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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Every match on last Thursdays show ended with some kind of screwy finish!


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Matchwise it was an entertaining show, but there was no need for the ridiculous overbooking.

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Watched Impact on Challenge tonight - saw pretty much the whole episode, the first time I've done so in around a year. It's so much better than it was in 2010, a massive improvement all round.


I liked the new Sting, I thought Matt Morgan had got better, I still enjoy AJ Styles after all this time, the Destination X video packages did a good job, but the biggest revelation was probably Velvet Sky. She's really good. By that I mean she's got a very strong character, she can talk, she can hold her own in the ring, she can get people chanting for her (which, I know, is probably easier in TNA than anywhere else, but it's still an achievement), and it's really easy to connect with her character and with her. I was genuinely impressed with how much better she was (personality and relatability-wise mostly) than the last time I saw her. She's also looking stunning at the moment. Full marks :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The following was taped on Monday, July 25 in Orlando, Florida:


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Impact Wrestling for July 28:


-Kurt Angle called Hulk Hogan out, demanding to end their differences once and for all. Hogan came out and asks Angle why he doesn't want to join Immortal when all he's trying to do is make Angle more money. Angle says he'd beat Hogan up if he didn't have respect for him. Hogan said he'll never step foot into the ring again due to eight back surgeries. Hogan says everything Angle has done is a fluke, including winning the gold medal. Angle says he knows Hogan can still go. All Hogan wants to do is get Angle to take Sting out for him. Angle tells him to do it himself and leaves the ring.


-Rob Van Dam def. Gunner in a Bound For Glory Series Match


-Sting announces himself to Immortal as the new Network executive. They're bringing in more X Division stars. Sting also books Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson in a Cage Match with Fortune surrounding the ring.


-Brian Kendrick and Alex Shelley call out Austin Aries. Aries says they can please the fans but he doesn't care. Aries wants a five-star bank account and wants the X Division Championship. They book a three way match between the three at Hardcore Justice. Abyss comes out and says he wants his rematch for the title as well. Sting appears on the screen and says Abyss will face Brian Kendrick in an Ultimate X Match.


-Crimson def. Bully Ray in a Bound For Glory Series Match


-Winter def. Tara


-Velvet Sky and Traci Brooks call out ODB and Miss Jackie. They went back and forth for why they got released. Velvet says she was bullied when she was younger and she will not be someone's punching bag now.


-Brian Kendrick def. Abyss in an Ultimate X Match to retain the X Division Championship. Abyss was scared to climb up and grab the title.


-Kurt Angle def. Mr. Anderson in a Steel Cage Match. Immortal fought with Fortune at ringside. Mexican America ran down to even the odds. Sting raised Angle's hand after the match.




-Crimson def. Devon in an X-Plosion Championship Series Match


Credit: PWInsider.com


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Velvet IS really good at the moment, isn't she? She's done a fine job of retaining sympathy through some really tortuous storylines.


Mr Anderson's shitty physique continues to annoy me though. Why can't he go to the gym - is he too busy?

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Spoilers for August 4th


Show started with Immortal coming to the ring. Mr. Anderson said he respected everyone out there except for Bully Ray. Anderson issued a challenge for a match against Bully Ray and they started fighting when Fortune comes out and clears the ring. It was never made clear when the match between Anderson & Bully Ray would take place, but we

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Man, what a fantastic show the July 28th episode of Impact was. The last two episodes were a bit hit and miss and I was beginning to worry about the path the company was going down but they pulled it back brilliantly this week. I can't say enough good things about the BFG Series and how they make wins and losses mean something, the matches are unpredictable and for once it feels like the results are important. As for the show breakdown;


The Angle/Hogan showdown was surprisingly good with Hogan making an impassioned speech about not being able to wrestle anymore.


RVD/Gunner was essentially a Gunner showcase with RVD doing his usual spots. RVD wins but he sure as hell didn't deserve to.


I've been complaining for a long time about Sting's attire and he looked great in his James Mitchell handmedown suit.


Crimson/Bully Ray was a great contest with Ray trying to take out Crimson's knee, great storytelling.


Winter/Tara was better than it had any right to be.


The Velvet/Traci/ODB/Jackie was good storytelling, if this is supposed to be an this is an anti-bullying storyline then they're doing everything right here. Traci is the epitome of a butterface though, she looks like Michael Jackson did near the end. Weird.


Kendrick/Abyss was excellent stuff and the addition of the Ultimate X gimmick was a great idea, this was a million times better than their Destination X match.


The revelation about Sting having pretended to be the network executive all along could have failed spectacularly but Sting's line about people being easily manipulated by expensive suits was spot-on. The bird routine was a bit hammy but as long as Bischoff doesn't come out next week wearing an eyepatch or pretending to be blind I'll let it pass.


Angle/Anderson was surprisingly enjoyable, I don't usually enjoy Anderson's matches but he bumped like crazy for Kurt. Even the Fortune lumberjacks outside of the cage, which sounds a bit silly on paper, served their purpose when the inevitable Immortal run-in occured, having Mexican America join in and single out Beer Money was a superb piece of booking and sets up the match between the two teams at Hardcore Justice. Anderson calling Bully Ray "penis face" (I think that's what he said) was amusing and the friction between Ray and Anderson which eventually cost Anderson the match makes me want to watch next weeks show to see where it goes.


From top to bottom it was a great wrestling show with a lot of unpredictable contests, interesting angles and compelling storylines. A total contrast to Raw's "one storyline only" policy.

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Just saw the 28th show. It was alright. I think the X Division stuff was the highlight. The build up for the 3 way X title match at Hardcore Justice has me looking forward to that and hoping Austin Aries wins the belt. And for the TV show we got provided with some fun with Sting making his re-match with Brian Kendrick an ultimate X match.


But overall seeing Sting constantly pwn everyone has become extremely tiresome. In the long run, I hope that his unstoppable insane character is used as a formidable challenge to Kurt Angle which they can stretch out to Bound for Glory. Being that Sting is the last big name Angle has never beaten in his career, its the final accomplishment he has left to do.

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