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WWE at Shefiield Arena


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Im considering getting tickets to the RAW at Sheffield Arena in November. There are still some tickets left on the floor about 12 rows back.


If anyone has been to the Arena to watch it there would you recommend the floor that far back or would first level be better for a 7 year old lad?


Muchos Gracias


I'd avoid mate. You'll have people standing all around you, almost for the duration of the show. The kid will see nothing. Go for tier seating.


Floor seats are great within the first 5.

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We had floor seats at the Sheffield Arena for the Attitude Adjustment tour back in '99. About 10 rows back and the view was great.


Although not been to Sheiield arena I agree that most floor seats past 4-5 rows are pointless if the tiers are not too far back (different in Mania sized arenas) Lower tier are always better and in all honesty I would still rather pay for a high up view over a potentiall obstructed by signs and douches view


I've seen WWE at the Sheffield Arena 7 or 8 times since 1993 but only sat on floor level once.


I was around 12 rows back and the view wasn't too bad. But the crowds in 1993 were different to 2011. The entrance came out of the shorter side with just the curtain inbetween.

Now they do the whole pyro thing and the entrance is on the longer side I suspect floor seats might be a bit more cramped together. Also, hardly anybody took signs back then whereas there are plenty more at every show even when the cameras aren't there.


I went to the box office in person and got


I was front row at a Sheffield show in 2003 for my birthday. Was an amazing experience.


Went to Rebellion 2000 there, worst live show experience ever. Sat in the penultimate row on the floor, could barely see a thing. Avoid.


This is probably no help to anyone, but I sat at the last floor row for an event at Butlins Minehead, and my little brother, who was about 8 at the time, couldn't see a thing. To be honest, I couldn't barely see either.


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