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Astro Hollywood

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I've not read too much in to online to be honest so wasn't sure exactly what was involved. If that's the case I guess I best buy myself one too.


I've just remembered something from the second day I played the game. I headed up Mount Chiliad on the cable carts and when I got out I collected a scrap of paper which was something to do with solving a murder. I'd completely forgotten about it until now. Where do I go to read what it says?

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I switched to him and he was just starting a fight with two hench roid monkeys in the Vespucci Beach open gym, he was upset because they wouldn't let him be a member.

He was fighting with them re he underwear in mine, good that it's not same story each time


Loneliest robot in great britains not what I expected

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I just done the first mission for Lester with Franklin and bought shares for the company he said would profit from what I was to do in the mission. We'll see if it works. I guess I just need to keep checking to see when it starts to rise.


Yeah it does work just make sure you do not leave it to long or the shares value will hugely decrease.

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Anyone been on the Vinewood bus tour yet? You have to be outside the Chinese Theatre on the walk of fame at whatever random time the bus comes past, then you get about a 15 minute tour of the celeb homes, complete with scandal and gossip.


Loved the Facebook mission. Can't believe how much detail they put into the offices and character for something you're only going to see once (unless you replay just for fun.)

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Reaaally enjoying this game so far, great improvement. Baker Street and also Convoy being the gems of the radio so far!


Random little shit in the game I find amazing. Yesterday, as I was avoiding cops setting up for one of the heists I slowed to go round a corner and some bald bloke on the corner took out his phone and began to film it!


I'm greatly fond of running at walls and pressing X (on the xbox) just as you get to them and face planting into the wall, funny as fuck that


Random event:

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

One of the random events i did was stop a fella nicking a push bike and returned it to the guy for no reward.. a few days later I got an email from him telling me he was the owner of some pet food place and gave me 100k in shares in the company, that I quickly sold, that was nice


[close spoiler]



Helicopters are a pain in the ass to fly too!

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For anyone new to headsets like me and Steve this seems cheap and reliable http://www.amazon.co.uk/Xbox-360-Headset/dp/B000AYYACU. This will sound really stupid but do they plug in somewhere on the Xbox or summit? My dulcet tones will be like playing with Gerry Adams, you'll all love it.

Edited by Maverick
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For anyone new to headsets like me and Steve this seems cheap and reliable http://www.amazon.co.uk/Xbox-360-Headset/dp/B000AYYACU. This will sound really stupid but do they plug in somewhere on the Xbox or summit? My dulcet tones will be like playing with Gerry Adams, you'll all love it.


They plug into the bottom of the controller chief.

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