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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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I really think you're reading too much into this. It's been a great angle that has led to months of really good tv matches with a reason behind them, and will hopefully lead to the creation of a new main event star at Bound For Glory.

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Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking at the tournament and going "James storm has had 12 matches, Gunner has had 19. This tournament sux!" I'm just using it as an example that it's not like the tournament has been booked carefully, because it hasn't.


Now, I might be saying "The guy who's been made into a star and beat everyone has been "injured" to remove him from the tournament thus making the tournament winner look second rate in comparison, this tournament sux!" or "The way the points system works is completely fucking bizarre, this tournament sux!" or "the four guys haven't really stood out in terms of the tournament whatsoever, and with the exception of Gunner, are in exactly the same spot (As of right now) that they were in beforehand, this tournament sux!"

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Well, I would say both Gunner and Crimson have benefitted hugely from this tournament, having got good wins on tv and been made to look credible. They're not the right person to be getting the BFG shot though, and I thought the injury angle was quite clever for keeping Crimson's streak alive whilst still putting him out of contention.


I would agree though that it hasn't been good for Pope or Joe, but then fuck those guys. Joe is an absolute waste of space, and Pope seems a lot less interesting now than when he first arrived. It's all about Bobby Roode now.

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Well, I would say both Gunner and Crimson have benefitted hugely from this tournament, having got good wins on tv and been made to look credible. . It's all about Bobby Roode now.

That's the thing, Bobby Roode could have gotten so much more. They started well by having him lose a lot. HAd he got to a stage where he had to win basically every match and banged on about it (for example) he could've gotten so over.


I'm not sure Gunner's really got anything, but Crimson definitely did. But I thought the injury angle completely took the wind out of his sails. Especially because it was Joe.

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Just seen this on pwtorch


TNA's two-and-a-half-month Bound for Glory Series concluded with Bully Ray ranked #1 with 49 points after Crimson, with 50 points, was scratched due to an injury angle.


The Final Four concluded: Ray (49 points), Robert Roode (42 points), Gunner (42 points), and James Storm (40 points).


As a result, #1 Bully Ray will face #4 James Storm in one BFG Series semi-final at the No Surrender PPV. #2 Robert Roode will face #3 Gunner in the other semi-final.


The end of the Series also captures the unevenness of the tournament. Gunner finished with 19 matches in the Series compared to Scott Steiner's nine matches and Samoa Joe and Crimson's ten matches.


Final Bound for Glory Series Standings (Win-Loss-Draw-Tag Victory Did Not Score Fall For Points) -- # Matches


(1) Bully Ray: 49 points (7-7-0-0) -- 14 matches

(2t) Robert Roode: 42 points (6-3-0-6) -- 15 matches

(2t) Gunner: 42 points (6-12-0-1) -- 19 matches

(4) James Storm: 40 points (6-3-0-3) -- 12 matches

(5) Rob Van Dam: 35 points (7-6-0-0) -- 13 matches

(6) A.J. Styles: 24 points (4-7-0-0) -- 11 matches

(7) Scott Steiner: 21 points (3-6-0-1) -- 9 matches

(8) The Pope: 17 points (3-13-0-1) -- 17 matches

(9) Samoa Joe: -10 points (0-10-0-0) -- 10 matches

Crimson: 50 points (7-0-1-2) -- 10 matches

Brother Devon: 30 points (4-10-1-0) -- 15 matches

Matt Morgan: 24 points (3-2-0-0) -- 5 matches


List of Bound for Glory Series match results


9/1 Impact Wrestling: Gunner pinned Rob Van Dam (7 points Gunner).


8/25 Impact Wrestling: Rob Van Dam submitted "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero (10 points RVD). ... Immortal (Scott Steiner & Bully Ray & Gunner) beat Fortune (A.J. Styles & James Storm & Robert Roode) in a six-man Falls Count Anywhere match (Bully Ray scored the pin - 7 points Ray).


8/20 TNA house show: Gunner pinned "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero (7 points Gunner). ... Robert Roode pinned Rob Van Dam (7 points Roode).


8/19 TNA house show: Beer Money beat "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero & Gunner (Storm scored the pin - 7 points Storm).


8/18 TNA house show: Rob Van Dam submitted "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero (10 points RVD).


8/18 Impact Wrestling: Scott Steiner pinned Brother Devon (7 points Steiner). ... A.J. Styles beat Rob Van Dam via DQ (3 points Styles, -10 points RVD).


8/13 TNA house show: Bully Ray pinned Brother Devon (7 points Ray).


8/12 TNA house show: Bully Ray pinned Brother Devon (7 points Ray).


