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Bringing back Batista.

Fatty Facesitter

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It's been a fair few months now since Batista left the WWE and began to pursue other ventures like MMA and acting. It was kind of a shame at the time because his rivalry with John Cena was making for interesting TV, plus his fresher heel character was a sight to behold at times. His promos got better, he was more vicious in the ring, the spotlight stuff, everything about him seemed to kick into a higher gear after he'd been seemingly treading water as a babyface for awhile.


I don't miss the guy much, but I wouldn't complain at all if he suddenly came back. What would YOU want to see Batista do should he come back? There's been a few changes in the WWE and some emerging new stars have taken the spotlight since he left. Which opponents would you select for him? Would you bring him back as a face or heel? And also, would you bring him back to Smackdown or Raw?


Or, would you not have him back at all and tell him to go on his merry way as he drifts off into MMA obscurity.


Do you miss him? Does WWE even need him?

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His best matches for me were vs Taker at Wrestlemania 23 and the HIAC vs Triple H by far. 2 cracking matches them were.


Being an MMA fan, I'm very intigued to see how he gets on in that sport. Despite his age and lack of experience, he's training with a top camp and they're saying all good things about him.


No doubt though he'd be good for WWE if he came back. He always seemed very popular and seemed to be over as face or heel. Always preferred him as a heel myself, maybe he'll come back when he's done fighting and play a 'too good for pro wrestling' heel like Rock in '03 or something?


Wouldn't say WWE actually 'needs' him but at the minute they're pretty thin on big name top guys IMO (although that may not be the case, admittedly I haven't kept up with WWE much for a bit)


I've seen so many people in the IWC shit on Batista even after the heel turn. As a face, yes, he was stale. Not amazing. As you said though, the heel character was a breath of fresh air. It suited his look. Down to the little things like the spotlight, answering back to the fan that said 'I hate you' with 'I hate you too' back. And inparticular 2 of the promos he did before Wrestlemania against Cena were fucking great. Yeah I loved the heel character. I wouldn't say I really miss him that much either, but Id love to see him back as a heel. 'WHAT IS YOUR MALFUNCTION?!' Absolute gold!


As for an opponent. Someone like JoMo I think could work against a guy like Batista. Similar in a way to Sheamus in regards to size. If they really wanted to push Morrison and give him more credibility, more so than Sheamus gave him (though of course the fact that Sheamus has just been losing ever since winning KOTR takes away from that) then Batista I think would be the guy.

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Batista was brilliant as a heel, I loved him in that role. His promos improved enormously and he actually seemed to be enjoying himself, which I think makes all the difference when you're watching someone. Would love to see him back, but they would probably have him back as a face initially, which wouldn't be as much fun.


That short heel run against Cena was the best stuff I've seen on WWE shows in years, IMO. Harked back to the sort of rivalries you'd have in the Attitude era - two guys who just plain don't like each other.


I'm also a big fan of his matches too - he moves well for a big man, looks menacing, and actually appears to be working his arse off (where some wrestlers, like Cena, don't ever seem to break a sweat which spoils the illusion somewhat). I think they've missed him, a lot, but it was good time to take a break as when he DOES come back, there'll be new opponents for him. Top name wrestlers should take years off more. Cena could do with it.


I believe that if Batista were to return in his excellent heel guise, then he would be a great guy to feud with and help to get over some of the young and rising superstars who need an established opponent to push them to the next level (kind of like HHH did for Batista himself). Batista is of the level of superstar where some close and hard fought losses won't harm him, and his persona/character has never really been reliant upon wins and championships anyway. Win or lose, he is still 'the Animal'.


Getting a heel Batista to feud with the likes of John Morrison and such like could do so much for their credibility. What would be pointless would be to bring Batista back and have him run roughshod over all the youngsters.

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How close is he to actually making his MMA debut?


Interesting that people mention John Morrison as potential opponent for him, I recall they had a pretty decent match together a few years ago on Smackdown, around 2007 I think, either when Batista was the World Champion or during a beat the clock challenge, something along those lines. I imagine now with Morrison's improvement since that time and with Batista's excellent heel character prior to his exit, you'd have a pretty entertaining match or two out of them.


Watching some old Evolution stuff, it's amazing to see how far he came in terms of his ring work. He was never the worst wrestler ever, but some of his early stuff was the pits. Fast forward to Wrestlemania last year and I think he had a fantastic match with Cena. I'd say he was near enough at the top of his game prior to his departure and there'd have been plenty more goodness to have come from him last year if he'd have stuck around.

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How close is he to actually making his MMA debut?


I expect as close as Kurt Angle to making his. This will end up being regarded as a work of fiction.


I'd love Big Dave to come back. He cut my favourite promo of post-Attitude, without actually saying a word. I don't give a monkeys who he actually wrestles, I didn't care greatly for his matches. But smug tosser Batista needs to come back.


His heel run was phenomenal, the hottest he was since 2005, but my opinion of him and his worth in the grand scheme of things has been summed up in how utterly apathetic I am to the idea that he might never be a WWE regular again.


He seemed to me the least important, least impressive guy in an era where dozens of up and comers were coming up.


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