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Dead Friends on Facebook

Stinky Dad

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About a year ago I found out a lad I grew up with had passed away due to a blood clot on his lung. I had been friends on FB with him for a few months and coversed quite reguarly. Tonight I have since found a second 'friend' that I went to school with fell off a balcony a few years ago on holiday and died in 2009! So, anyone else friends with any deadies through social media and if so then why?....also just when is it acceptable to delete said person? One of my scenarios involves me being friends with his fiance so if I deleted him I'd probably have to delete her! Death. Social Media. Discuss.

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It's a tricky one. If they were someone you hadn't seen for ages and aren't friends with/close to their family, who aren't also on your friend list, then just pot them. Thing is, if you're friends with someone who was close to them and they see you've fucked their profile off, you could come across as a callous so-and-so. I had this a while back with a girl I dated who, two years after we split up, died. I didn't have the heart to remove her because I was friends on there with her sister and close mates who I regularly saw. Also because I'm a soft bastard. Eventually her sister closed her account down so that did the job.

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It gets quite creepy when the family try and keep the profile alive. Fpr example I'm buddys with a lady who's brother died out of the blue back in may. Obviously the sister and her family were gutted but it creeped me out when I got a friendship request from Jack Cornish 2 days before his funeral!

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I'm actually going through a friend cull at the moment which is how I stumbled upon the second guy.

I've never understood those people who post a status such as "okay, I'm deleting some folk so if you don't get my status update in 20 minutes you've been removed".


Unless someone is posting copious amounts of shite on a regular basis I really see no need to delete them. Also, chances are they won't be updating their status if they're dead.

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