Clay win, I just kept expecting to see him clothesline the hell out of the two dancers! Just expected them having a change of heart with the charactor and going back to what was teased originally, especially because he was taken off TV so quickly.


Saying that, I should imagine he's going to be part of Team Teddy at WM, whats the chances of him being Mr Excitements secret weapon and being the one to cost Teddy the match?

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Saying that, I should imagine he's going to be part of Team Teddy at WM, whats the chances of him being Mr Excitements secret weapon and being the one to cost Teddy the match?


Have to say there is a part of me that really likes that, but I think it would be better for him to keep this gimmick and stay face.


I like Brodus, but in my opinion he is not going to make it as a top line heel. He will actually make way more money doing this gimmick.

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Saying that, I should imagine he's going to be part of Team Teddy at WM, whats the chances of him being Mr Excitements secret weapon and being the one to cost Teddy the match?


Have to say there is a part of me that really likes that, but I think it would be better for him to keep this gimmick and stay face.


I like Brodus, but in my opinion he is not going to make it as a top line heel. He will actually make way more money doing this gimmick.


Yeah, I'm on the same wavelength as you. I like the gimmick and would like to see it given some time, but something just doesn't sit right.

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Shawn's line about still being able to end 'Takers Wrestlemania streak single-handedly sold the match for me. I wasn't particularly interested in the HIAC match because, frankly, I don't believe that the streak will end this side of twenty. I still don't believe the streak will end, but the addition of a bitter HBK should make for a much more interesting story. Also, lol at Undertaker not knowing when fucking Wrestlemania was.


Cena's rap was entertaining to start with but quickly became a rather sad attempt at being edgy, Cena talking about Rocky's "boobies" before threatening to teabag another man at Wrestlemania was just hideous. Luckily they didn't dedicate too much of the show to it, a minute or two longer and Cena would probably have called Rocky a bum bum head and threatened to get his dad up the school.


The Rock concert was no better and seemed to go on for about two hours. The crowd not singing along to 'We Will Rock You' pretty much summed this one up. I'm genuinely sick of the sight of the Rock now, I'm interested in seeing the outcome of this match just to see how they play it but otherwise I really don't care.


Jericho bringing up Punk's alcoholic father was great until Jericho started talking about alcoholism being in Punk's blood and trying to turn Punk into an addict, which was just beyond retarded. Once again the WWE take a serious and important issue and handle it with all the subtlety of a prison rape. They should have just had Jericho pour beer into Punks mouth like Raven did in Ring Of Honor, that would have been a much better visual going into Mania and would have looked great on a highlight package.


Zach Ryder is a goon. I don't understand where they're going with this but it's not going to be good.


Lots of great matches on the show though. Dolph Zigger has finally overcome the handicap of his name and is having consistently great matches. David Otunga; bodybuilding lawyer is fantastic and the legal advice Twitter is genius, especially when things like this happen:


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Dolph Zigger has finally overcome the handicap of his name and is having consistently great matches

He has been having consistently great matches since the summer.

Yes, and he's still having great matches. Consistency.

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Unfortunately most of his matches are meaningless. I very much enjoy the guy's work but he needs consistency of storyline/a push now.

Yeah, great matches dont mean anything it looks like. He's so far down the pecking order at the minute. They look like they've lost interest in him.

Agree with this. Was thinking it during Raw. As good as Ziggles always is, would I really miss him if he wasn't on the show? Not really.


To go into full CVD mode, he needs to get shot of Vickie. She's holding him back.

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