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30 Days of Gaming

Super Cena

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Mass Effect 2. Incredible from start to finish, brilliantly put together, fantastic to explore, overall narrative that makes you give a damn about every character. Irredeemably evil, and horrible villains.


Superb game, one of the best ever. Just pips ME1.

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Right, I'm going to name four games with three completely different stories to tie in first place here.


1. Final Fantasy VII

Hate to be predictable, but if I were to choose a game out of these four to have the best plot, it'd probably be this one. The story's so involving and, at times, completely heart-breaking. Even a lot of the side characters have engrossing back stories, for example, Dyne. If you've not played this game I urge you to try it asap.



2. The Secret of Monkey Island

The example is pretty much the game played in full, I can't find a short exerpt on Youtube that isn't either the Special Edition or spoken over. Watch the into from about 1.40 onwards and you'll get the gist.


Anyway, Monkey Island is probably the funniest computer game I've ever played. It manages to combine sharp, clever humour with an intriguing and involving plot. You really do root for the character of Guybursh. His love scene within the game is one of the funniest I've ever seen, but still manages to be both romantic and sweet. The writing is sharp, the story is original and the game is good fun. It's available for next to nothing on the iPhone, so buy it now!!


3. Fallout 3

Example - game opening

As you can see fron the opening the game immediately propels you into the lonely and terrifying world of a ruined Washington DC. The story in this game is a little different in that it can be what you want it to be. There's the main story that you can blitz through fairly rapidly if you want to, but there's also hours and hours worth of side stories that flesh the game out into something unbelievably good. You really feel involved in this terrifying, bleak world and you have a genuine affect over the outcome of the story depending on what you choose to do.


4. Bioshock

I hate shooters, yet I love Bioshock and it's a direct result of the plot. It's terrifying, engrossing and incredibly enjoyable. The world of Rapture is bleak but brilliant, and the slow reveals and snippets into what's happened through tape recordings is a great way to progress the plot, and really fits into the gameplay. The enigmatic character of Andrew Ryan is intriguing and the game's build up to whether or not you meet him (I won't spoil it) is very well done. You WANT to find out who this man is and why he's done what he's done. Brilliant plot.

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Mass Effect 2. Incredible from start to finish, brilliantly put together, fantastic to explore, overall narrative that makes you give a damn about every character. Irredeemably evil, and horrible villains.


Superb game, one of the best ever. Just pips ME1.



Seconded. Mass Effect 2 is truly incredible in its story telling. The dialogue is fantastic and unlike most other games that try, you really feel the decisions you make affect the how things go down. Send the wrong person to do a job and they'll die. It's just brilliant.


1. Final Fantasy VII

Hate to be predictable, but if I were to choose a game out of these four to have the best plot, it'd probably be this one. The story's so involving and, at times, completely heart-breaking. Even a lot of the side characters have engrossing back stories, for example, Dyne. If you've not played this game I urge you to try it asap.


This pretty much sums it up aswell. It's so brilliantly written and as Ron says you feel so immersed in the game throughout.


My other nomination for best story is Metal Gear Solid 1-4 (yeah I know I keep going on about it). I know it's pretty mental by the end, but it really sucked me in and the characters are also great. It takes some genuinely surprising twists and turns along the way. It's the story Kojima wanted to tell and no one got in the way of that, but I'll talk more about this in the final question.



I don't really have a favourite genre, I like a bit of everything.

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1. Final Fantasy VII

Hate to be predictable, but if I were to choose a game out of these four to have the best plot, it'd probably be this one. The story's so involving and, at times, completely heart-breaking. Even a lot of the side characters have engrossing back stories, for example, Dyne. If you've not played this game I urge you to try it asap.


This pretty much sums it up aswell. It's so brilliantly written and as Ron says you feel so immersed in the game throughout.


Crisis Core supports this nicely, adding to the back story of several characters. I love FFVII so very, very much. Also, Mr Freebird saying there is no saddest in game scene clearly has not played these games, but I'm running away from myself.

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Capital Wasteland in Fallout 3. This destroyed, ugly yet strangely beautiful world is a joy to play through. And its sheer epic size and the fact that you never know what you're going to come across...amazing.

I'd agree with that. It's absolutely incredible how two people can go through the game and have two totally different experiences based on where they visit. The first town I found was Big Town, and one of my friends found Megaton - so I branched off from there, and found a tonne of new places before I even knew Megaton existed. It's only when we started chatting about it we realized how different things were - he found the Republic of Dave, I found the Antagonizer...he found a comic book store that contained a text adventure game on one of the computers (I STILL haven't found that...) probably the best game world ever. Brilliant.


I loved Capital Wasteland, but felt so let-down by the game in the end, which I felt didn't do the place justice. The animation on the inhabitants was pretty bloody appalling, and they glided over the terrain like they were WipeOut vehicles.


