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2Sheds v WAW


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From the esteemed Julian Radbourne


Why You'll Never See Another WAW Review Here Again

at 00:12 Category: Articles - Wrestling


Those of you who have been reading my articles and reviews over the past few years will know that in December 2001 I achieved what I thought was my dream when I began to work for the Norwich-based World Association of Wrestling.


For four years I worked tirelessly to promote the company and it

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Knightmare has made it clear over the years that the stories about 2Sheds aren't true, which seems weird for someone who's apparently also running a major feud against the lad.


I smell bullshit.

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Not entirely. The meltdown he had over the Knights not making him the first person they called when Saraya was found is true.


The bit about 2Sheds wanking over Saraya while she slept was bullshit though, although that did take on a bit of a Chinese whispering campaign to get to that point. The first version (or at least the first version I heard) was nowhere near as sordid.

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Not entirely. The meltdown he had over the Knights not making him the first person they called when Saraya was found is true.


The bit about 2Sheds wanking over Saraya while she slept was bullshit though, although that did take on a bit of a Chinese whispering campaign to get to that point. The first version (or at least the first version I heard) was nowhere near as sordid.

What was the first version, that it was Britani who was asleep?

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He's forgot to take down the Anna in Wonderland review.

Anna in Wonderland - TV Review

at 07:15 Category: Documentaries - Wrestling, Film/Television - Reviews

I'm going to start this article by being completely honest, and perhaps a little blunt with you all. It's Friday, 19th July, 2002, 11.15pm, and I have just seen the biggest load of crap I have seen in a long-time, and as a wrestling fan for all of my thirty years, I feel like my intelligence has just been insulted, by one of the largest broadcasting corporations in the world, and a woman who is trying to make her fifteen minutes of fame last a little bit longer.

Runner-up in the first Big Brother programme two years ago, Anna Nolan had been on a crusade, and it seemed that with every fibre of her being, and with the help of the BBC, all she wanted to do was discredit the world of professional wrestling, and in particular, female wrestling.


One of the first things I had heard off when I began to work for WAW was of Anna's attendance at the WAW Training School the previous April. A few of the trainees from that school had told me of how excited they were that they would possibly get the chance to be on television, helping promote, in a small way, an industry they were taking their first, formative steps in.


I also began to hear of how Anna had participated in an FWA show, "No Surprises 3". In an attempt to find out more about women in wrestling, she became Alex Shane's valet for the night.


People connected with the British wrestling industry seemed genuinely excited that once again they would be getting some mainstream media coverage. The FWA had been hyping the programme for weeks. Always a company eager to promote themselves, they probably saw this as a perfect opportunity to get even more press.


Imagine, then, if you will, when I get a telephone call last night from Julia Knight, the Sweet Saraya herself, wanting to talk to me urgently. Sadly, when I returned her call later in the evening, she was unable to talk, having gone to the hospital to have an injury checked out.


So this morning, I called Julia, and she told me the story. This past Tuesday, journalist Steve Ashfield had shown her a copy of Anna Nolan's programme. Julia gave me Steve's phone number, and about an hour later, a copy of Steve's article was winging it's way to me over the Internet.


Having read the article, and heard how upset Julia was over the programme, I decided that it would be best to form my own opinion on the matter after I had seen the programme. I decided that, despite having read Steve's article, and having heard Julia's reaction to the programme, I would try to go into this thing with an open mind.


It's a damn pity that Anna Nolan and the BBC couldn't have done the same thing. It seemed that everyone who had been approached to help make this programme, from WAW, to Julia Knight, to the FWA and Alex Shane had been fooled. They had thought they were going to help make a programme that would help promote British wrestling. But Anna, backed by Auntie Beeb, pulled the wool over everyone's eyes.


They made absolutely no effort to tell WAW and the FWA that the programme would feature a segment on apartment wrestling, a practice when men hire women to wrestle them for an hour or so. Some have called this another form of prostitution.


I'm going to digress here a little, and tell you a story. About a year ago, before I began to work for WAW, before I had even met Julia Knight, I was approached by a man who said he ran a women's wrestling magazine. He had seen my previous columns on WAW, and wanted me to write an article about the Sweet Saraya. In cases such as this, I always approach them with a certain amount of caution. I asked the man to send me some copies of his magazine. What I saw, I did not like. Although it contained several news items about women's wrestling, it also contained several advertisements for apartment wrestlers. I knew right away that I could not, in any way, shape or form, associate myself with this piece of trash.


