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Scott Malbranque

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I saw this last night on an Irish TV Station, and it haunted me all night and all day.

Now, I never really have anything of merit to say...about anything really, but as a da who can't even bring himself to shout at his kid, this cunting ad nearly made me openly fuckin cry in front of the missus and her kin last night, and also it has caused a lot of confliction in the oul noggin of mine, like 'Should they be allowed show this before watershed, should they be allowed show this at all?'. I haven't watched it since, and just did a hit and run copy/paste from YouTube.


Anyone seen this yet, or anyone even have an opinion on whether it's a bit extreme, or is bang on the money?


ISPCC - I Can't Wait Until I Grow Up


I think adverts like this help to drive home the message, and since it's a pretty important message I believe it should be shown.


I've found its impact has been lessened for me due to the sheer amount of "AH ISN'T IT JUST AWFUL?" wankers on my Facebook. Crocodile tear-shedding morons, the lot of them. And speaking of morons, please tell me you've seen the latest road safety ad? "My m8 fancies u lol" - sorry girls, you deserved it.

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I've found its impact has been lessened for me due to the sheer amount of "AH ISN'T IT JUST AWFUL?" wankers on my Facebook. Crocodile tear-shedding morons, the lot of them. And speaking of morons, please tell me you've seen the latest road safety ad? "My m8 fancies u lol" - sorry girls, you deserved it.


See, I don't do Facebook or else I probably wouldn't have given a pox, but after last night, serio...did a right fuckin' number on me, and the last time I was that lost in my own thoughts was when Arnie lowered himself into the molten steel in T2.


"C'mon Aoiiiiifeee..." That Road Safety Ad is a joke...I say it every time it comes on. The only road safety ad that kind of got me, was when your one who was the image of young Posh Spice got put in a wheelchair...

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I think the ad is great. In fact, I think it could do with being a little more extreme. The kid sort no sells most of what comes his way in the video. I would have him in more pain, crying, etc to really try and hammer the point home. Although, having said that, I do understand there is a very fine line when it comes to this kind of thing and they probably want to ensure they stay on the right side of it. This ad pushing the boundaries a little will hopefully lead to even harder hitting ads in the future, cause its an issue that really needs addressing.


There are loads of ISPCC ads out there that make you a little sad and uncomfortable when watching them, cause the kiddies look sad or have a tear in their eye, but then a few minutes later, Corrie is back on and the ad is all but forgotten about. None of those ads leave you sitting there, still pondering it an hour or two later, like it did the original posters. Thats what these ads need to do, they need to cross that line of making people a little sad for a minute and actually getting them to sit up and take notice, they need to leave a lasting impression, and effectively guilt trip people into being a little more proactive about it.

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Fucking hell, that's rough.

It is isn't it? Jeezo, man. Really bangs (sorry) home the message.


I don't believe it should be shown before the watershed though. Even though the message is a good one (report the fuckers), you don't need to scare the shit out of people to do it.


I didn't find this ad to be as bad a lot of you guys seem to, maybe i'm just completely desensitized to this kind of stuff but it wasn't *THAT* bad. I don't know, it didn't seem (look, sound or feel) real.


However, it's good to see it is having the desired effect, in fairness if this ad was asking for money (i dont think it was?) I'd be against it, guilt trips to make money = extortion but if it's about making people realise the truth of this kind of thing and report it - fantastic.


Maybe Im a heartless bastard, but the thwacks and sound effects, gave the advert a surreal comedy edge. I think they were over done and the advert would have been better without them, and just the kids voice as if suffering in silence but speaking up for the aims of the Ispcc. would have probably had more impact.


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