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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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The amount of people in this thread trying to discredit other people's opinions is mental.


If you enjoyed it and thought it was a great idea - fantastic. But anyone calling it "the perfect result/best scenario" is being willfully ignorant of the many, many fans who thought it was shit.


Was it the worst thing ever and did it ruin Wrestlemania, a huge f'n "No" and another "No", but that doesn't mean everyone has to join hands and sing "what a lovely booking decision" together.

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It really is such a retarded discussion. I'm not surprised it's being instigated by Jason Mayhem, but it always amazes me that people have the energy/give a shit enough to argue about stuff like this with such absolute certainty. New points stopped being made like 10 pages ago. Clearly no one is going to change their mind, and everyone is pretty sure what everyone else thinks. It beggars belief.

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Watched WM last night, pretty much agree with most of the positive stuff said although a few things I couldn't see mentioned on the last few pages from my point of view are/ I want to comment on


Shemus Vs Bryan - It was what it was, I would quite like to have seen these two have a 10-15 min match but this was much more memorable and I'm sure they will get another PPV match at some point to show what they can do


Orton Vs Kane - I found this match really flat, however I may give it another go as everyone I watched it with was talking over it and it was hard to concentrate


Divas Match - Was no where as bad as I thought it would be, the girls were not as sloppy as I thought they would be which is always a positive.


HIAC - Feel the cell was a tad pointless in the match apart from maybe 3 spots but it was still one of the best matches I have seen in a fair few years


12 Man Tag- really was the bore of the night for me and I really couldnt get into the competitors all coming out together without proper entrances


Cena Vs Rock - Great match totally unexpected ending, Cena's slight heelisms were great later on and I hope they make something more out of the way he lost, although with events since then I can see his behaviour at Mania being forgotten


The under card seemed really rushed, we were quite a way through the card on paper by the first hour. It wasnt so much that the matches were too quick for me but that the time between them was almost non existent. I know a lot of people probably hate the cheesy segments between matches at mania that are either funny, sentimental or showing something that happened but I really like them and they help to give you time to digest the match before. Backstage interviews were limited to but I think the main problem was for a show that is supposed to blow off a lot of feuds the tale of the tapes were poor in some cases and others as they were almost ready to start matches when they aired felt misplaced.


The entrances were unspectacular this year, what with HHH coming out of a wendy house and takers was probably the least imaginative for a few years. The Rock/ Cena didnt have to be anything too special with the musical performances but as someone else said seeing them walking backstage would have given things a bigger feel


This mania with the very short undercard matches and cheesy on the stage dance by brodus clay had a feel of an old school mania, but still as said above lacked that one thing that makes a show seem special. The last 3 Manias have had that to some extent and the offences that I think caused it on this occasion was more minor but something just didnt feel quite right for me. Perhaps waiting two days to watch it causes that a bit i'm unsure

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If you enjoyed it and thought it was a great idea - fantastic. But anyone calling it "the perfect result/best scenario" is being willfully ignorant of the many, many fans who thought it was shit.

Calling it shit is being willfully ignorant of the many, many fans who thought it was perfect. Have some respect.

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If you enjoyed it and thought it was a great idea - fantastic. But anyone calling it "the perfect result/best scenario" is being willfully ignorant of the many, many fans who thought it was shit.

Calling it shit is being willfully ignorant of the many, many fans who thought it was perfect. Have some respect.

Oh so hilarious Mr Tiger. Maybe actually read the bit where I said "many fans thought it was shit", before misfiring with a shit joke.


My point was that calling something "perfect" when clearly lots of people didn't like it is silly. You can say "I thought it was great" or you can say "I thought it was shite" but "perfect"? C'mon, that's just a bit stupid when it received a bullshit chant and leads to your Super-Duper New Top Babyface coming out to boo's the next day (which he totally didn't deserve).



Anyway, Chest Rockwell was right, this is a shit argument (and that's what my last post was getting at, arguing against other opinions that won't change is silly), but thanks for dragging me back in Rick.

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If you enjoyed it and thought it was a great idea - fantastic. But anyone calling it "the perfect result/best scenario" is being willfully ignorant of the many, many fans who thought it was shit.

Calling it shit is being willfully ignorant of the many, many fans who thought it was perfect. Have some respect.

Oh so hilarious Mr Tiger. Maybe actually read the bit where I said "many fans thought it was shit", before misfiring with a shit joke.

I read it and all the other stuff. Think what you like, argue you what you like but stick words like "ignorant" and "silly" up your arse. Always the same on here if you happen not to agree. Always someone wanting to put you in some sort of box. the sort of shit you normally moan at Pitcos about.


