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I'd love to your thoughts on the magazine since I dare say a lot has changed since you last picked up a copy. :) Thanks!


Issue 82 of Fighting Spirit Magazine is now available!




In this month's edition, FSM has features on:

- Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara, and their future as WWE pursues the Mexican market

- The most memorable moments from 1,000 episodes of Monday Night Raw

- How WWE should make more of the legends of the industry

- How Ryback's enhancement matches have enhanced his popularity

- FSM looks back on the career of Christopher Daniels, as he enjoys a fine run in TNA

- FSM speaks to Davey Richards about his career, and about his future away from the ring

- How Pat Roach became one of the most famous and well-respected British wrestlers in history

- FSM sits down with Georges St. Pierre to talk his rehab, and whether he can return in 2012


All of this, plus our usual news, PPV and TV reports, and reviews. Stepping up for this month's Guest Column is former WCW and lucha libre star Konnan, who offers is first-hand experience of Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara to suggest how important they can still be for WWE. Jim Cornette is also on hand to discuss his memories of working on Raw, and TNA's Nick

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A Pat Roach article may be the thing that persuades me to part with my cash this month. Loved what I saw of his WOS days when it was on TWC.

John Lister did an excellent job with this one, as you'd expect. He spoke at length with one of Roach's best friends, Harrison Ford's stunt-double, Vic Armstrong.

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Just had a quick flick through looks like another good read noticed.


In the Ask Alex column the questioner withholds his name and Alex begins by answering the question. "Well Darren".


Davey Richards: "I'm not an entertainer, I'm a wrestler". What a ju jitsu jackoff.

Edited by moofasa
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Just had a quick flick through looks like another good read noticed.

In the Ask Alex column the questioner withholds his name and Alex begins by answering the question. "Well Darren".

Davey Richards: "I'm not an entertainer, I'm a wrestler". What a ju jitsu jackoff.


This also made me chuckle


First time i have picked up the mag for at least 6 months, it was a fairly good read, the mag still doesn't grab me like it did a few years ago.


Couple of things-

-The Training Ground is a good idea, interesting read

-The Raw materials article was fun, just wish it had been longer!

-The Jim Cornette story was fun to read

-Pat Roach was a good read, ever consider doing profiles of the old World of Sport guys?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just reading the mag now and have read around half of the articles. Like I thought it's an enjoyable read.


But little things are bugging me. As I previously mentioned the Alex Shane name slip. (not too worried about that).


"World Heavyweight belt that Double J and Daniels - as the front for Vince Russo's Sports Entertainment Xtreme Faction squabbled over throughout the autumn of 2013."


Magnus writes:


"I have benefited from our tag run, both on terms of experience,and more importantly, in terms of reputation."


"At the time, aside from some classic World of Sport bouts, the best thing the channel offered in addition to some classic World of Sport bouts was Pro Wrestling NOAH and New Japan."


I know these are small things and I probably come off as a pedantic tosser but I'm being no more anal than some are about posts on here, the difference being I pay to read the magazine.


I like the mag and look forward to the next issue.

Edited by moofasa
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Have to say I found a couple of the main features a bit disappointing this month. I'm a tad biased because neither of them are exactly my cup of chai, but I found the articles on Davey Richards and Chris Daniels to be a bit one-sided and smarky. The Daniels piece in particular could have done with addressing some of the (very justified) criticisms that people have of his work. It makes hm out to be some sort of wildly under-utilised superworker who is undeniably world-championship material, when in fact he's a very polarising figure among fans, and apparently TNA management judging from how unceremoniously he was released in 2010. Some of Davey Richards' bullshit could have done with more thorough interrogation, as well.


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a bit of positivity after so many years of doom and gloom in The Other Publication That Must Not Be Named, but a bit of balance where it's so obviously warranted would be nice. I'm hoping it's just a blip, because FSM features have been very balanced and well-written lately.


Lister's piece was cracking and informative as usual, though.

Edited by mdh85
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  • 2 weeks later...

Issue 83 of Fighting Spirit Magazine is now available!




In this month's edition, FSM has features on:

- The trend of change in WWE and TNA, and how it can make for a positive future

- The history of the WWE World heavyweight title, and what it means in today's pro wrestling climate

- FSM looks back on SummerSlam 1992, and the peak of the first WWF boom-period in the UK

- How the world's most popular sport plays on the same emotions as pro wrestling

- FSM examines the life and times of former WWWF champion Bruno Sammartino

- Why the 1985-1986 period in Memphis Wrestling is one of the finest in the sport's TV history

- FSM goes in-depth to introduce one of the UK's stand-out performers, Zack Sabre Jr, to a worldwide audience

- How Big Daddy the biggest star in the history of British pro wrestling


All of this, plus our usual news, PPV and TV reports, and reviews.

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Some feedback that I have held back in the past - Richard Luck really needs to stop trying to be a smartarse with his reliance / insistence on using real names, it looks like amateur hour trying to look knowledgeable and cool. Its become an unwelcome trademark of his now. Staying on that topic his article on Daniels last month was like something on a fan website, it was so biased and slanted, talking about one of the biggest opinion dividers in the business as a undeniable superstar and burying Sting like a stroppy super-mark. There were too many ulterior motives and I look forward to impartiality in the articles I read.


I generally enjoy reading the mag and have openly praised the improvements over the last 18 months but I had to get that off my chest as the name thing has been bothering me for ages but the biased article really drew away from the professionalism I see in other writers such as Lister and co.

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Id like to see an article analysing the role of Hiroshi Tanahasi as IWGP champion, and could he become an international star if signed by WWE, and what that could do for the WWE in the Japanese market, in that I think that WWE could do a decent job with him if they wanted to

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