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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Some Lockdown thoughts.


The Lethal Lockdown wasn't boring I don't think. It certainly didn't set the heather alight and it was probably the worst match of it's type yet, but it kept me entertained enough. A couple of times during the guys coming down that I was just thinking "get the next guy down", but all in all, it was enjoyable fare.


The tag title match was really good I thought. It started really clunky, but then got going in a hurry. The crowd WERE dead, but didn't take away too much from it for me.


Velvet Sky vs. Gail Kim was MUCH better than expected. Just a good steady match.


Bobby Roode vs. James Storm bored the living piss out of me when they got into the cage though. I don't know what it is about Bobby Roode but there is just something lacking there that I can't get into. He looks great, he can talk, he can wrestle, but there's just something and I can't put my finger on it.


Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy was a cracker, which they were both capable of and the final spot was terrific.


The rest I could take or leave. I didn't think anything was outright shit. I didn't like it at the time but when I think back, it wasn't TOO bad.

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I love how long the Roode title run is going. Even as much as I've enjoyed Wrestlemania season and Brock's comeback, Bobby Roode is the best thing in wrestling these days, for me - he's as close as TNA will ever come to making a legitimate star, and he certainly wouldn't be out of place going straight into the main event picture in the WWE. Part of me thinks they should have let Storm have the win in his hometown, then get it back onto Roode within a couple of months, but I think it'd be even better if they had the balls to let Bobby have the belt for a full year and then have one final Roode/Storm match at BFG.

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There are so many things wrong with Lockdown and that set of taping spoilers that i can't even muster up the energy to write about them :( I've stood by this company for 9 years but they're soooooo inept at everything i'm not sure i can stomach it much more. It's not just them mind you. Lesnar, NXT, Punk & Bryan aside I hate the content mostly of WWE too.


I wish actual AIDS death upon Hulk Hogan for what he's been responsible for over the last two years. Bischoff too. At least he's gone. For a few months no doubt :/ We're still stuck with Garrett. The booking of Dutch Mantell (is it?) makes me yearn for the return of Vince Russo. Not having Storm go over in that main event is possibly the worst decision of all time. The BFG one was ok because it set up a suprise Storm win and Roode for his almighty heel turn but this was the time and place for him to lose it. What now? RVD? What the fuck has he done in the last five years but have the same boring match and pretend that WWE wanted him to extract more money for one more year. And seriously, Mr. Anderson is still employed? JESUS H CHRIST.


Having the TV Title defended (at least) fortnightly and bringing in outside/suprise/former/free agent talent to challenge would have been one of my main booking changes but not when the belt currently resided in the posession of 2012 SINGLES WRESTLER EXTRAORDINAIRE D'Von Dudley. Why the hell is this guy even still on TV? They made a huge mistake taking the belt of Robbie E at the last PPV. They had the right idea with his 'List/Open Challenge' thing. I know he's not the greatest and I know Shannon Moore was the first suprise opponent but he could have run through the undercard (especially DVON!!!!) getting himself over and disposing of the jobbers until someone else needed an extended run of wins (Gunner, Alex Shelley - pre Sabin's return, hell Crimson - anything to get him away from Morgan) or they could have made THIS RVD's return (him being like the longest reigning TV champion ever) because it's the only belt he needs to be anywhere near and he might have been able to bring some prestige back to it before dropping it to the next hope. There's so much former talent who'd get one shot pops like Petey Williams, Jay Lethal and others who were disposed of when they shouldn't have been. RVD could have been challenged by any ex-ECW'er in a series (again he's not my first choice but i'm working with what I got). Rhino, Raven, Sabu, Sandman, Lynn etc. If the show was actually FUCKING LIVE people might just tune in to see who was next. Once those two had rebuilt the belt and reminded people that it ACTUALLY FUCKING EXISTS you could elevate anyone with it. NOT DVON! Austin Aries would look mighty dandy with double gold.....


Yeah anyway. I'm frustrated with this crap.


That aside, Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy are two of the most incredible performers of our time. They probably shouldn't be alive but they are, and they're better than you or I.

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so Kaz AND Roode cut their hair and NOT ONE hair vs hair match?


only in TNA

Eddie Guerrero had his hair cut in WWE, no hair match there either. Ditto Test and Christian. Back on topic, Roode looks about a thousand times better with his hair cut.

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April 26th Spoilers


TNA TV champion Devon pinned Bully Ray.


* Jeremy Borash came out and cut a promo on Eric Bischoff, saying tonight is his last night with the company and cuts a promo on Bischoff drunkenly tweeting about him. Bischoff comes out and says that if Borash wants a fight, he'll get one. Bully Ray nailed Borash and laid him out. Bischoff covered him for a pinfall and twets a photo of Borash beaten down.


* Mexican America cut a promo, ripping on America, leading to...


* Kurt Angle defeated Anarquia with an Anklelock for submission.


* Al Snow announced that he will be the lead Judge for the TNA GutCheck tonight and brings out OVW's Alex Silva.


* Robbie E pinned Alex Silva.


* Brooke Tessmacher challenged TNA Knockouts champion Gail Kim, since she pinned her last week.


* Brooke Tessmacher pinned TNA Knockout champion Gail Kim in a non-title match.


* TNA Tag Team champions Samoa Joe & Magnus beat Mr. Anderson & Jeff Hardy when Joe made Anderson tap. It was supposed to be a three-way but Hulk Hogan told Chris Daniels and Kazarian they were out of the match before it started. Anderson and Hardy had dissension. Daniels and Kazarian attack the champions.


* Immortal come out for the Eric Bischoff farewell. They present Bischoff with some sort of Hall of Fame ring Garett Bischoff, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Austin Aries, Rob Van Dam and Jeremy Borash come to the stage. Borash said that Bischoff is instead going to the Hall of Shame. There is a huge brawl, leading to Bischoff being thrown into a Port-A-Potty by Garett and Borash, which is shoved off. The show ends with Eric falling out covered in crap.

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I watched a couple hours of the PPV last night and the first thing that screamed out at me during the Lethal Lockdown match is, if you are going to show the wrestlers making their way down the aisle coming from the back/Gorilla, then make sure the opposition are not in view warming up, oiling up etc. I know kayfabe is long gone, but seriously it was ridiculous seeing Gunner make his way to ringside passing by Anderson and Aries who were getting ready.


From watching that Lethal Lockdown match, I'd say the Anderson is worse than Garett, although they both throw terrible misses punches.

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April 26th Spoilers


TNA TV champion Devon pinned Bully Ray.




I definitely agree there. Arguably it makes Devon a better Champion, but yeesh he stinks anyway, Bully Ray would be a far superior Champion and he needs to be rewarded with some gold (no matter how shit the TV Title is/no matter how much it gets passed around) because he has been awesome.

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