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30 Days of Gaming

Super Cena

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Can't post pics atm, but for me it would have to be Outset Island from the Wind Waker, beautiful, peaceful and idylic island to spend your days.


I was going to post Outset or Windfall :laugh:


I might just say Wind Waker as a whole.

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First game i ever played was Frogger on an ancient(even by the standards at the time) IBM computer in about 1993/4.


First game i played on a console was Sonic The Hedgehog cos it was built into my Sega MasterSystem. On a side note did anyone else on here have a MasterSystem with Sonic built into it cos just about everyone we knew back then had the one with Alex Kidd built in so i'm just wondering how common they were.


Sonic was built into the lter systems, the Alex Kidd ones are more common yeah. I have one with Hang On buit in, and some really early ones had "Snail maze" built in.


Guilty Pleasure


TIF 2003




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I can't believe I've come in from work to find a near 30 page, 400+ post masterpiece in the making of a thread get kicked in the nuts thanks to one post.


Freebird, shame on you.


EDIT: Please, do not even think about attempting that in the on-topic one.




If I was a mod, I'd have you take on TripleA in a written rap battle on here; should you lose to TripleA then you'd be slapped with a seven day suspension.


I've always liked you Richie, way to turn heel on me bro.

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Sometimes less is more. The limited graphics of Bard's Tale were hugely enhanced by the cool map that came with it. Scara Brae was a classic fantasy setting, full of mystery and danger. Once down into the cellars and catacombs under the city, danger was at every turn, and your visits back to the surface to recharge and heal gave you a real affection for the streets of this strange place. Taking down the gollums that blocked the entrances to the towers was a real accomplishment.


I was hugely disappointed when they re-imagined the Bard's Tale game as some sort of camp joke. This was serious business!

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Capital Wasteland in Fallout 3. This destroyed, ugly yet strangely beautiful world is a joy to play through. And its sheer epic size and the fact that you never know what you're going to come across...amazing.

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I can't believe I've come in from work to find a near 30 page, 400+ post masterpiece in the making of a thread get kicked in the nuts thanks to one post.


Freebird, shame on you.


EDIT: Please, do not even think about attempting that in the on-topic one.




If I was a mod, I'd have you take on TripleA in a written rap battle on here; should you lose to TripleA then you'd be slapped with a seven day suspension.


I've always liked you Richie, way to turn heel on me bro.


Sorry mate, I assume you

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I know it looks pretty crap by modern standards and doesn't have the impact that some of the epic vistas that today's games provide, but I will never get tired of looking at the beautifully illustrated cartoon backgrounds of Monkey Island 2. A game which I adored as a kid, and the artwork was a large reason for it. If I could live in any game setting, I would love to live on a cartoon Caribbean island with an appropriately piratey name. Where you never die.

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It's okay Richie, I forgive you. Hopefully we can put this behind us and start a fresh :laugh:




I didn't think that tomorrow's question, which was meant to be 'Favourite genre' would create a great deal of discussion, so I'm all for skipping straight to 'Game with the best story' if you lot are okay with that?


The only thing now is that we're going to finish a fair few days short at this rate and it would be nice to make it to 30 days. Remember, I didn't make this list up so there's no need to think you'll offend me if you say any of them aren't so good, so if anyone's got any good ideas for questions then please suggest them and we'll try and make it to 30 days!

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Capital Wasteland in Fallout 3. This destroyed, ugly yet strangely beautiful world is a joy to play through. And its sheer epic size and the fact that you never know what you're going to come across...amazing.


Was coming in here to post this. The greatest gaming experience I have ever had. Its a proper open ended universe, not a bullshit fake "open ended" gameworld like GTA. Its such a scary, beautiful, intense, lonely, vicious, captivating and wonderful place.




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Capital Wasteland in Fallout 3. This destroyed, ugly yet strangely beautiful world is a joy to play through. And its sheer epic size and the fact that you never know what you're going to come across...amazing.

I'd agree with that. It's absolutely incredible how two people can go through the game and have two totally different experiences based on where they visit. The first town I found was Big Town, and one of my friends found Megaton - so I branched off from there, and found a tonne of new places before I even knew Megaton existed. It's only when we started chatting about it we realized how different things were - he found the Republic of Dave, I found the Antagonizer...he found a comic book store that contained a text adventure game on one of the computers (I STILL haven't found that...) probably the best game world ever. Brilliant.

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But let's not forget the wasteland from Fallout:new Vegas which might even be better than Fallout 3's wasteland. It has a HUGE variety in it's locations and the north of the map looks completely different than the south (something that could be said for Fallout 3) and all the different factions and enemies (Fallout 3 was seemingly super mutants and raiders everywhere, New Vegas has a much much larger assortment of foes). The Mojave might even be better than the Capital Wasteland just because there isn't any underground tunnels or anyone near as many Mirelurks.

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