8/11 Impact Wrestling: Beer Money beat A.J. Styles & Rob Van Dam and The Pope & Brother Devon in a three-team match (Roode scored the pin - 7 points Roode). ... Crimson beat Bully Ray & Scott Steiner & Gunner in a handicap match (7 points Crimson).


8/7 Hardcore Justice PPV: Crimson beat Rob Van Dam via DQ (3 points Crimson, -10 points RVD). ... "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero pinned Brother Devon (7 points Pope).


8/4 Impact Wrestling: Brother Devon pinned A.J. Styles (7 points Devon). ... "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero beat Samoa Joe via DQ (3 points Pope, -10 points Joe). ... Rob Van Dam & Crimson beat Scott Steiner & Gunner (RVD scored the pin - 7 points RVD).


8/3 Xplosion: Crimson vs. Brother Devon went to a double count-out (2 points apiece for draw).


7/30 TNA house show: James Storm beat "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero via count-out (5 points Storm). ... Robert Roode beat Samoa Joe, Brother Devon, and Gunner (Roode scored the pin - 7 points Roode). ... A.J. Styles pinned Bully Ray (7 points Styles).


7/29 TNA house show: Bully Ray beat "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero and Gunner in a three-way match (7 points Ray).


7/28 TNA house show: "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero pinned Samoa Joe (7 points Pope). ... Beer Money beat Bully Ray & Gunner (Storm scored the pin - 7 points Storm).


7/28 Impact Wrestling: Rob Van Dam pinned Gunner (7 points RVD). ... Crimson pinned Bully Ray (7 points Crimson).


7/23 TNA house show: Scott Steiner pinned Samoa Joe. ... Beer Money beat Bully Ray & Gunner (Roode scored the pin - 7 points Roode).


7/22 TNA house show: Gunner pinned Samoa Joe (7 points Gunner). ... Beer Money beat Scott Steiner & Bully Ray (Storm scored the pin - 7 points Storm).


7/21 TNA house show: Bully Ray pinned Samoa Joe (7 points Ray). ... Beer Money beat Scott Steiner & Gunner (Roode scored the pin - 7 points Roode).


7/21 Impact Wrestling: Rob Van Dam pinned Scott Steiner (7 points RVD). ... Matt Morgan beat A.J. Styles, Gunner, and Samoa Joe in a ladder match (10 points Morgan).


7/14 Impact Wrestling: Robert Roode beat Samoa Joe and "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero in a three-way match (Roode scored a pinfall - 7 points Roode).


7/7 Impact Wrestling: Crimson pinned Robert Roode (7 points Crimson). ... Brother Devon &

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Impact is a must watch. Its nothing special (some of it was really bad), but there was so much stuff you had to see because it was good and some stuff you had to see because of how terrible it was. Bryan Alvarez called Hulk Hogan "the most charismatic man in the business on this evening". Alvarez said that! I'm not even lying. He really was brilliant. Impact was bad to be fair. It should now be common knowledge that Kendrick and Anderson are the shittest characters in the business. If you think Michael Cole is bad, try watching this pair. Fuck me. Brian Kendrick's segment with Austin Aries was rotten. But, Hulk Hogan was excellent. Hogan in a REAL building is just awesome. His reactions, he facial expressions, his promos, everything. It was a real pleasure for me, because Hogan hasnt looked like he's given a toss in so long it was nice seeing him do his thing. Always nice to see Hogan looking like its 1997 again. Jeff Hardy's interview was as disjointed as fuck. Looked scripted, which it probably was, but when you asking for forgiveness you'd think he'd be able to drag a bit of emotion from somewhere. Robert Roode was OVER in this building. He's a star.


One last thing: when you have a hot crowd in a real arena, why do you need to put those "booooo" and "yeyyyy" sound effects in every 3 seconds?

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Just saw the last show. It was alright.


The bad: Anderson, Angle and Sting. Angle has flipped and flopped back and fourth so much I've completely lost interest even knowing where he stands. And I'm not really up for Sting and Angle's feud. I can't understand why Angle even turned heel. They had a good thing going with him wanting to slay the dragon and beat Sting cleanly, one of the few things he hasn't achieved in his career. For me, it would have made far more sense for Sting to have taunted him in his insane manners about being unable to beat him.


Devon and Pope becoming number 1 contenders to the tag titles. I thought the British Invasion were in line for a nice push. Magnus has a tremendous and quirky character and can be brilliant on the mic. And I thought they had established their grievances with Mexican America. What a disappointment.



The good: Austin Aries and Brian Kendrick's promo. Nicely done, and Aries got a nice dig at Kendrick's ridiculous personality. It was a by the book segment with a nice cruiser weight spin on it at the end. (kendrick went for sliced bread and Aries slily dove out of the ring)


Rob Terry hooking up with Robbie E. I don't know if TNA will capitalize on this, but I feel the pair could be amusing. Robbie E and Robbie T, a new Jearsey shore style Browski who says 'bro' a lot and a Welshman! There's got to be some amusing interplay to be found there.