But let's get back to the programme here. It seemed that right from the beginning Anna had already formed her opinion on women's wrestling, and the die-hard women's wrestling fan who indulged in apartment wrestling only added fuel to her already blazing fire.


The segments involving Julia were also unpleasant to watch. She treated Anna Nolan like a new friend, but in the end, it was obvious that Anna was using her. Julia Knight has spent the past twelve years of her life in a business she truly loves. She has worked damn hard to get where she is right now. Sure, like most people, she likes a to have a laugh, to have a bit of fun. She wouldn't be human if she didn't. But in her career, she has earned the love and respect of her peers, both male and female, and of the genuine wrestling fans who love this industry as much as she does.


Yet being associated with this form of gutter journalism is going to do nothing but harm that reputation. I've said this before, but Julia is probably one of the nicest people you could ever meet. She is the total opposite of her in-ring persona. With Julia, what you see is what you get, a genuine person who will defend her friends, her family, and her career to the hilt, but also a person who, like everyone else, can feel betrayed by people she was only trying to help.


It's no secret that women's wrestling suffers from a slightly "titillating" reputation. In recent years, Vince McMahon and the WWF were guilty of promoting women's wrestling in a negative light. We all remember the championship reigns of Stacy "The Kat" Carter, how she won the title at Armageddon 1999 in a swimming pool, and would defend the title against Tori in a mud pool, before losing the belt to Harvey Whippleman in a pile of snow.


Thankfully, with the likes of Chyna, Lita, Jazz, Trish Stratus and Molly Holly have plied their trade in the WWF in the past year or so, things have improved, and while we still have the likes of Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson still competing in the ring, the image has improved a little.


But this programme has done nothing but harm not just women's wrestling, but British wrestling. Imagine what will happen now, some seedy lowlife, having gone to a wrestling show and seen the Sweet Saraya compete, approaches her after the show, while she is signing autographs for genuine wrestling fans, and offers her a certain type of job. If anyone reading this is thinking of doing this, I will offer you this piece of advice - don't. Only do this if you want to be fed through a plastic tube for a few weeks.


Anna Nolan and the BBC lied to everyone who took part in this show, otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to get the access they did. Anna Nolan is just one of these people who gained fifteen minutes of fame on a revolutionary game show two years ago, who is just trying to keep the public spotlight on herself. Past BBC efforts, most notably those of Ruby Wax and Louis Theroux, have cast the wrestling industry in a serious and very respectful light. This effort is the total opposite. I commend the efforts of Steve Ashfield, in writing his column. I also commend the efforts of Alex Shane and the FWA, who I understand will be making a statement on Talksport on Saturday night, and I also commend the efforts of Ricky and Julia Knight, for making their public statement, distancing themselves from the programme.


If, like me, you are a serious wrestling fan, who has followed the industry for a number of years, then please, disregard everything you saw in that programme. Women's wrestling will always, in the views of some, have a seedy side. But please, take it at face value. These women put their heart and soul into something they love. They are, as much as the men, there to entertain you, the fan.


A closing thought for you - what sort of reception would Miss Nolan have got if she had approached Klondyke Kate for the programme?


If your going to delete everything, then delete everything Radders. Don't half-arse the job.

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Comments and thoughts that don't warrant a shit thread.

Fuck off! That was hilarious! The devastation this revelation must have caused the Knight family will be felt for years to come! and he even made a Facebook status about it, that's powerful stuff! :omg:


Its Radders vs Ricky. There's only one man I trust to promote such a contest ...


Adam Bowler, make it happen.

You missed a trick here



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The esteemed mr radbourne can go take a running jump, I cant stand the bloke and I know ricky wont waste the energy to type to reply. Radbourne is doin this for sympathy, no one reads his shit anymore or really neber did in the first place. He is a jealous little turd who thinks he made waw big becuase he can use a computer and make little review about people nothin to do with the fact that the great talent waw had/has/will have does in the ring. He is a two timing, back stabber, bull shittin, contridictin, 40 year old, living at home, monkey ass jabroni, who will never do better then blowin his and his brothers trumpet-ie cock.

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