My point was that calling something "perfect" when clearly lots of people didn't like it is silly. You can say "I thought it was great" or you can say "I thought it was shite" but "perfect"? C'mon, that's just a bit stupid when it received a bullshit chant and leads to your Super-Duper New Top Babyface coming out to boo's the next day (which he totally didn't deserve).

I thought it was perfect. Absolutely perfect for Sheamus arse-kicking image and Daniel Bryan's weaselly heel character. Just beautiful. I won't change my mind on the strength of the smart crowds the past couple of shows.


Sheamus needed a strong title win but more than anything, he desperately needs booking well in the future. The booking of the feud and Sheamus babyface character since the Rumble has been shite.

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If you enjoyed it and thought it was a great idea - fantastic. But anyone calling it "the perfect result/best scenario" is being willfully ignorant of the many, many fans who thought it was shit.

Calling it shit is being willfully ignorant of the many, many fans who thought it was perfect. Have some respect.

Oh so hilarious Mr Tiger. Maybe actually read the bit where I said "many fans thought it was shit", before misfiring with a shit joke.

I read it and all the other stuff. Think what you like, argue you what you like but stick words like "ignorant" and "silly" up your arse. Always the same on here if you happen not to agree. Always someone wanting to put you in some sort of box. the sort of shit you normally moan at Pitcos about.


My point was that calling something "perfect" when clearly lots of people didn't like it is silly. You can say "I thought it was great" or you can say "I thought it was shite" but "perfect"? C'mon, that's just a bit stupid when it received a bullshit chant and leads to your Super-Duper New Top Babyface coming out to boo's the next day (which he totally didn't deserve).

I thought it was perfect. Absolutely perfect for Sheamus arse-kicking image and Daniel Bryan's weaselly heel character. Just beautiful. I won't change my mind on the strength of the smart crowds the past couple of shows.


Sheamus needed a strong title win but more than anything, he desperately needs booking well in the future. The booking of the feud and Sheamus babyface character since the Rumble has been shite.


I'm not trying to put anyone in any kind of box?


Like I said at the top of this page, opinion is absolutely fine, and you are never (well, bloody rarely) going to change people's opinion.


Again though, to my point, in my eyes something being "perfect" pleases everyone. It's flawless, that's the whole point. if a bunch of vocal people at the actual event in question didn't like it, them it wasn't perfect was it?


In this very thread someone is being laughed at for voting a match 9/10, yet calling it "perfect". 9 out or 10 isn't perfect and nor is pleasing 90% or the fans.


You think Sheamus needed a strong title win. So do I. You think he got that, I don't.

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In this very thread someone is being laughed at for voting a match 9/10, yet calling it "perfect". 9 out or 10 isn't perfect and nor is pleasing 90% or the fans.

Well done, you've got why he's being LOL'd at.

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In this very thread someone is being laughed at for voting a match 9/10, yet calling it "perfect". 9 out or 10 isn't perfect and nor is pleasing 90% or the fans.

Well done, you've got why he's being LOL'd at.

...and yet you seemingly can't understand that a result that lots of people think is shit can't actually be perfect. You can think it's perfect all you want, but it's not. Sheamus would be getting treated like a King if it had played out perfectly, rather than him getting boo'd. The fans wouldn't be spoiling other segments cheering for a Heel if the booking had been "perfect".

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You can think it's perfect all you want

Thank you. I do.


In this very thread someone is being laughed at for voting a match 9/10, yet calling it "perfect". 9 out or 10 isn't perfect and nor is pleasing 90% or the fans.

Well done, you've got why he's being LOL'd at.

...and yet you seemingly can't understand that a result that lots of people think is shit can't actually be perfect.

...and yet you seemingly can't understand that a result that lots of people think is perfect can't actually be shit.


What a pointless argument. Why can't people just think what they want?

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What a pointless argument. Why can't people just think what they want?



Fucking hell.


Read my post at the top of this page...


(then all the petty arguments you brought up)


Then read that last line you wrote again!

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Read my post at the top of this page...

The one that called people who disagree with you ignorant?


I wish you'd all shut the fuck up.

There's an ignore option.


Rick, a "perfect" scenario shouldn't piss any fans off (within reason).


That's what I took objection to.


I have zero problem with anyone liking it (which is what I said), but surely even someone who liked it can see that it didn't go down well with all the fans and it didn't give Sheamus that magic "coming out on RAW after Mania winning the belt and getting cheered" moment that all big babyface Title wins normally get.


The last thing WWE need is another top Face that the smart fans boo. I think that both men were more than capable of working the Mania crowd into a frenzy where everyone wanted Sheamus to finally hit that kick and win the belt. I don't think even hardcore bryan fans thought he'd keep the belt, they just wanted their guy to have a decent showing on the biggest stage of the year.


That to me isn't a "perfectly" booked finish.

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