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4FW: Steel Cage Warfare 2011 - {30/07/2011- Swindon}

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Love that 1PW failed to bring 1 member of Team Minnesota over and 4FW trump them by snagging 2!


Great fed, well run, nice venue, decent crowd. In 4 shows I've attended there's only been one guy presented that I thought shouldn't have been in the ring - and he's proved me wrong by improving since. Makes the 140 mile round trip worth it.


These guys get wrestling and do things properly. Support them

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I can totally see why you may be frustrated but alot of people on this forum have never seen 4FW. Without seeing the product their not going to be interested in 4FW (providing they like it). They have a solid, great looking roster but all that people online can see is quality pictures. There is hardly any to no videos online to showcase these guys to spark interest. Obviously people know of Redman, Cannon, Andrews for example but they can be seen in other promotions that are well showcased online. The 'fans' on here have no idea what Owen Phoenix and Benham Ali are like in the ring, hell I even don't.


A random fan could just look at this thread see the awesome graphics and think "Cool! These guys look like wrestlers!" but a quick YouTube search reveals very little so random fan has no idea that 4FW has great up-coming homegrown talent, the fan has no idea that 4FW has great production values, the fan has no idea 4FW uses decent venues with good crowd numbers.


4FWpromotor stated earlier in this thread that the 4FW product is marketed at a 'local' fanbase and not the internet. He did recently post that this show will be posted online (fingers crossed) so people can view the product and then of they gain interest, great!.


The 1PW topic is pretty big. It involved screwing many fans out of money with rumors of over

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Aye I get alot of your points there WM, but there is a steady increase of online stuff that even when that's presented seems to not be seen as well.


It just kinda frustrates me more I guess that for a British Wrestling forum so many people are misinformed as to what should be watched and what not, so many talk of 1PW making them lose interest in the UK scene (again 1PW are pricks but we're not gonna hijack this thread to for it) but if they went along to this type of show it'd change things for them.


Before 4FW I'd been to a few local shows, holiday camps, TXW and some other stuff and this was completely different, the amount of work they have to put in to get everything looking right it was just brilliant to see the finished product, it actually helped me regain some faith in BritWres that night haha taht there was some really good.


2012, lets hope for a bigger outlook aye

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I can totally see why you may be frustrated but alot of people on this forum have never seen 4FW. Without seeing the product their not going to be interested in 4FW (providing they like it). They have a solid, great looking roster but all that people online can see is quality pictures. There is hardly any to no videos online to showcase these guys to spark interest. Obviously people know of Redman, Cannon, Andrews for example but they can be seen in other promotions that are well showcased online. The 'fans' on here have no idea what Owen Phoenix and Benham Ali are like in the ring, hell I even don't.


A random fan could just look at this thread see the awesome graphics and think "Cool! These guys look like wrestlers!" but a quick YouTube search reveals very little so random fan has no idea that 4FW has great up-coming homegrown talent, the fan has no idea that 4FW has great production values, the fan has no idea 4FW uses decent venues with good crowd numbers.


4FWpromotor stated earlier in this thread that the 4FW product is marketed at a 'local' fanbase and not the internet. He did recently post that this show will be posted online (fingers crossed) so people can view the product and then of they gain interest, great!.


The 1PW topic is pretty big. It involved screwing many fans out of money with rumors of over

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I think Sean hit the nail on the head. Considering how piss poor the British indy scene is, it sucks to see how clueless some promoters are, especially when at the end they get more 'press' than honest, enjoyable companies like 4FW. When I trained there it was almost like a family, and they all seemed to have the same goal in mind, and that was just to be the best they could. Everybody there had the drive and passion. That's why I can't wait to go back there this year, simply because I know that I could get my break in a company that shares my same ideology of wrestling, which is all the more satisfying. I could almost compare them to the CHIKARA of 2005, a company that appealed to a small auidience, and that auidience knew just how good they were. They never put on a bad show. Like that era of CHIKARA, I feel they just need one event that will rocket them to the spotlight (like the Tag World Gran Prix of 2005).

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never put on a bad show. Like that era of CHIKARA, I feel they just need one event that will rocket them to the spotlight (like the Tag World Gran Prix of 2005).

The thing is, what do you qualify as the 'spotlight'? A load of lads down south writing about it on the Internet? I'm genuinely interested.


As for matches, here's Phoenix vs Ali BEFORE they went to work in Japan for months. There's a bunch of other ones linked from there.

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The thing is, what do you qualify as the 'spotlight'? A load of lads down south writing about it on the Internet? I'm genuinely interested.

It gave them good attention on the indy circuit. Granted I'm not talking national press or anything. But for CHIKARA, that was the weekend of shows that took from being random indy #71 and put them on the road to becoming a major indy federation. Sadly, back then a load of neckbeards raving about the company on proboards was considered the spotlight. The internet will always be the place where an indy fed make their national pressence. ROH wouldn't have blown up if not for the IWC, as well as any other company. For 4FW, the spotlight for them would be instant association with BritWres. Like how wXw is the first company most fans think of when they say 'Oh he's working Europe next month'.

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