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Impact Spoilers for Thursday


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From the last 2 Impacts, Anderson-Hardy and the 6 women tag were given plenty of time. Would you really want every match on the TV show to go 15 minutes? I for one am looking forward to the Jarrett wedding, he's been one of the most entertaining people in TNA since Bound for Glory.

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But it's a cause for celebration that TNA isn't relying on those oldies anymore

In other news the March 3rd episode of Impact is going to be based around Karen and Jeff Jarrett renewing their wedding vows, whether Ric Flair is with Fortune or against them and the return of Hulk Hogan.


The youth movement is finally in place!!! COME ON!

At least Hulk can only turn up and be shit once every 6 months these days. That's got to be reason to celebrate. COME ON!


Only just had a chance to watch this show and I thought it was a good show. Fortune being ''They'' is great for me, the Immortal angle should be used to get some of the long time TNA guys over and it looks like they'll be doing so. AJ's promo was great, he's really improved on the mic and hopefully he can now go on to be the fully fledged face of TNA.


As for the rest of the show, Hardy/Anderson and Mickie/Sarita were both very good TV matches and the Hardy/Anderson promo was really well done too.


Well, as is often the case, this show was nowhere near as bad as those who took a couple of minutes to scan a website for spoilers made it out to be.


The build-up for Anderson vs Hardy had me desperate to see the match by the time it came around. I was much more interested in this than I was the "They" reveal, which had been made pretty transparent by the whole "where is Ric Flair?" story through the show. I think anyone who has even loosely been following pro-wrestling in the last few weeks will have known that "They" couldn't have been the Main Event Mafia by virtue of the fact that Kevin Nash and Booker T had only recently wrestled on a WWE Pay-Per-View.


The only disappointing aspect about "They" being Fo(u)rtune, for me, was that they should never have been alligned with Immortal in the first place. Sure, it made for a great episode of Impact the night where Fo(u)rtune alligned themselves with Immortal, but they seemed much better suited to being the natural rivals to Hogan's group. The whole TNA Originals vs Hogan and Bischoff's big cheque signings aspect should have been the focus from the beginning, so I'm glad they're finally getting around to playing it out that way.

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It may of allready been said, but with "They" being fourtune, has anybody else thought about the past year of TNA making NO sense at all?


Fourtune were the heels to start with, they fueded with Hogan/bishoff & CO, who where the faces. Of course Hogan & Co turned Heel joining Fortune in the process.


Now Fortune are the good guys who didnt want to part of immortal, but they where the bad guys to start with. Is it just me who thinks on paper, that makes no sense at all?


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