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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Picking up the Boddy Roode stuff from the Powerslam thread:


Just started watching Sunday's Impact last night - the Storm/Angle/Roode face-off was absolutely dynamite, one of the best bits of wrestling theatre I've seen this year. Angle's just completely putting these two over right now, I hope he finishes the job at Summerslam, I have a suspicion that his whole heel turn is because he's the most legitimate guy in TNA for Roode to win his first title off.


I think Ian mentioned earlier in this thread about Storm, but he shone as well. This elevation of Roode has also served to highlight just how good he is. Does he even have a match at Bound For Glory? Stick him up against Jarrett or someone, he needs to keep the momentum up.

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funny you guys got worked over by hogan. Ha!

It wasnt us that got worked. We always get worked because we are fans who just read news. TNA and Hogan worked the sheets and they all reported it like his retiremement was real. The fact remains though, his contract is up very soon. I cant see him sticking around. Maybe its the best for all parties. I'm not one who goes "Hogan's over shadowing them *sob, sob*", but I'd watch Impact if Roode and Storm were the main players. Sting usually leaves after BFG as well, so you could have a TNA without Hogan, Flair, Foley, Sting and Bischoff after BFG.


Also, I'm looking forward to BFG more than I was SummerSlam. Wasnt really to fussed at the time. Impact last night was fucking fantastic. Stings opening promo was one of the best all year. Bobby Roode looked like Jack the Biscuit after Serious Stinger was through sucking his dick. Awesome promo.


I really wish Bobby would stop wearing TNA and Impact shirts though. You never wear the promotions shirt. The likes of Al Snow and Crash Holly used to do that. Hopefully they have B-Roode shirts for BFG. Also, would like some new music. As much as I love the Beer Money song, new solo music at the PPV would be just what the doctor ordered.

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Just saw the 29-9 show. 2 main things stood out.


I'll start with the very good, and that was the build up of Bobby Roode. At this juncture, I really don't know if he'll win the belt or if James Storm will turn on him at BFG, but you can guess what I'm hoping for. So, this is very good.


But then we had Hulk Hogan's inexplicable face turn, or so it seemed. Unless Sting is going to goad him in to going through with his BFG match next week, then Impact Wrestling have done themselves a serious disservice by not denouncing the match as soon a they learned Hogan wouldn't go through with it.


Rest of the show was so so. I was disappointed that Brian Kendrick won the X Division contendership match, and generally the new and improved X division has been a disappointment. Aside from the fantastic Austin Aries, we have a washed up veteran who's not as good he used to be and a really bland guy who carries an American football engaged in a feud instead of devoting time to Zema Ion and Mark Haskins.

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Unless Sting is going to goad him in to going through with his BFG match next week

No shit. He actually said those exact words at the end of the show. Nobody on earth thought Hogan was really retiring. The review of this on the Bryan and Vinny show said it best (which is rare). If anyone thought that the Hogan promo was anything other than Hogan desperate to get out of a match with Sting which he's been locked into, then wrestling might not be the best thing for you. Its obvious its a heel trying to bottle it. The fact Sting was doing live commentary on it showed this. Nobody in their right mind is going to think "aww the match isnt happening because Hogan's suddenly a lovely bloke again". The whole storyline is based around Hogan not wanting to wrestle Sting. TNA are doing a far better job at promoting this feud than anyone thought they would. Probably due to Hogan's lack of mobility, but everything is plodding along simply. No stupid shit (so far anyway).

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Just watched Impact, thought it was great, the Roode video was top notch and followed up by one great match between Roode and AJ, theirs no doubt in my mind that Roode vs Angle at BFG is going to be awesome and probably TNA'S biggest match since Joe vs Angle.


2012 could be a very good year for TNA if they do things right, I agree with Ian, Roode needs new theme music and new t-shirts.


Also you know Crimson is starting to grow on me, him walking in the back with shades with swagger in his footsteps, he looked like a superstar, like most people I just hope TNA doesn't mess all this good stuff up.

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nodq.comCredit: F4WOnline.com According to Dave Meltzer, both Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff have renewed contracts with TNA Wrestling. Specifics of the agreement were not disclosed, though company officials wanted the deal finalized prior to Hogan's scheduled match at Bound for Glory. It's believed that the contracts were to expire right before the PPV.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Credit: F4WOnline.com


According to Dave Meltzer, both Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff have renewed contracts with TNA Wrestling. Specifics of the agreement were not disclosed, though company officials wanted the deal finalized prior to Hogan's scheduled match at Bound for Glory. It's believed that the contracts were to expire right before the PPV.



What kind of stupid company gives high profile talent a contract that expires just before their biggest PPV of the year rather than just after. That's just asking for trouble. Par for the course for TNA I suppose.

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Credit: F4WOnline.com


According to Dave Meltzer, both Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff have renewed contracts with TNA Wrestling. Specifics of the agreement were not disclosed, though company officials wanted the deal finalized prior to Hogan's scheduled match at Bound for Glory. It's believed that the contracts were to expire right before the PPV.



What kind of stupid company gives high profile talent a contract that expires just before their biggest PPV of the year rather than just after. That's just asking for trouble. Par for the course for TNA I suppose.



Maybe they didn't have a PPV date before they signed Hogan and Bishoff?

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What kind of stupid company gives high profile talent a contract that expires just before their biggest PPV of the year rather than just after. Thats just asking for trouble. Par for the course for TNA is suppose.

Probably because they signed two years ago after Bound For Glory and scheduling and booking of venues means that timing changes and dates of PPV's gets moved forward, thus interfering with talents contract negotiations? What pointless shit picking.

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What kind of stupid company gives high profile talent a contract that expires just before their biggest PPV of the year rather than just after. Thats just asking for trouble. Par for the course for TNA is suppose.

Probably because they signed two years ago after Bound For Glory and scheduling and booking of venues means that timing changes and dates of PPV's gets moved forward, thus interfering with talents contract negotiations? What pointless shit picking.



Pointless shit picking maybe. Until they get themselves into a situation where a wrestler with a expired contract holds them up for more money on the night of the PPV.


Surely signing even a days extension months ago or just having contracts expire on a monday rather than a Sunday would make more sense than having a made scramble to get things signed before the PPV.

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