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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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Agree with above though, the Mania 24 set was fantastic. Very under-rated WrestleMania too.

By who? Its generally considered one of the better and more famous WrestleManias.


It doesn't get much praise on here. Much criticism on here is slating Edge for looking like a mid carder in the Main Event.


Its the best Mania since 19 I would say.


Definately, but I would have to disagree with edge looking like a midcarder in the main event. I though Taker and Edge had a brilliant match and for me this was Edge's defining Wrestlemania moment (It is close with the foley match). It felt like a main event to me with main eventers in. The only issue is with Taker wrestlemania matches that the finish is almost always a forgone conclusion

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To whoever asked, yes it was 24 where the pyro cable went loose and injured 45 people, according to Wiki. It was during Taker's celebration at the end. WWE said they'd investigate it but never published any findings.


Anyway, I love 24, always have, and I actually do think the setup in the place really made that. Even the DVD tin box set thing is beautiful. It's one of only two Wrestlemanias I have on DVD, along with 17. Everything just came together on 24 for me - the aesthetics, the theme songs, the location and the wrestling. It wasn't all great, but it all just fit together so nicely. Money in the Bank, Flair/Michaels and Edge/Taker are up there with my absolute favourite matches, and Show/Mayweather was one of the best celebrity angles they've ever done, the match itself included. Great build and great payoff on that one. Great Wrestlemania. In fact, it's given me enough nostalgia(ish) mileage that I'm doubly excited for this one just because it's outside in Florida.


EDIT: Bonus preview of a fact I just spotted for the trivia section of next year's stats thread! At 24, Kane wrestled twice as many matches as everyone else (battle royale and ECW title match), yet wrestled for less time than anybody on the main card (6:58).


EDIT 2: Except Chavo. Duh.

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Agree with above though, the Mania 24 set was fantastic. Very under-rated WrestleMania too.

By who? Its generally considered one of the better and more famous WrestleManias.


It doesn't get much praise on here. Much criticism on here is slating Edge for looking like a mid carder in the Main Event.


Its the best Mania since 19 I would say.


Definately, but I would have to disagree with edge looking like a midcarder in the main event. I though Taker and Edge had a brilliant match and for me this was Edge's defining Wrestlemania moment (It is close with the foley match). It felt like a main event to me with main eventers in. The only issue is with Taker wrestlemania matches that the finish is almost always a forgone conclusion


It's either WrestleMania XXIV or WrestleMania X-Seven which gets my vote for the greatest WrestleMania of all time. WrestleMania XXIV was the last great top to bottom WrestleMania. Out of The Undertaker's 19 WrestleMania matches, I rate his match with Edge as the second best of The Streak, behind The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania XXV.

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Agree with above though, the Mania 24 set was fantastic. Very under-rated WrestleMania too.

By who? Its generally considered one of the better and more famous WrestleManias.

Aye, it was one of the best by far. I'd put Edge vs Undertaker up against any WrestleMania main event, and I'd put 24 up against 17 any day of the week. Batista vs Umaga was the only weak spot.

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Have to say while I do like WM24, I don't rate it that much. JBL/Finlay was a good way to start, MITB was the same as usual, Batista/Umaga was crap, Kane/Chavo wasn't a match, Michaels/Flair was excellent, Triple threat was underwhelming for me, Mayweather/Show was done very well but I just don't get into matches like this as much as normal. Then the main event, whilst an excellent wrestling match, just didn't feel like a Mania main for me and If I recall there was some surprise that it went on last. I was certainly surprised, the feud wasn't up to much really and I just didn't feel it. Then the next year they have a fantastic main event feud and bugger the match up (although the actual stuff they did was fine at 25, it just didn't fit the feud.)


I definately preferred 26 to this and possibly 25, but everyone's different. Think I'll watch at least Edge/Undertaker again, because I feel I'm missing something.

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Agree with above though, the Mania 24 set was fantastic. Very under-rated WrestleMania too.

By who? Its generally considered one of the better and more famous WrestleManias.


It doesn't get much praise on here. Much criticism on here is slating Edge for looking like a mid carder in the Main Event.


Its the best Mania since 19 I would say.


