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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Sadly, I think Crimson will be the guy. I can't see him catching on though, he's went months undefeated and he#s yet to heat up in the slightest.


I can see them doing a Angle/Sting v Hogan/Gunner match at BFG.


Anyway cracking show again. Krimson Sting is the best thing going today, brother. Loved him singing Eye of the Tiger.

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The Bound For Glory thing still has a long way to go yet and so far Crimson's been pretty dominant, but I'm not expecting it to last. I don't think they'd push someone like Crimson, or even Gunner for that matter, into the title picture just yet.

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I like what they announced about the BFG Series (might have mentioned it before but I didn't notice), they said that the top four at the end will fight in a four-way match (which we knew already), but they added that it's not just the winner of that match who receives the title shot, but the one with most points after the match is done.


So it might get to the point (just for example) that Crimson, Morgan and Gunner can all win the series with a pinfall or submission in the four-way match, but Roode has to win by submission only to be able to get enough points to win. They could have him getting pinfall opportunities, but having to ignore it in favour of going for a tap-out. Could be a very interesting match.

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Nice! They've already had Samoa Slow going for submissions instead of pins to maximise the points, so they're definitely laying the groundwork for it.


For all the bitching about Vince Russo, if this series is his idea then all respect to him.

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Bobby Roode will win it. He has to. Its how wrestling has worked since it first started using storylines. Bobby's fucked up early on, and now he'll have to craw and scrap to get to the position where he wins the title shot league. The BFG Series is a good way of getting the likes of Gunnar and Crimson wins and establish them as a force in TNA. They dont even have to win it. Hogan did a worked interview on BTLS recently and he said but over Bobby Roode big, and was hinting like he was going to be the next man.


Another good show. KrimSting was at his mental best again this week. I dont get why people dislike it (or at least I dont get the reasons people dislike it). He's nothing like Health Ledger's version of the Joker. Nothing at all from where I'm sitting. He's more like Basil Fawlty than Ledger. There's parts of the Joker, but he's more like the Jack Nicholson version than anything else. He's been great in the role. He looks so motivated and its shows in his performances. Hogan looks well up for it as well, which takes some doing. Thank fuck Anderson is a heel again. Immortal need the numbers and Anderson was to confusing as a face. He was so unlikable. Immortal is probably at its best right now when it comes to hilarity and star power. Hogan, Bully Ray, Jarrett, Steiner, Anderson and Gunner (forget Abyss). Some of my favourite people there. It was also interesting to see that Jack Evans is still alive. It was like 2003 again.

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Bobby Roode will win it. He has to. Its how wrestling has worked since it first started using storylines. Bobby's fucked up early on, and now he'll have to craw and scrap to get to the position where he wins the title shot league. The BFG Series is a good way of getting the likes of Gunnar and Crimson wins and establish them as a force in TNA. They dont even have to win it. Hogan did a worked interview on BTLS recently and he said but over Bobby Roode big, and was hinting like he was going to be the next man.

And just as a sidenote, in another recent interview Hogan said the same thing about Matt Morgan when asked who could be the guy to carry TNA to the next level.


Whether it's Roode, Morgan or Styles (the 3 people who I consider to be the most likely guys to win the tournament) I'm really, really loving it so far. It just makes things much more interesting. Kudos to whoever came up with the idea. Anyway, the way I see it either Gunner or Crimson will make it to the final 4 but they won't win. And, with him being as great as he's been these past few months, I'm hoping Bully Ray will make it to the final 4 as well.

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Bobby Roode will win it. He has to. Its how wrestling has worked since it first started using storylines. Bobby's fucked up early on, and now he'll have to craw and scrap to get to the position where he wins the title shot league. The BFG Series is a good way of getting the likes of Gunnar and Crimson wins and establish them as a force in TNA. They dont even have to win it. Hogan did a worked interview on BTLS recently and he said but over Bobby Roode big, and was hinting like he was going to be the next man.


Another good show. KrimSting was at his mental best again this week. I dont get why people dislike it (or at least I dont get the reasons people dislike it). He's nothing like Health Ledger's version of the Joker. Nothing at all from where I'm sitting. He's more like Basil Fawlty than Ledger. There's parts of the Joker, but he's more like the Jack Nicholson version than anything else. He's been great in the role. He looks so motivated and its shows in his performances. Hogan looks well up for it as well, which takes some doing. Thank fuck Anderson is a heel again. Immortal need the numbers and Anderson was to confusing as a face. He was so unlikable. Immortal is probably at its best right now when it comes to hilarity and star power. Hogan, Bully Ray, Jarrett, Steiner, Anderson and Gunner (forget Abyss). Some of my favourite people there. It was also interesting to see that Jack Evans is still alive. It was like 2003 again.

It's the make up. I think he's more like Jim Carrey in The Mask (although that may have a lot to do with Jim Carrey looking like the Stinger). People are going on about Sting, but I fully agree he's dragged Hogan out of his slumber.


I really hope you're right about Bobby Roode. He's the only guy in the whole of wrestling I can really get behind as a fresh World champion. He has everything.

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And just as a sidenote, in another recent interview Hogan said the same thing about Matt Morgan when asked who could be the guy to carry TNA to the next level.

He hasnt been putting Morgan over in every interview and had onscreen interaction with him, like he has Roode though. Morgan wont win it. They'll get bored with him by August, like they usually do.

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It's interesting how the houseshow footage all appeared to take place in buildings and arenas that were vastly superior to the Impact Zone, some of footage took place in an outdoor venue which appeared to have drawn an exceptionally large crowd. One thing which people, myself included, have complained about for many years is how desperately TNA needs to escape from the Impact Zone crowd, I know Hogan has stated that the company intends to start traveling soon and I for one hope that they do.

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Gonna say something controversial here: I don't hate Abyss at the moment. I'm watching catch-up, have gotten to Sting's second week as the Joker character (which is awesome, and is more like Cesar Romero or Jack Nicholson than Ledger), and whilst I agree Abyss' work since Hogoff got to TNA has been dire, I'm liking his "Art Of War" gimmick.


I've been waiting for a relatively decently-done strategist gimmick since Lex Luger before he got massive, and I think Abyss has been pretty interesting with it.

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It's interesting how the houseshow footage all appeared to take place in buildings and arenas that were vastly superior to the Impact Zone, some of footage took place in an outdoor venue which appeared to have drawn an exceptionally large crowd. One thing which people, myself included, have complained about for many years is how desperately TNA needs to escape from the Impact Zone crowd, I know Hogan has stated that the company intends to start traveling soon and I for one hope that they do.

I think that had more to do with them getting a good crowd in NY again. Previous weeks you can clearly tell a few hundred people bothered, they just make sure to film a tight flat angle, so you see nothing of the crowd other than the first row.


TNA can draw decent crowds. They just never promote shows.

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He does look disgracefully flabby. Should've kept the old-school Sting gear, made him look less of a pudger.

My biggest problem with his physique is his Jack Evans size arms. Stings 52, with a bad shoulder and looks better than Anderson.

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