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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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Weighing in here, thinking about it, it makes good sense for the future. Like I said earlier, Daniel Bryan can now keep playing the bully to AJ, berating her for costing him his match at Wrestlemania.


But initially I didn't like the fact that it happened. I was looking at the list of Warrior crushing Honky, and Diesel killing Backlund, the difference is Diesel and Warrior were having career pushes and super over. Sheamus won a lacklustre Royal Rumble void of stars and spent the last months doing nothing of note, he was almost forgotten. Even the build to Wrestlemania he wasn't a future world champion, he was just some guy on Raw and Smackdown of no real note. His momentum stopped after Christian was injured.

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Sheamus is a tricky one. He definitely had the crowd on his side before the Rumble at some points anyway. I think he was probably most popular when he hadn't turned full 'face' yet, and the crowd were getting behind him in the way they did Orton before his full face turn. I hate talking about it like that, but it's the only way I can explain it.


Sheamus is almost in the mould of Orton - a guy who likes beating the crap out of people, and not someone who should be joking around etc. It has diluted his character somewhat, and I don't think it has helped.

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No, it's that Sheamus-Bryan could have been a really good match, and it's not unreasonable to want to see a really good match when you order the biggest show of the year. Warrior-Honky or Diesel-Backlund would have been horrendous if they'd gone 15-20 minutes.


I'd go with this. Let me clarify that in no way do I think Daniel Bryan was was built up to be jobbed out so Vince, Triple H and Kevin Dunn could have a right old laugh at him. I understand the feud will last longer and it provides greater scope for Bryan to bully AJ and become an even bigger heel than he already is. I'm just disappointed that I didn't get to see the match I expected. I wouldn't even call that selfish, because you can't tell me both those guys are delighted with how things have gone. They would have been expecting a bit of time considering they were the World Title match and had been bumped the year previous.

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I found it to be an average Mania that highlighted the short supply of talent on the roster and missing a surprise return from Brock. I'm struggling to work out why the Bryan/Sheamus match was not only the first on the card but also lasted such a short time. I can only presume it was to get #wrestlemania trending on Twitter immediately.

Once again The Undertaker steals the show at another Wrestlemania, a really good match (although personally I still prefer the 1st one against HBK) and JR was fantastic, showing Michael Cole how its done. My favourite match was Jericho and Punk for its pace, slightly better build up, "hows your father?" and a good result.

I really hope WWE never do Rock/Cena again with a tedious year long build up. They probably will though.

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Great Show for me


: Sheamus vs Bryan was a shame but I can see the future upside I just wouldnt of have it go on first maybe Show vs Rhodes instead.


: Big Show vs Cody Rhodes was decent enough given the size difference


: 12 man tag lasted longer than last years multi tag which was a start, I wouldve prefered Eve turning (again) on Ryder to make him lose not after it


: HHH vs Taker was awesome (even a bald deadman) just some great drama, couldve been a wee bit shorter but not a problem


: Punk vs Y2J was great, a bit of a slow start but a great finish, I liked jericho begging to be smashed with the chair was a decent twist


: Clay stuff was harmless and gave the crowd a rest for a minute, 'Mama I sure wish you were here to see this greatness'


:Flo Rida did a great performance and how stiff was that push on Slater dude almost went though the wall, MGK was decent aswell.


: Rock vs Cena lived up to the hype, its hard to say who needed or shouldve won cause if there having rematches then whoever wins the series is what matters most.

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I don't get why people are so down on the Sheamus/Bryan match. Daniel Bryan has so much material to work from on this and he won't come out looking any weaker.

My only issue with it is that it should have been the exact way the Cody/Big Show match went.

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I'm going to pretend the first hour was an extended pre-show/free-for-all, and things actually started after the divas. So....


I loved it, it was an excellent show; the kind that makes me tell myself to fuck off when I think I should be getting too old for this shit. It was drama at it's finest, nobody does it like the WWE.


HIAC was fantastic. Much better than last years effort. I agree that the cell wasn't really needed, and I would have preferred if some form of dissention was teased which would build up hopes of an HBK return. But all things said, what a match, and what a story (or series of them). HBK was fantastic too, anyone fearing that his addition would be detrimental to the match needn't have worried. It's only in the context of these matches where the excessive weapon shots, finishers and kick-outs are justified and necessary - that stuff would just be ridiculously OTT in any other match, but considering the story, history, significance, and the stature of the participants, it was perfect here.


Punk/Jericho was a real sleeper match for me. I expected little - at best an inoffensive sub-15 minute match that I would have forgotten by next week. Yet it was great to find myself absolutely loving it. I was surprised at just how much time they got, but they had me gripped throughout. It was just a really good wrestling match. Jericho still looks like shit in that boring and unflattering attire though, but what he does in the ring is still top-notch. Punk looked an absolute star, which was good to see.


