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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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NXT isn't much cop any more is it? Except for Regal and Renee. The rosters really poor these days and even when good wrestlers show up, Alex Riley's presence is like a wet fart in a ham sandwich. The Corey Graves vs Adrian Neville 2/3 falls match must have been some sick in joke. Pair of dolts. Harper vs Ohno was decent enough. Harper will be the star coming out of Wyatt's long term. Bring in Gallows. Fuck, a slugfest between the two Lukes is a dream match of mine, just realised. Fuck knows why they've turned Charlotte. Well, obviously cos she's a Flair, but it's blatant Paige should be the one joining the heel side.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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I've only been watching NXT maybe 4 or 5 weeks. Have to say I've been really enjoying it. Sure, there's some shit on it, but overall I like it.


Enjoying Aiden English and his singing. Just something different that you watch the first time and think "what the fuck?" and then it's fun. Entertaining.


Paige looks like she'll be great. Divas matches on Raw and Smackdown very rarely entertain me, but having seen Paige wrestle just twice she's got amazing potential. Hope she keeps the anti-diva thing going when she inevitably goes to the main roster.

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Finally getting round to watching NXT. Caught up from September 25th onwards and I'm enjoying it!


There's some quality characters in there; Aiden English, Emma, Bayley, Tyler Breeze, Bo Dallas and Enzo Amore stand out by a country mile. It helps most of them put on decent matches too.

It's great that everyone has a character, but there ain't half some fucking shit ones. CJ Parker, Kassius Ohno (When he was there), Sami Zayn and Mojo Rawley are just crap to watch, and then the few that don't have character just don't connect at all. Charlotte for example is the fucking pits, and Adrian Neville is yet to impress me outside of that one flip he does.


It's a shame they don't have more time, as the current format of constant squash matches followed by a proper main event leaves a lot to be desired.


Really enjoy Regal and Renee on commentary too. Alex Riley is shocking though, and when they get Albert in for no reason he's not better either.

Edited by FelatioLips
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Sami zayn is superb, I don't know what you're talking about.


Great wrestler, shit character. Actually, character is probably pushing it. He's just a nice bloke who plays by the rules. That's hardly anything, that's just being nice.

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NXT isn't much cop any more is it? Except for Regal and Renee. The rosters really poor these days and even when good wrestlers show up, Alex Riley's presence is like a wet fart in a ham sandwich. The Corey Graves vs Adrian Neville 2/3 falls match must have been some sick in joke. Pair of dolts. Harper vs Ohno was decent enough. Harper will be the star coming out of Wyatt's long term. Bring in Gallows. Fuck, a slugfest between the two Lukes is a dream match of mine, just realised. Fuck knows why they've turned Charlotte. Well, obviously cos she's a Flair, but it's blatant Paige should be the one joining the heel side.


Wow, you think Adrian Neville is 'a dolt'? Genuinely shocked at that, he's probably the best wrestler on the NXT roster.


Alex Riley is a decent commentator. Don't see anything in Luke Gallows. Just a big dude. Thought he was really poor in TNA as D.O.C.


They probably turned Charlotte to try to develop her skills. Everyone knows Paige can work as a heel. Paige may yet turn heel on Emma.


Guess everyone has their own opinions.

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Read in the latest Observer that there's been 2 significant injuries to NXT wrestlers - Enzo Amore has broken his leg and expected out of action for 6 months, which sucks as he was starting to get over. Scott Dawson has torn his ACL and is out 6-9 months. Poor Sylvester LeFort is screwed now.

Edited by ClassicsGuy
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Read in the latest Observer that there's been 2 significant injuries to NXT wrestlers - Enzo Amore has broken his leg and expected out of action for 6 months, which sucks as he was starting to get over. Scott Dawson has torn his ACL and is out 6-9 months. Poor Sylvester LeFort is screwed now.


That's shit. Enzo Amore was becoming a favourite of mine. Haven't been able to get his "bada-boom, REALEST GUY IN THE ROOM!" catchphrase out my head for days now.

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Read in the latest Observer that there's been 2 significant injuries to NXT wrestlers - Enzo Amore has broken his leg and expected out of action for 6 months, which sucks as he was starting to get over. Scott Dawson has torn his ACL and is out 6-9 months. Poor Sylvester LeFort is screwed now.


That's shit. Enzo Amore was becoming a favourite of mine. Haven't been able to get his "bada-boom, REALEST GUY IN THE ROOM!" catchphrase out my head for days now.


Surely he'll stick around managing Big Cas? Thinking about it, Enzo being a big mouth on crutches and not being able to back it up could be gold

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Alex Riley is a decent commentator.


Guess everyone has their own opinions.


Guess so. I commend anybody that can suffer Alex Riley without wanting to gouge out their eyeballs with a rusty spoon.


I think Adrian Neville's complete rubbish to honest. He peaked when he hit that big flip thing for the first time. It's been downhill since then. He's run out of tricks, which isn't good news when you have the charisma of an empty baked bean tin and a crowd that couldn't give a shit. They should use him to replace Justin Gabriel as the warm up jobber guy on Superstars. Let Gabriel and Tyson Kidd have fun matches on Raw.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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Alex Riley is a decent commentator.


Guess everyone has their own opinions.


Guess so. I commend anybody that can suffer Alex Riley without wanting to gouge out their eyeballs with a rusty spoon.


I think Adrian Neville's complete rubbish to honest. He peaked when he hit that big flip thing for the first time. It's been downhill since then. He's run out of tricks, which isn't good news when you have the charisma of an empty baked bean tin and a crowd that couldn't give a shit. They should use him to replace Justin Gabriel as the warm up jobber guy on Superstars. Let Gabriel and Tyson Kidd have fun matches on Raw.


He's only "out of tricks" because he isn't showing off all the things he can do. Check out YouTube for his indy stuff and see what I mean.


I thought the last couple of weeks have been questionable, I never thought I'd say it but the show seemed somewhat lost without Bo Dallas and to a lesser extent Sami Zayn. Dallas' new character has made him my biggest turnaround guy this year - he was abysmal when they brought him up in January, but he has turned me into a goddamn BO-liever.

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He's only "out of tricks" because he isn't showing off all the things he can do. Check out YouTube for his indy stuff and see what I mean.


He can't rely on big spots like on the indies though. They've already given him enough spots to get over. The WWE will want him to develop some kind of substance beyond a few flips. Which he hasn't.

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He's only "out of tricks" because he isn't showing off all the things he can do. Check out YouTube for his indy stuff and see what I mean.


He can't rely on big spots like on the indies though. They've already given him enough spots to get over. The WWE will want him to develop some kind of substance beyond a few flips. Which he hasn't.


Pretty much the vibe I got from the month or two I've watched. In the middle of a 2/3 falls match when he decided the best way to cross the ring was to do two front flips was pretty much when I realised that's all he does. When you have to replace basic movement with flipping, then where do you go from that? His finisher is impressive the first few times you see it, but when you have no ring presence and you haven't cut a single promo in the entire time I've been watching, then why should I care?

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