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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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The fact that TNA is attracting over 2 million viewers speaks volumes, they are doing really well at the moment. Especially when you consider pro wrestling (WWE) is losing viewers and popularity they should see it as massive positive that they are holding viewers and gaining numbers like that now. They could be on a level to compete in a couple of years if they carry momentum.

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Forget Hogan and Savage, except perhaps in the way Beer Money might break up. As I see the pair, they're more akin to Bret Hart (Roode) and Steve Austin (Storm).


Problem with Roode is he HAD a gimmick. In order to become the (undeniably) good babyface he is, that gimmick had to be diluted, if not completely disposed of. Unfortunately, in the course of making him the face he now is, I think they've also made him pretty bland and unsellable (personally love him, think he's probably the closest thing to Arn Anderson there is). Yeah, he cuts a good, fiery promo but that's not what the paying customers neccessarily want. At least not on its own.


There's absolutely nothing outlandish or unusual about Bobby Roode. No larger than life character, his physique, while impressive in its own right, doesn't make him stand out. If he were champ with his current persona you'd be getting quality matches and sincere, believable promos but not much else. Even storyline wise, there's only so much mileage in the way he's been portrayed. Look at Chris Benoit- once he won the WWE Heavyweight title what else did he do? Once the chase was over, there wasn't anywhere else to go with him. Same with Roode, if he'd won at BFG. I hate to say it, but realistically he's just a good guy in trunks as it stands. Even down to his name- what sort of wrestling company would hang their hats on a good guy called 'Bobby Roode'? Seriously? Maybe if he had a nickname... (Seriously, try ring announcing 'Bobby Roode' or 'Robert Roode' on their own. Can't even put any massive emotion into it. And Christy Hemme doesn't...)


I feel for Roode- I do believe he was genuinely in line to win at BFG. To be told you're not going to be winning after all must be crap, especially given that it looked like the company was solidly behind him. Then to lose out to your tag team partner...


But I'm on the side of TNA with this one. It's actually their fault they had to do this to Roode, just because of how they've portrayed him. At least they've seen sense and changed tack before it was too late. As is, though, Storm's ten times more marketable and has more storyline potential, without even previously having had any sort of main event level push.


I honestly think the only way to salvage Roode now is to do a heel turn to give the guy a bit more character than he currently has. I'm sorry, but as has been proved in the past, gimmickless, clean cut, pure baby face doesn't cut it any more (Bret Hart, y'see. Excellence of Execution, maybe, but what was there beyond that, other than a guy who gave out sunglasses to kids?).


Despite slagging off BFG and its booking, I agree with points in this. I stand by that BFG was very flat and that there were silly minor things that they needed to get right like Roode's entrance. I do think that Roode would be better as the heel and Storm better as the face though and this does create an interesting dynamic too. The story writes itself as well.


I don't think it's bad that this title change happened on Impact. WCW used to do big things on Nitro, so much so that I'd look forward to Nitro more than the PPV a lot of the time. However, they need to make sure they hang onto this increased viewership and then gradually phase some of the bigger things onto PPV.

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The fact that TNA is attracting over 2 million viewers speaks volumes, they are doing really well at the moment. Especially when you consider pro wrestling (WWE) is losing viewers and popularity they should see it as massive positive that they are holding viewers and gaining numbers like that now. They could be on a level to compete in a couple of years if they carry momentum.


If panda energy pulled the funding from TNA that would be the end of TNA.


TNA are only making small time gains nothing more.

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The fact that TNA is attracting over 2 million viewers speaks volumes, they are doing really well at the moment. Especially when you consider pro wrestling (WWE) is losing viewers and popularity they should see it as massive positive that they are holding viewers and gaining numbers like that now. They could be on a level to compete in a couple of years if they carry momentum.


If panda energy pulled the funding from TNA that would be the end of TNA.


TNA are only making small time gains nothing more.


Thats not really the point though is it? I hardly think they can be considered a small time promotion whilst pulling in 2 million weekly viewers can they? Im not a tna fan boy byt he way, I dont even watch it.

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The fact that TNA is attracting over 2 million viewers speaks volumes, they are doing really well at the moment. Especially when you consider pro wrestling (WWE) is losing viewers and popularity they should see it as massive positive that they are holding viewers and gaining numbers like that now. They could be on a level to compete in a couple of years if they carry momentum.


If panda energy pulled the funding from TNA that would be the end of TNA.


TNA are only making small time gains nothing more.


Thats not really the point though is it? I hardly think they can be considered a small time promotion whilst pulling in 2 million weekly viewers can they? Im not a tna fan boy byt he way, I dont even watch it.


