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4FW: Steel Cage Warfare 2011 - {30/07/2011- Swindon}

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Jack Dynamo def. Arik Cannon


'Head Trainer' Dave Sharp then came out to plug the upcoming open day for the 4FW Academy. To show the quality of the training and to express the age of students that are welcome two 14 year old trainees had a 5 minute 'exhition' style of match. Both guys were just as good as their piers and showed a strong showing and received a more than a warm welcome ovation.


Good show so far, Redman vs. Eddie was actually a rounds match but the crowd didn't really know that and I'm not even sure how many rounds there was! There was alot of confusion, the ring announcer 'Miss Swindon 2011' must be a non-wrestling fan (duh!)

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'Head Trainer' Dave Sharp then came out to plug the upcoming open day for the 4FW Academy. To show the quality of the training and to express the age of students that are welcome two 14 year old trainees had a 5 minute 'exhition' style of match. Both guys were just as good as their piers and showed a strong showing and received a more than a warm welcome ovation.

When is the open day? Can't find it on the site or fbook page.

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Just to add on to the above result. Corbin got on the mic after the match and praised how professional 4FW was and how impressed he was with the wrestlers and the organisation. Stressed that they have a great thing going on here and that the fans in attendance are really lucky to get 4FW on a regular basis.


Dan Splash announced that this was his last match after 7 and a half years. Corbin praised Splash by callin him 'a hell of an athlete and professional wrestler'.

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