Matt Morgan and Samoa Joe promoting their match. Its just about as good as you can get for a guy who's been on a losing streak and a guy who's just recovered from an injury and been the BFG series analyst for the last month. They managed to integrate it in to the 4 way match as well with the writing being logical.


Jeff Hardy. I can see that Ian thought the acting was bad, but while it wasn't the most heart felt and passionately delivered promo, I thought it carried enough weight by what Jeff said in itself. He didn't deserve the applause and had disgraced himself. The end where he asked for one more chance and then the show ended was unusually well done for an Impact Wrestling broadcast. Simple and yet effective in making me look forward to what will happen next.



Christopher Daniels interview:


Good stuff. Wonder why they didn't put that on the show?

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Just saw the last show. It was alright.


The bad: Anderson, Angle and Sting. Angle has flipped and flopped back and fourth so much I've completely lost interest even knowing where he stands. And I'm not really up for Sting and Angle's feud. I can't understand why Angle even turned heel. They had a good thing going with him wanting to slay the dragon and beat Sting cleanly, one of the few things he hasn't achieved in his career. For me, it would have made far more sense for Sting to have taunted him in his insane manners about being unable to beat him.


Devon and Pope becoming number 1 contenders to the tag titles. I thought the British Invasion were in line for a nice push. Magnus has a tremendous and quirky character and can be brilliant on the mic. And I thought they had established their grievances with Mexican America. What a disappointment.



The good: Austin Aries and Brian Kendrick's promo. Nicely done, and Aries got a nice dig at Kendrick's ridiculous personality. It was a by the book segment with a nice cruiser weight spin on it at the end. (kendrick went for sliced bread and Aries slily dove out of the ring)


Rob Terry hooking up with Robbie E. I don't know if TNA will capitalize on this, but I feel the pair could be amusing. Robbie E and Robbie T, a new Jearsey shore style Browski who says 'bro' a lot and a Welshman! There's got to be some amusing interplay to be found there.


Matt Morgan and Samoa Joe promoting their match. Its just about as good as you can get for a guy who's been on a losing streak and a guy who's just recovered from an injury and been the BFG series analyst for the last month. They managed to integrate it in to the 4 way match as well with the writing being logical.


Jeff Hardy. I can see that Ian thought the acting was bad, but while it wasn't the most heart felt and passionately delivered promo, I thought it carried enough weight by what Jeff said in itself. He didn't deserve the applause and had disgraced himself. The end where he asked for one more chance and then the show ended was unusually well done for an Impact Wrestling broadcast. Simple and yet effective in making me look forward to what will happen next.



Christopher Daniels interview:


Good stuff. Wonder why they didn't put that on the show?

What made the Hardy thing bad was the piped in crowd noises on top of the normal crowd. It would of been better if they can the fucking shit crowd inserts

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Results for September 15th


We get a Ric Flair and Sting promo hyping their match later in the night. This segment was later retaped for some reason.


There is a pretape with Karen Jarrett ordering Traci to get all the Knockouts to her office.


1. The Pope, Devon, Tara, and Miss Tessmacher defeated Hernandez, Anarquia, Sarita, and Rosita in a mixed tag match.


There is a Fortune celebration congratulating Bobby Roode on his victory. While Daniels was congratulating Roode, he was making side comments about his victory over AJ Styles. Kurt Angle comes out and because of his alignment with Hulk Hogan, he is forcing Roode to face each member of Fortune over the next few weeks. They can lay down for Roode but then they will be at the bottom of the title ranks and likely never get a title shot anytime soon or they can beat him and earn a shot soon. Roode will face Kazarian tonight.


2. Samoa Joe defeated Matt Morgan. Joe got the win with an inverted Figure Four move.


3. Velvet Sky beat Angelina Love. Winter hit Sky with the title belt in front of the referee. This was some sort of tournament matchup.


4. Bully Ray and Jerry Lynn beat Mr. Anderson in a handicap match. Bully Ray took out Anderson with a chain.


5. Bobby Roode beat Kazarian with the Crossface.


6. Sting beat Ric Flair to earn a match with Hulk Hogan at Bound For Glory. Towards the end, Hulk Hogan, Abyss, and Scott Steiner came out. Hogan slipped Flair some brass knuckles, which he used on Sting, but Sting kicked out. Sting eventually locked in the Scorpion Death Lock and got the win. Hogan and Sting taunted one another after the match.


Tapings on Tuesday and Wednesday as well this week. Eric Young tweeted that he wont be involved at all this week

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