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big mickey

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Anyone remember that hero of the people from last year, Nick Clegg?

Well here he is predicting riots on the streets in the face of a government without a clear majority trying to slash & burn



Oh and re sending in the army - last time that happened in the UK was back in 1972 on a Sunday in Ireland, remind me how did that one work out?

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I sort of agree with this from the opposite end, if you see what I mean. I don't want to see a return to the old days, because those were the days the coppers built themselves a reputation for being a bunch of racist thugs.


The modern British copper is, for the most part, pretty good; it's the lack of funding and the ridiculous bureaucratising of the job that's stopping him/her from doing it.


I know where youre coming from, its just we dont have that balance in the Police anymore because of people jumping over their mistakes and as a result having their powers taken away. You cant have it both ways when a situation like this comes up and there are lots of people (including on here) being very hypocritical about it right now.

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Now's not the time for the Lil' Che gimmick, Carbomb.


Pity, seriously, drop the misanthropic "Mr. Common-sense" act for once. NOBODY has made excuses, they've cited reasons, and you've been determined to refuse to differentiate between the two. There is one, and no "smart" remarks or jokes will change that or prove you right.

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I know where youre coming from, its just we dont have that balance in the Police anymore because of people jumping over their mistakes and as a result having their powers taken away. You cant have it both ways when a situation like this comes up and there are lots of people (including on here) being very hypocritical about it right now.


I'd say you're ignoring a very important point, which is that the reason why people have been "jumping all over their mistakes" is not the mistakes themselves, but how the Force then attempted to cover it up. How do you expect people to deal with a police force that has lied about its actions in the past few years?


The fault has been from both sides, both the politicians and the police. You can't claim the police are blameless.

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I don't think the modern British copper is up for a scrap in the same way that the coppers that dealt with the riots in the 1980s were.


I went to Uni and from a fairly middle class background, I'd love to suit up and stick these little thieving fuckers right now.


Everyone I know in the same vein feels the same, Facebook is living proof of that right now. A mate of mine has asked to come back off annual leave to get stuck in.

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Pity, seriously, drop the misanthropic "Mr. Common-sense" act for once. NOBODY has made excuses, they've cited reasons, and you've been determined to refuse to differentiate between the two.

What were you just having a go at Flaming June about then?


Do you really think now is the best time for the "they're just products of their environment, we've failed them" stuff?

Edited by King Pitcos
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