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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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June 30th Results


Credit: PWInsider.com


*Mexican America are cutting a promo, only to be challenged by British Invasion, setting up a future bout. Might be next week, might be PPV.

Which team is turning face?

i would assume the invasion, since mexican america actually get on tv

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Just watched Steiner v Bully Ray...


One of the worst matches I have ever seen. Steiner moves as if he can't move and barely managed to work the match. The end was just hillarious. Instead of hitting Steiner with the chain Ray gently brushed his "throat" with the chain.



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Yeah but Bully explained in the promo after that he went for Steiners throat after he apparently injured Steiners throat a few years ago even through Steiner did it in Mexico hence why he went for his throat..

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Yeah but Bully explained in the promo after that he went for Steiners throat after he apparently injured Steiners throat a few years ago even through Steiner did it in Mexico hence why he went for his throat..


But I don't watch "Impact Wrestling" every week now and so I wouldn't have watched his 'promo'.

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Yeah but Bully explained in the promo after that he went for Steiners throat after he apparently injured Steiners throat a few years ago even through Steiner did it in Mexico hence why he went for his throat..


But I don't watch "Impact Wrestling" every week now and so I wouldn't have watched his 'promo'.


So.... You watched something out of context and didn't get it in other words?


I agree the match was so so but the ending seemed fine.

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July 7th Spoilers


Scott Brooks was at the Impact tapings on Tuesday night and sent the results for the July 7th episode of Impact Wrestling.


The show started with Bully Ray, Scott Steiner, and Gunner from Immortal coming to the ring. Mr. Anderson eventually came out. Ray lets Anderson know that he is either with them or against them. Steiner and Gunner also have something to say to Anderson. They mention the handicap match that Immortal has against Sting and Kurt Angle later tonight. Sting's music hits and the lights in the Impact Wrestling Zone go out. The lights go back on and Kurt Angle ends up in the ring and lays out the members of Immortal before having a stare down with Anderson


In a Bound for Glory Series Match: Crimson defeated Bobby Roode via Red Sky.


Abyss is backstage with a towel over his head. They cut to Brian Kendrick in his robe meditating wearing while Abyss' mask.


In the ring, a now fully clothed Brian Kendrick comes to the ring wearing Abyss' mask. Kendrick calls out Abyss, who is still wearing the towel over his head. Kendrick cuts a cryptic promo on why Abyss wears a mask and he mentions their match at Destination X. Kendrick gives the mask back to Abyss, who puts it on. After putting the mask on, Abyss beats up Kendrick and hits Shock Treatment followed by a Black Hole Slam. Abyss goes outside and grabs a chair and is about to hit Kendrick with it, but Amazing Red, Generation Me, and Alex Shelley make the save while Abyss leaves the ring.


Kurt Angle is walking around backstage until he sees Sting, who is laughing. Sting cuts a promo talking about next week

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Since RVD decided to botch as much as he could in the main event of TripleMania, including walking down the bloody ramp, does anyone know where TNA's going with their angle with AAA?


I watched it. It wasn't fas as bad as you make it sound. Not everything looked " perfect" during the match, which i.m.o. is actually a good thing.

A match filled with " flawless", anticipated spots makes me view it as "rehearsed" and absolutely fake.


And c'mon, he just slipped for a sec while walking down the ramp. It isn't like he fell flat on his face.....


It still felt rehearsed, it just felt badly rehearsed. His dropkick into a chair in the corner was awful. Damned if I'd let him do that to me. L.A. Park and El Mesias had a pretty good match before it that felt like a genuine fight and then RVD comes on and offers that poor performence for the main event? Its not a case of looking perfect, I've not a big fan of that myself, but more a case of RVD looking dangerous as either like he couldn't be arsed at all or tipsy. I couldn't decide which.


Surely RVD would look like Shawn Michaels compared to the amount of botches and lack of selling in Lucha? I bet they loved him over there.


Yeah, but they've kinda been embedded into the style, RVD's match was just a sloppy anticlimatic bore. Its fine him phoning it in when it comes to TNA, but going to AAA's biggest show in front of an audience TNA would love and looking like you don't wanna be there and can't bothered in the slightest is a bit different.


Admittedly the show wasn't great but it was a poor main event offering against a a genuinely good worker. Jarrett had already offered a fantastic heel performence, and Park and Mesias had a pretty good grudge match and then there's RVD botches to finish the show. Its more AAA's fault for booking it that way but I can get that they wanted the feel good ending.

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A chain to the throat is usually a logical ending to a fight. It doesnt matter if you didnt know he had previously injured his throat.


It wasn't that he chose the neck to target it was how hard he hit him. Hardly made contact.

Of course he didn't. Its not real.

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There's a thing called selling? Not quite sure if you've heard of it. Very poorly sold.

Why would Steiner sell it if it "hardly hit him"? What is your argument here? He either sold the effect of the blow poorly because the chain shot wasn't done correctly or it was an incredible looking shot to the neck that Steiner didn't sell? Your changing the things you hate about it now? Stuff like that is trivial as fuck and makes no difference to the enjoyment of anyone on the show. When I see a piledriver and the next 30 years of television isn’t filled with that person on a drip, communicating using only his nose, I would be forgiven in thinking that move was undersold as well. The match ended with Steiner on the mat. If you open you mind up a bit (which is what wrestling fans need to do to suspend disbelief while watching a show featuring grown men being throw into bouncy ropes in their knickers), Steiner could have been coughing up blood in the back and spent the next week in hospital. Nitpicking much?

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