The 12 man tag was also perfect for it's spot in the card. They made the most of the time they got and everybody got a chance to do a bit. Add in some spectacular spots, Johnny's lovely suit and a kick in the balls for good measure, it all added up to a fun segment. I would have preferred Dolph to have had a more prominent role, but we can't have everything I guess.


The Brodus segment was a bit of a waste admittedly. I was getting down like Sapphire to wheel of Fortune when he came out, but I figured it would lead to something a bit more funnier and worthwhile than some dancers in grey wigs and arse-padding. How hard would it have been to bring out Rikishi, 2cool, Screamin Norm', some divas and the Cat for a Wrestlemania dance off? :)


I thought the main event delivered big time too. It was probably about as 'into' a match as I could get considering I wasn't all that bothered about it beforehand. In the end, and considering the reaction, Rock winning was the best outcome, and surely makes a rematch inevitable. It was definitely a worthy match to live up to the hype and anticipation.


As for the first hour of the show that I'd rather forget about, i've no problems with the opener being so short, I wasn't all that interested in it anyway. Besides, I have to admit it was a little bit funny to imagine the collective rage circulating round certain quarters of the WWE universe at the time! I would have had no problem with the following 3 matches going a similar length too. As it all turned out, It was actually a good thing that the throwaway shite was separated so cleanly from the important, big time stuff. This way, we can easily just switch on at HIAC and forget the remote when watching in future.


On top of all that, the setting, production and atmosphere were great. All in, I'd probably rank it as my favourite Wrestlemania since 23. Especially pleased after the shambles of last year

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My biggest gripe with the Daniel Bryan thing is that without the belt we will miss out on the best ring entrance in the WWE. Admittedly his character could, and hopefully will, go from strength to strength but I, for one, will really him jumping down to the ring shouting "Yes!" while wearing the big gold belt.

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The Daniel Bryan thing was the perfect culmination of his champion arc


Precisely. Pretty amazed but shouldn't really be surprised at some of the reactions to it. I made a post a few weeks back noting my concern on how the match may go, feeling both could come out worse for it. As i felt Bryans title reign needed to continue and not be ended by Sheamus' challenge and that winning with so little build and nobody really caring or wanting Sheamus being the man to end D-Brys reign wouldn't do much for the big ginger git. Yet, Sheamus losing would kill any momentum he still had dead. The scenario that did occur was something that never entered my mind but it was brilliant. Absolutely perfect. Anything else would honestly, in my mind have been damaging. 100MILLION% the right result and card placing.


Daniel Bryans journey since winning Money in the Bank, his claims on how he would handle his cash-in, how he did actually cash-in, his treatment of Big Show following, his treatment of AJ, his actions since being champion all lead magnificently to that culmination.

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I didn't think it was that great to be honest, but it was much better than last years.


Sheamus/Bryan - Like others I thought it sucked that their match only lasted 18 seconds. I wasn't to bothered about this match and I didn't mind that it was the first on the show, but they could have gave them 10 minutes to get the crowd going.


Kane/Orton - Was pretty boring but I didn't expect anything great from it, surprised that Kane won.


Divas - Piss break, it lasted longer than it should have.


Big show/Cody Rhodes - Was a pretty good match, expected Cody to win but chances are with this loss he'll continue to rise in the ranks.


Undertaker/HHH - Was a good effort but felt that last years was slightly better. The story telling was excellent but I found that Michaels came across as a bit of a pussy. Loved the sweet chin music/pedigree combo, actually thought with that HHH would have won the match.


Jericho/Punk - Loved it and it was everything I thought it would be.


Cena/Rock - Was decent but I felt that there was something missing, not quite sure what though.

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Im sorry are you guys high?

this years Wrestlemania was terrible.


the two matches that had potential to steal the show were punk and Jericho and Sheamus and Dan Bryan.

that was a travesty having Bryan go out like he did there.

especially when you factor in the pop he got on his entrance.

you could ave shaved a few mins and about 10 chair shots off the Taker / HHH match and totally cut Brodus clay and given them a 5- 10 min match.


the rest of the card was sub standard, decent for raw but not PPV quality, especially not mania.

Taker and HHH was alright, but pointless. i figured shawn was there for a reason....he wasnt, i thought hhh saying "i know what i have to do to beat you" was some master plan.....there wasnt.


for me punk n y2j stole the show.


and rock and Cena was a snore fest.

they did nothing of any note at all except stiffing each other.

Rock winning makes no sence except to build a rematch....but lets face it, Cena (the guy who will stay in the company) now will never live down he lost to Rock at mania after all that build up. they could fight for the next 12 months and cena win every time but it wont mean dick cos he lost at mania where it counted.....and no im not a cena fan boy. i hate him, but he needed the win more

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Jesus Christ. So much bullshit there.


Here's a positive for you. People are obviously so, so desperate to see a proper Bryan/Sheamus match that the Extreme Rules buy rate has got to be massive. Right?

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