And TNA is a worldwide company, 9,000 at Wembley houseshow surely generates the majority of their money rather than 10,000 PPV buys in the states,

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TNA isn't a small time company. They are an occassionally poorly run major company. They have EVERYTHING in place to be doing far better than they are doing. They have a brilliant roster both in the ring and on the microphone, they have major backing from a big TV channel and they are popular in a hotbed like the UK, which they could be doing even better in if they brought a big roster and a film crew over here. They could pack a large arena for a TV taping, for definite. Surely they could do a months worth of tapings over here on a UK tour.

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  • Paid Members
TNA isn't a small time company. They are an occassionally poorly run major company. They have EVERYTHING in place to be doing far better than they are doing. They have a brilliant roster both in the ring and on the microphone, they have major backing from a big TV channel and they are popular in a hotbed like the UK, which they could be doing even better in if they brought a big roster and a film crew over here. They could pack a large arena for a TV taping, for definite. Surely they could do a months worth of tapings over here on a UK tour.

Imagine how well they'd do with just Hogan and Sting on the poster. People over here haven't seen those two over here in years. Hogan alone will get them a decent crowd, his mate Baconmania will have him back on too.


Instead of throwing money away on another Jersey Shore member that won't draw, put that in the bank and treat their UK fans to something special. It makes the company look big on TV and it will help increase their popularity over here.

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TNA isn't a small time company. They are an occassionally poorly run major company. They have EVERYTHING in place to be doing far better than they are doing. They have a brilliant roster both in the ring and on the microphone, they have major backing from a big TV channel and they are popular in a hotbed like the UK, which they could be doing even better in if they brought a big roster and a film crew over here. They could pack a large arena for a TV taping, for definite. Surely they could do a months worth of tapings over here on a UK tour.

Imagine how well they'd do with just Hogan and Sting on the poster. People over here haven't seen those two over here in years. Hogan alone will get them a decent crowd, his mate Baconmania will have him back on too.


Instead of throwing money away on another Jersey Shore member that won't draw, put that in the bank and treat their UK fans to something special. It makes the company look big on TV and it will help increase their popularity over here.


Well I remember JB saying on a tweet he wished TNA would move over to the UK due to the large fanbase we have here. Just imagine it though it would be brilliant. It's just it would cost an absolute bomb filming over here. As they would need to bring over the production crew, make up/hair, backstage props, there own tron and what not. Although amerchandise do a great job with the house show set they use over here for the TNA shows.


I do really wish they would put a show on over here for TV. I admit there house shows are brilliant but it would be much better having a show. It also really kills the feeling on the house show for a title match as you know there is a 99.5% chance it wont change hands.

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Did TNA make a mistake in bringing Gail Kym back as a heel? The whole segment seemed kind of flat.

That's because Gail Kim is nothing special.


Q8: 1.29 rating - Beer Money backstage, James Storm beats Kurt Angle for the TNA Title

While the high rating is something to be happy about, the fact that the title change was the lowest quarter hour is disappointing.

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TNA isn't a small time company. They are an occassionally poorly run major company. They have EVERYTHING in place to be doing far better than they are doing. They have a brilliant roster both in the ring and on the microphone, they have major backing from a big TV channel and they are popular in a hotbed like the UK, which they could be doing even better in if they brought a big roster and a film crew over here. They could pack a large arena for a TV taping, for definite. Surely they could do a months worth of tapings over here on a UK tour.

Imagine how well they'd do with just Hogan and Sting on the poster. People over here haven't seen those two over here in years. Hogan alone will get them a decent crowd, his mate Baconmania will have him back on too.


Instead of throwing money away on another Jersey Shore member that won't draw, put that in the bank and treat their UK fans to something special. It makes the company look big on TV and it will help increase their popularity over here.


Well I remember JB saying on a tweet he wished TNA would move over to the UK due to the large fanbase we have here. Just imagine it though it would be brilliant. It's just it would cost an absolute bomb filming over here. As they would need to bring over the production crew, make up/hair, backstage props, there own tron and what not. Although amerchandise do a great job with the house show set they use over here for the TNA shows.


I do really wish they would put a show on over here for TV. I admit there house shows are brilliant but it would be much better having a show. It also really kills the feeling on the house show for a title match as you know there is a 99.5% chance it wont change hands.



How about bringing over a UK PPV and using A merchandise's gear as surely it can't be no worse than the 10,000 buyrates they get for a lot of investment in the states. Against All Odds at Wembley Stadium infront of 9,000 fans at

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