Plus, by about halfway through the plot I was clad in super-mecha armour with massive plasma cannons and churning through underground complexes full of mutants. The topside lost all its fear by that point. In Red Dead Redemption, the difference in your deadliness from the start of the game was significant, but not so much that it made the world look smaller. I'd have been happy roaming about Capital Wasteland with a duster and a pistol for many more hours than I did.

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I loved Capital Wasteland, but felt so let-down by the game in the end, which I felt didn't do the place justice. The animation on the inhabitants was pretty bloody appalling, and they glided over the terrain like they were WipeOut vehicles.


Plus, by about halfway through the plot I was clad in super-mecha armour with massive plasma cannons and churning through underground complexes full of mutants. The topside lost all its fear by that point. In Red Dead Redemption, the difference in your deadliness from the start of the game was significant, but not so much that it made the world look smaller. I'd have been happy roaming about Capital Wasteland with a duster and a pistol for many more hours than I did.

You know, I'm yet to play Red Dead Redemption even though I own it. I was under the impression it was closer to Grand Theft Auto than it was Fallout 3, and that's kind of what's put me off giving it a try. As much as I enjoyed GTA3 and Vice City, San Andreas and GTAIV really didn't do much for me at all.


I'd agree with you about the Fallout 3 ending by the way, I wasn't keen on it either.

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Forgot all about this the other day, but add Sonic CD to the list of overrated games. It's better than Sonic 1, but much worse than 2, 3 and Knuckles.


As for best story I've got to go with Mass Effect 1+2. I say both purely because you can import your character and the sequel is directly set after the previous game so they're like 1 big game together. Stunning self-storytelling.

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Forgot all about this the other day, but add Sonic CD to the list of overrated games. It's better than Sonic 1, but much worse than 2, 3 and Knuckles.

Totally agree with this pick, though I'd probably say I prefer Sonic 1 to CD. They were as well to totally ignore the spin dash function in this game, it was implimented so sloppily. It actually breaks up the speed and pace of the game, when really it should be there to enchance it.

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Oh actually. Aside from Mass Effect I'd say the best story for me would be Eternal Champions on the Megadrive. The basic story is that the master of the universe or something, the Eternal Champion bring back a load of people who were bound for greatness but died before they were meant to, so for example a cat burglar called Larcen gets tricked into thinking he's planting false evidence on a rival mob boss in a hospital, but he gets double crossed and finds out that the mob boss is actually the chief of police and the package he has is a bomb. It goes off and kills everyone in the hospital, including him.

So he brings them back and has them all fight and whoever wins gets to be taken back to the moment before they died to change it. It has fantastic backstories for everyone in it, a massive range of characters and styles. Really good storytelling, especially for a fighting game.

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I forgot a game too, it's amazing what comes back to you:



Another World


Specifically, the Amiga version.


It's one of the most atmospheric games I've ever played, and manages to tell a stunning story without using any words. It's emotional, gripping, thrilling and the closest thing to an interactive movie that the Amiga could possibly offer. And by that I mean you play it enjoying the gameplay, but are enticed to do so by the incredible storyline.

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The first Resident Evil, for story and setting (which I missed the other day). The plot is rubbish and nowhere near as good as Red Dead, but as a youth I loved it and I've still got very fond memories. The live action intro, when such things were still new. The STARS team sent into the spooky mansion and finding a zombie outbreak caused by evil scientists. I was really into the journal entries and stuff that were laying around. "Itchy... Tasty." I think it became less interesting as you get further in and get to the labs, but the Barry plot twist still got me.

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potential derailing here, hope Super Cena isn't angry, but obviously Red Dead Redemption is worth playing yeah? (not a big GTA fan btw)

Yeah, its definitely worth playing. It does feel a lot like GTA in the way the story is told, the controls, and the way the mission are laid out, but its significantly more entertaining/enjoyable than GTA4. I felt always felt GTA peaked at Vice City, and while San Andreas was good, it was the start of the GTA games starting to dissappear up their arses. I felt GTA4 was almost pretentious, and a big session of Rockstar people giving themselves huge pats on the back, but they lost a lot of what made the first couple of games so much fun to play. They almost became a bit of a chore to have to do things in your gaming session, like dates, going to the gym, eating, etc. They lost a bit of the "pick up and play" charm that 3 and Vice City had. None of these draw backs are there in RDR. It is still essentially GTA in the Wild West, but its a hell of a lot of fun. The story is excellent, there are some really good missions, and some really emotional scenes.


Definitely a high recommendation. But I would advise to stick with it at first. When I first got it, I was thinking it was going to be just another disappointment like GTA4, and I was nearly going to give up on it after the first couple of plays, but I stuck with it, and boy was I rewarded. Its the only game I have ever got a 100% completion for, cause its was the only game ever where I genuinely wanted to do absolutely everything there is to be done.

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