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Ole injured!

Fatty Facesitter

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- Ole Anderson, member of the original Four Horsemen, has suffered a broken arm and many cracked ribs in a recent fall.


He has also been battling MS for the past several years.


Credit: PWInsider




If that's not being a twat for the sake of it, I don't know what is.


Hope Ole gets better soon.

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If that's not being a twat for the sake of it, I don't know what is.


Hope Ole gets better soon.

Don't think Ole is particularly well liked. Well known for being a miserable old cock.


He's obviously forgotten how to bump.


And please leave out all the "pCc" bollocks, both for and against. Just let people post how they want, within the rules, and everyone will get along fine.

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It's Rick's name for the cool kidz on the forum, but like Dr Frankenstein, his creation has grown into a monster that is now beyond his control, and the Paidos are banging on the door with pitchforks and burning torches.

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  • Paid Members
- Ole Anderson, member of the original Four Horsemen, has suffered a broken arm and many cracked ribs in a recent fall.


He has also been battling MS for the past several years.


Credit: PWInsider



Was there really any need to be a cock? At his age injuries like that can be pretty serious.

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Hold your horses chaps, in no way was there any negative intent. There was nothing to really add after posting the link in my case, hence the diddums reply.

Which is pretty condescending don't you think? Not to mention the unnecessary dig at certain people in the thread subheading.

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Hold your horses chaps, in no way was there any negative intent. There was nothing to really add after posting the link in my case, hence the diddums reply.

Which is pretty condescending don't you think? Not to mention the unnecessary dig at certain people in the thread subheading.


It wasn't a dig. 'Twas merely an ironic sub-heading. Don't be such a pansy.

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If there was nothing to add after the link, you could have...you know....added nothing?


I'm too cool for pCc.

You have a 'z' in your name rather than the conventional (and correct) 's'. Of course you are.


He was probably attacked backstage by those Russians.

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