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3 lads killed in Birmingham after been hit by a car. Dad of one of them was on 5 live. Heartbroken, obviously, but said he was a good lad, 21, worked as a mechanic and never in any trouble. Which means he was either an innocent bystander or rioting was out of character.


Very sad news, looking at Sky News at around 7am - the reporter at the hospital said those killed were 2 were brothers and the other man was their cousin.


They were defending their car wash business from the idiots when a car mounted a pavement and ploughed into them


Two people seen exiting the car and legging it.


Last I heard was that Police have arrested one male over it and are questioning him.

Edited by Jas
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or rioting was out of character.


Now we know this was not the case in this incident I wouldn't be surprised to find that some people who are normally good and haven't stolen anything in the past or done anything illegal at all or even if they have it's only been pretty minor stuff got involved in the looting because they saw everyone else getting away with it so why can't they get some stuff to.

Edited by Smeg_&_The_Heads
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As great as the internet is for info, there's an awful lot of bullshit around too. Obviously there was the bollocks Flaming June was posting last night. Twitter last night awash with tall tales. Actually read on twitter that 12 riot vans had just arrived at a point in Hull where I was standing. Idiots on my wife's facebook this morning claiming Primark has burnt to the ground too.

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Man, the bastards have been out in force in Birmingham. I can understand Whiskey and co's points of view in this thread it's important to get to the root of why it's happening but this shit has gotta stop by any means now. There's no time for polite discussion and debate with these idiots.


Just remember that although I still believe it is important to find out why this has happened - I do not in any way condone this type of behavior and violence, especially when people are getting hurt and homes/businesses are being destroyed. I am in full support of the police and in people protecting their families/communities. However, I also feel that it is important that as a 'civilised society' we still deal with this situation in as restrained and controlled way as possible, in a 'British' way, if you will - as the police are doing now.

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Has anybody heard from Surf in Bootle since the Digger nailed the Post Office?

I'm fine. Girlfriend was nodding off so we went to bed and played MarioKart for a bit. Her Mum did phone and tell us about the bulldozer incident though, as it's near where she lives.


Trouble in Nottingham spread to Beeston and Long Eaton, from what I've heard, with Long Eaton Tesco being set alight. Some lads tried to start trouble in Mansfield, but only got as far as throwing some eggs about.

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That one's from the Vancouver riots in June.


That was actually a thing of beauty. I'd love to know what happened to the guy afterwards.


Channel 847 being awesome still.

What is 847?


On Sky News it's just said they have arrested someone for the big fire last night and that shop what's been there since 1866

This is actually really sad, place survives 2 wars and get taken out by some scroat who need his nuts kicking :(


Someone from the Manchester city council is pleading for the parents of the looters to grass up their children. Whilst a great idea in principle, in practice if they are allowing their kids out obviously knowing where they are going, I don't think there is a hope in hell of them doing this.

Some of them might. Lets not forget some parents may not have control of their kids but it doesn't mean they're willingly allowing them to go out and do this. Don't get me wrong, that's bad parenting, but if they don't aprove they might just do it. I know of a parent who got fed up of not being able to control her son, not sure what he did but she picked up the phone and got him arrested.


Now we know this was not the case in this incident I wouldn't be surprised to find that some people who are normally good and haven't stolen anything in the past or done anything illegal at all or even if they have it's only been pretty minor stuff got involved in the looting because they saw everyone else getting away with it so why can't they get some stuff to.

I think there will definately be an element of first timers doing this, but one thing that struck me when listening to the radio was people saying stuff like "They stop n search us for no reason, dis is r way of rebeling ennit" I just though, come on you've blates been in trouble before, you're not some good little boy who's never done anything wrong so it's not suprising the police would pick on you because you are someone who may well be up to something.

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What is 847?


Sangat TV, its a Sikh TV channel based on Soho Road in Birmingham, they have been going out and filming the rioting live, the channel's presenter has been on a one man mission to get people to protect Birmingham

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Oh god, some of the crap I was hearing on Twitter & Texts last night, apparently our Town centre was taking a bashing, so a bunch of us went down to see what was going down.




The Police were visable & were quite bemused as to where people were getting the info from.



Also I think fear is playing a huge part, as most of the time you'll see a group hanging around in the town, never gave it a secong thought, but now you'll see them & think "ooh, are they gonna kick off?"

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Sangat TV, its a Sikh TV channel based on Soho Road in Birmingham, they have been going out and filming the rioting live, the channel's presenter has been on a one man mission to get people to protect Birmingham


cheers for that mate never knew about that channel

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Oh god, some of the crap I was hearing on Twitter & Texts last night, apparently our Town centre was taking a bashing, so a bunch of us went down to see what was going down.



My little town of Stamford had a few rumours being thrown around, however around midnight all that could be seen on the high street was a Police van and a couple of cars.



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Anyone know what channel 847 is on freeview or is there a way of watching it online ?


Its not available on Freeview, but it was being broadcasted online, im on my phone so can't copy and paste but if you look up Dara O'Brien's twitter he had a link for it

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