Definately, but I would have to disagree with edge looking like a midcarder in the main event. I though Taker and Edge had a brilliant match and for me this was Edge's defining Wrestlemania moment (It is close with the foley match). It felt like a main event to me with main eventers in. The only issue is with Taker wrestlemania matches that the finish is almost always a forgone conclusion


Personally I don't think Edge looked like a midcarder. I thought he looked the absolute bollocks especially when the massive pyro went off behind him.


I would say the cunts on here who say its a shit match is due to them comparing it to HBK/Taker Mania matches.


Also I gotta say much love for the Finlay/JBL match one of the greatest openers of all time. Also the MITB match from Mania 24 is one of the best MITB matches

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King Kong Bundy is mouthing off on twitter:

"I hear the Miz is a top guy in WWE, 6 ft nothing 200 pounds. Yeah he would definitely kick my ass . You #turd. #FIVE"


The Miz RT @jotunthrash666: @RealKKBundy who was the most dangerous midget - Haiti, Beaver, Tokyo or Littlebrook?


I might be in the minority, but if they are intent on burying the Miz, the best thing to do would be to bring Bundy in and squash him at Mania. Play off Bundy's match with SD Jones as well. He can flatten the Miz in record time.


Maybe thats just me, but Miz started this name calling shit. And this is the motherfucking thanks Bundy gets?

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Have to say while I do like WM24, I don't rate it that much. JBL/Finlay was a good way to start, MITB was the same as usual, Batista/Umaga was crap, Kane/Chavo wasn't a match, Michaels/Flair was excellent, Triple threat was underwhelming for me, Mayweather/Show was done very well but I just don't get into matches like this as much as normal. Then the main event, whilst an excellent wrestling match, just didn't feel like a Mania main for me and If I recall there was some surprise that it went on last. I was certainly surprised, the feud wasn't up to much really and I just didn't feel it. Then the next year they have a fantastic main event feud and bugger the match up (although the actual stuff they did was fine at 25, it just didn't fit the feud.)


I definately preferred 26 to this and possibly 25, but everyone's different. Think I'll watch at least Edge/Undertaker again, because I feel I'm missing something.

I agree with a lot of that, but 25 was a turd, bar Steamboat's moment and one match, and, even then, I don't rate the Michaels/Taker matches as highly as everyone else does.


For me, as of 23, Wrestlemania has been largely underwhelming and, sometimes, by far not even the best show of the year. That's not to say there haven't been gems or great blockbuster matches that could only happen at Wrestlemania, because there obviously have. But, from the recent bunch, Wrestlemania 26 is the one that jumps out at me as being the best overall show, though it's not perfect.

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I definately preferred 26 to this and possibly 25, but everyone's different. Think I'll watch at least Edge/Undertaker again, because I feel I'm missing something.


Yeah I really recommend re-watching the main event, the psychology of the match was excellent. It really suggested that Edge done his homework beforehand, countering everything that Taker threw at him, up until that final crucial moment. Phenomenal match. Edge's promo before hand was pitch perfect too.

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Add me to the list of people who loved 24 and thought that they blew their nut a bit before the big 25th anniversary the year after. Apprently the place it was set was an absolutel dump and they worked overtime transforming it. I thought the last few since then have felt a bit samey in the way of big stadium shows where the hype was better than the actual event. Sure I had a great time watching them but I was left a bit deflated overall or like I had seen it before. Maybe they need to change it up and make the show feel a bit more unique to that year's theme, setting or something? Anyone else?


What are everyone's opinions of 22? I absolutely love that show and thought at the time that it exceeded the build completely. It helped that the Chicargo crowd was hot as always.

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To whoever asked, yes it was 24 where the pyro cable went loose and injured 45 people, according to Wiki. It was during Taker's celebration at the end. WWE said they'd investigate it but never published any findings.


I can confirm this to be the case as I was one of the people the cable landed on. Gave me a proper hot ear!


Only 45 people must have complained tho, cos it hit a hell of a lot of us!


22 is a personal favourite of mine to be fair, the crowd were electric all the way through and HHH vs Cena is one of my favourite matches due to the crowd, but top to bottom the show is stacked, with the exception of 1 or 2 matches. Actually one of the better manias IMO. Probably in my top 5.

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